Fort Erie Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-12


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1 1 1 I I 1 ■ . I 1 I . . . 3 I . . . I 1 . ■ • 1 FORT ERIE FORM CHART. FORT ERIE. 0NT., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1915. Seventh and last day. Xiagai l Racing Association. See, .nil Summer Meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge. Francis Xelsoii. Starter, A. R. Itade. Racing Secretary, J. R. Caiupliell. Pacing starts at 2:4.7 p. in. Ithi.ago time 1:4.7 p. in. I. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in pareBtheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. %7%%T%~ Q7 FIRST RACK— 5-8 Mile. 84542— 1:00%— 2— 101%. Parse 8900. 2-year obis. «4_ «4_ JL O I Canadian-foaled. Silling. Net falaa to winner ?4lHi; second. 0: third. *:!0. Index Batata AWtPPSt1! M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners lapiiv. Odds Strt 214H4 l.ATI-7 HOIKS w MO :: I :.*. l1 1" l J Smyth J I Seagram 2093-100 22*30* MISS PAY w : ! .7 8 P 7- 4- -• H Stearns W Walker 850-100 21708*0000 SHOT w 97 I 2 P V V V V Lowder J 8 Hendric 280-1OII 220S62FOXLET w 1021 8 "• 8" 41 8*4* W Obert Brookdale Stable 825-100 22086 • KATHLEEN H. W H01 1 1 P* 6« 6* 51 F Cooper J Hendricks 285-100 220S6*HBCLAS FLAMB w n 8S 7 l B 84 6* 8* J Morys M l.e Bay 200-100 1 1X ROGbTRS v 100 4 7 7 7 7 7 G Romas J W Foster M800-100 Time. 23V5, 483/5. 148%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Kate Hours. .$." ." . 10 straight. 821.90 place, 88.30 show; Miss Fay. 80.20 place, .10 show: Oood Shot. .10 show. Kiiuivalent booking odds Kate Hours. 20.75 to 100 straight. 075 to KM place. 325 to 100 show; Mi-s Fay. 360 to 100 place, 17o to loo show: Good Shot. 106 t 100 show. Winner— B. f, by HaTOC Frow Froa trained by R. T. LlttleOeld. Went to |Mist at 2:45. At post 2 minutes. Start g « d and slow. Won driving: secoa 1 and third the same. LATB HOIKS, off forwardly. moved up rapidlj oa the far turn and easily raced into the lead in the stretch, but tired in the last eighth and had to be hard ridden to outstay MISS FAY. The latter tin-. isliod fast and u-amelv and would have won in another stride or two. GOOD SHOT set a fast early pace. bin tired nadly near the end. HKCI.AS FLAMS piit in the homestretch. KATHI.KKX II. ran poorly. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights — Late Hours. 2b«bbmbs; Foxict. 1; Kathleen H.. F: Diz Rogers. 2. QQ1 Bstfi ■■OtMH RACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 84348—189% 8 108. Purse 1915.sh00. 8 -year -olds w +* 1 O O BBd upward. Selling. Net value to winner 50: second, 0*1; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ]4 2,i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 21814 LADY MEXICAN w • :: M6 2 10 8 R 4". 1" C VanUunII Oats 3440-100 22100 GOLD CAP wp 7 113 : : l" 2 1 21 i" .1 Metcalf 1 A Ambach 540-100 21810*NIOADOO w 4 104 7 11 11M0 8 8* W Ural J o Byrne 8408-100 22078*MAR.KMtIE A. WB 7 114 I 1 1"* 1* 1* 41 F Cooper II G lb-dwell " 55-100 2210! MFi:i.KKA srB 3 MB 13 1 4*6*6* .1 Smvth W P Fine lino 100 ■." 106 ARISTOCRAT w 1: I MO 1 7 P. V. P* 8* A Mott P M Civill 3000-100 17759 McCLINTOCK wsa 8 113 12 2 7. 71 7l 71 T CummgsWheal Citv Stable I20O-1O0 21740 8TONBWOOD wit 3 107 M 8 8*0* ;• s1 R lentry J I Stevens tlOOO-100 21740 SF.ITHKR MORN WB 3 M6 11 5 !