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n r f r ill I, s it t i- e d e e s e !l e of .f - I- to 0 - « • " " "j at * J of 1 ■ ." 0 s i- h ;. i- .. i. | f. ». . I- . D. SECRETARY PARMER IS OPTIMISTIC. Detroit. Mich.. August II. — Waller 0. Parmer, secretary of Hie indaor Jockey Club, ha- returned lr Saratoga, where the sale ol tic- Kdenwotd eiriings took pla.e .n Satarday. "Mr. Hendrie and myself were highly gratified with the result of our sale this year." slid farmer. "We found .in optimistic spirit concerning the rac- ing situation in the east among all lasses of sports ncn, the wealthier class particularly lending their unqualified aid to the sport. In receiving an average of SOM roc the BdeawoM yearling-, we feel the demand for thoroughbreds is rapidly approaching the mark witnessed before Br-GoVeraor Hughe- a I ministered his terrific knocks eight years ago. There seems io b,. a reaction from i he reform wave that swept against racing and. while al Saratoga. I wit nessed scenes familiar to the devotees of the sport. ten years ago. The hotels were all Wed and the tcwa beaming wilh the wealth and fashion of the country win. are there to experience a months eh toymen! al the races, fhe stake and parse display i- nearly i.a.k to where it was before the beery blow was administered and the class of horses there this month represents the best lo be found." Mr. Pal mer dedans thai several owners now- racing at Saratoga will ship to Windsor this week for the second summer mooting, -larting on Satur- day. The increased purse arrangement across the rirer has tempted these horsemen to come here for the weeks racing. The Fort Erie contingent will arrive nt Winds-. r on Thursday, shipments to l»- commenced fr m that track Wednesday afternoon. The aacetlng there ending Wednesday means curtains for that racing plant for the 1915 season and a complete begifa of own. is and trainers will be witnessed, practi- .-ally all of the stables to be shipped to WlBdsor. Judging from the general expression f Detroit Secretary Parmer feels that the Installa- lien of pari-iuutuels al Windsor as a means of speculation was one of the wisest morea ever ma.l. by the olli. ials of that track. "The Interest iu tin- new betting scheme hero was keener ihan I. or any of my confreres ant i. i paled, and now that the public lias familiarized itself with the "iron men. we look for still greater things during the meeting to come. With plea, ml weather, which I believe everv Dctroiter will agree with me this bailiwick is entitled to. we will have the largest crowds in attendance daily ever seen at tin- track across the way. "I do know we are lending every effort to provide the best class of racing available in the oountrv. We have increased the size of the purses p. an average of 00 and that means we will have the class of horses that such an increase will draw. "Money makes the mare go is an aged aphorism and by that token we expect exciting sport provid-1. ing lasl tracks are afforded during the week."