•- !l"l lo- 8 .1 CallahanJ C Calm f 220403*.IIM L w 7 ins 1 s r,u U H 10- v Lowder A Brent 4800-100 22*88 BRHAKEatS wa 4 M0 I 8 * 11- 1 1 ". 1 1 . W Obert W P Reed 8000-100 •NELLIE IMX TS w I MM I 12 lu3 1J- 12 12* .1 Morys G Allen r 21838 CHAR. FRANCIS wb 3 MO 6 13 13 13*13 18 A Claver W Feu. liter t Mutied Held. lime. 22«5. 47%. l:00»i. 1:07%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Lady Mexican. 870.80 straight, 0.M» place. 813.70 show: odd Cap. .00 place. $.;.!K show;*Nigadoo, 88.80 show. K.piivahnt booking odds— Lady Mexican. 3448 to MM straight, 1330 to HH place, BBS to loo show: odd Cap, 130 to 100 place, 89 to K«i snow; Nlgadoo, ::". to 100 show. Winner -Ch. f. by Mexican -Lady Scarlet trained by II. lots. Went to post at :!:1s. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third Ihe same. I.AHV MEXICAN steadily improved her position from a slow beginning and. finishing fast and gamely, just managed to get up ill the losing strides. GOLD CAP was much used in forcing the pace and tired right at the end. NIGADOO closed a big gap. MARJORIE A. set a fast pace, hut quit and had no mishaps. MKKKICKA and ARISTOCRAT finished close op. The winner was entered for $:;0O; no hid. Scratched 22162 Dignity, 109; 21874 IRssln Latisser, 100. 441 QQ THIRD RACK— 3-4 Mile. U6611 1:11% I 168. Purse . :; year olds and up-liulOt/ ward. BeBhag. Net value to winner 8460; second. 8160; third. 0 Index Horses AWtPPSt U M :li Str Fill Jockeys Owners lapiiv. OddM Strt 221M*WATER LILT w 1 MB 11 1 1.. 1 ". 1". 1 .. P Lowder G A Alexandra 59O-1O0 217S8*TORT MAID a I KB 5 « :J :- .- 2 V Cooper s m Hendcraoa 349-too 22078- PONTBFRACT WB 6 MO 10 :» Snk .71 4 :; W Kelsav A C Xiehaus 10H5 |M» 21817 l.iuHIF.1. wa 7 10", 2 S 7- 71. 6 4".. I Calhthanll G BedweU 8080-KM 22137J,YORKVILLE WB 5 UI 1 5 2» :!- ::.. ■ - H Stearns J J Rvan 890-100 21557 YORK LAD WB 0 M0 :: 7 4. 0 6 H K Keogh A Newell f 0700 100 21367THE BUSTBODT w 7 110 7 4 6* 8* s1 71 C VanDunMrs 1 1 Mfadch 3800-MW 22881:KNIGHTS DIFFERw « 111 8 :. 6* 61 7l 8 A Claver Thornettffe Stable 1308-100 21040*BUZZ AROUND WB 4 M0 8 2 8H 8" .» ! G Romas Mrs J Arthur SOOO-KO 21080 PEJRPETTUAL m 1MB 4 lo 10 10 10 10 J Clancy C Began t 22081 BETWEEN IS WSB 3 M6 ill Post rider. A Schugr A C Pratt 180-100 tMatud field. lime. 232s. 472. 1:13. Track fast. 82 mutnels paid. Water Lily. 813.00 straight, .00 place. .2o show; Tory Maid. .00 place. $.!.7 l show; Pontefract. .71 show. Bsjatvaleat booking odds— Water I.ilv, 630 to HX straight. 105 to UN place, 110 to 100 show: Tory Maid. 130 to PNi plsce, 88 to KKl show; Pontefract. 180 to IM! show. Winner -Ch. f. by Watercress — Aim. olio trained by F. W. Foster. Went to post at .".:54. At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. WATBB I.ILV begaa fust and. outpacing the others from the start, withstoood a chanllenge from TORY MAID at the eighth post and increased her advantage in the last sixteenth. TORY MAID tired after making a threatening challenge in the homestretch. IOXIKFRACT closed a gap ami was driving at the end. but outstayed LOCHIBL. The bitter made up ground also. YORKVILLK rati a sjaad half and tired. The winner was entered for ll : no bid. £ O "I QA FOURTH RACK- -1 1-16 Miles. 84884 -1:43%— 8 loo. 1 Thirteenth Running Canadian £i tmi -L j J Sportsman Handicap. S1.5O0 Added. 3-year 8BBB and upward. Net value to wiumr 61,680; second, 8200; third. .siK». Index Horses AWtPPSt1! M % Str Fill Jockeys Owners Kiptiv. Odds Strt 22060 RANCHER w 2 MO E S 8? -,s 1- V Is J Smyth G M Hendric 125 100 21917 COMMONADA WB 3 107 8 « l1 1 -- 8»1 2* F Keogh R J Austin 2260-100 22038 WATESRBASS WB 4 la 11 .7 4 4- J1 V T Rice A Turnev 475 100 22I36-PARONER W 8 M0 1 2 V 31 3"M I1. .1 Callahanll G Bedwefl 2400 -MMl 22108 INDOLENCE wit 4 108 2 4 4* 61 64 6" 7 P Cooper RJ Austin t 2210SBARNEOAT SB 5 MO 7 7 «il 7 7 7 81 A Mott B E Wstktea 1149-100 22038tKING HAMBURG WB 3 18 1 1 7 6ak Sas 61] 1 A Claver Thomcliffe Stable 4060-100 tAdded starter. Coupled in betting. Time. 23%. 4735. l:12 /5. 1:37%, 146%. Track fast. 82 mutnels paid. Rancher. .50 straight, 83.00 place. show: R. J. Austin entry. 82,78 place, .10 show: Waterhaas, 83.10 show. BoulvaleBl booking odds- Bancher, 126 to 100 straight. 5t» to 1"» place, 80 t Kki show: R. J. Austin entry, : 5 to kmi place, 20 t.. km» show; Waterhass, 50 to 100 show. Winner — P. c. by GalvestOB — Sweet Lavender trained by J. Walters. Went to pest at 4:34. At 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won cantering: second and third driving. RAXCHKR. after racing under stoat restraint until rounding the far turn, moved up and easily disposed of the pacemaker, then drew away into a Ion:; had and was eased up through the last sixteenth. COMMONADA set a fasl early pace and cam.- again after WATBBBASS passed him at the eighth post and outgaased the latter at the end. WATBBBASS moved up fasl after entering the homestretch, but tired in the last sixteenth. Scratched— 22108*Tacties. 104: 221 10 Privet Petal. 86; 22138 The Widow Mooa, !»«;. Overweights — King Hamburg. 2 pounds. ; Q a 1 Q * 1 FIFTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. 84848— 146%— 3— 100. Purse 8800, 2-year-asda, Sas *•* A « A Selling. Net vain.- to winner 8430; second. 00: third. 830. Index Horses AWtPPSt.1! M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Str t 21000 ILLUMINATOR W 105 S 8 V 2" 1] la L Gentry .1 LsweaatelB 3189-100 22104*TU9H TUSH wb M8 I 4 1»| 1 .- . P Lowder Keystone stable t;25-HM S2104*BDDIB T. wa M0 8 ::- ::.::. V s Wolatm H G BedweU 1029-I«i 22104*1. YXN W M8 19 !• !» S.. 4 fc H Stearns W Walker ipiii-lui 22 104 INVESTMENT w MS 7 1 7 8* 6" S" F Cooper R M civill loo-loo 22105*GLOMER was 108 2 I 4nk 41 41! d W Oral -I 8 Tyree s:;:, ion 21037 Rll.. TLUERTSOX w mt : , 8* 7* 6* 7«* A Mott 8 M Headersoa 570-100 22133 PR. OF CRNWAY WB 148 I 1 8" f I 8»1 B Haynes K J Crawford cimni-Iimi 22133- MAYME W. W 97 8 7 6* 51 71 8 .1 Morys C B Campbell 005 100 Time. 23. 48, 1:02%, 1:09%. Track fast. lnutu.ds paid. Illuminator, 865.30 straight. 821.00 place. 811.30 show; Tush Tush. 88.60 place, 85.80 -how: Eddie T.. .20 show. K.piivalent booking ...Ids —Illuminator. "105 to 100 straight. 0S0 to 100 place. 405 to MM show: Tn ,1 Tush, 330 to 100 place, lpo to 100 show: Eddie T.. 210 to uxi show. Winner — R. c. by Voa Tromp andlewick trained by M. I.owenstein. Went to post at 5:il. At post :: niinutes. Start Rood and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. 1LLUMINATOB raced in close pursuit of the pacemaker to the stretch turn, then went to the front, but had to be hard ridden to outstay Tush Tush. The latter showed the most early speed and came again at the end. EDDIE T. ran well, but tired and .just outstayed LYNN. The latter was a distant trailer in the early running, but dosed a gap with a rush in the last eighth after coining wide into the homestretch. GLOMER showed speed. The winner was entered for 8888; no bid. Overweights — Pride ofGreeaway, ." poaada, O9I QQ SIXTH RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 84384— 1:43%— 3— 100. Purse $ J00. :; year olds and sU £i J. «# £l upward. BeBhag. Net value to winner 51: second. »i»»: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPBt % i % Sti Fin Jockeys Owners K.piiv. Odds Strt 22110 ilIDE POST WB .7 111 1 1 1= V- I* I* 1- F Keogh P Rosenthal 399000 21813 iFI.V HOME w :; 108 4 3 4". 4ak :;- f : p Cooper W Martin :;hi-1ih 21214* MOCKERY WB 4 107 I S 8" 8" I. -I":;- T Hayes P M Civill 655-100 22037 = * FIRST STAR w4 M s 8 6 6 67] .7- !- B Wolstm T Eggers 32UO-1O0 221 lORIODI.ANI W 3 MO 6 J 8] 21 2*8 -7" H Stearns W Walker 1090-100 22138*AFRICA RKAF w3 89 S 1 71 7» 7. *. * A Claver W L Lew in :;i*Hi 10 » 22055 DUNDREART WB 3 105 7 3 7" ::- S- 7. 7l K Murphv F Johnson 1159-100 22083* DICKS PET WB 4 168 I 8 61 7- 6 J : W Iral o K Pons 415 Ion 22138*M MONTGOMRT wa 3 KWWM M : -; " : - P Lowder W R Misell 1000-100 22138 HEENAN y 9:5 7 7 6* 84 M lo H I CallahanA II ViveU 5300-100 Time. 23-i5. 471s. 1:13. 1:39%. 1:46%. Track fast. $; paid. Guide Post. lo straight, 88.00 place. .70 show; Flv Home. .11 place. .im show: Mockery, 84-30 show. Bgulvalent booking odds Gntde Post, 355 to 100 straight, 150 to P place. s5 to 100 show; Fly Home. 121 to KNl place. KMI to 1o » show : Mockery. 125 to PHI show. Winner— R. 111. by Filigraw Lady Augusta trained by J. C. Cahni. to post at 5:3B. Al post 1 minute. Start good ind slow Won easily; second and third driving. CIIDE POST sprinted int" a loag lead OB the backstr.-tcli and was under restraint through the last ipiar tor. FI.V HOME moved up while rounding th last turn, bu: lived In the lasl sixteenth and was hard rid- den out to outstay MOCKERY. The latter Closed a big gap mil tinished fasl FIRST STAB also made up ground. BEDLAND tired after running forwardly to the stretch. The winner was entered for 8600; no Scratched -22138Zodiac, 101; 230SS*Birka, 102; SZ104Baby Bteter, Ki2: 28108 Beaa Pare, 104. 99"| QQ skvkxhi rack -1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3476—1:42 5—119. Parse 6608. 3-year- Al SL/O "bis and BBWafd. Selling. Ki 1 vain, to w inner 8460; nifnail. »: third, 0. Index Horses A Wt PlSt. i. , ■■! Sir Fin Jockeys Owners K.piiv. Odd- Strt 2illOi BITSHY HEAD WB I M8 7 .1 V j- 2 . l .. r, F Cooper II U Bedwefl •05-|iu» 82118»PRIVET PETAL wb 4 M4 ! 7 l1 F I* 2 21 J Smyth J S Hendric 240-100 2 1807* BEN DEL « I M0 8 E 8 :;- ;; :: ; S P Lowder J J Tlmmennaa Phmi 100 22642* BOB HENSLEYwb 4 112 1 1 5" .7- 4; 1- c. H Stevens B B KIkins 715 lot 22116 MARTIAN wtllt :; 3 4* a* ,- ;,". r... .1 CallahanT 3 Bird 3300-100 21730 FIRST DEGREE wb 4 MS r V d 6** V P F Keogh K McFarlaud 549-100 22110 STALWT HELEN w 3 M« I 7 7» 7- 7 7- 7- A Mott L Weiss 1R00 100 20286-iHRISTli: v. 3 MS I 4 8 8 8 8 8 L Gentry J B Besoess :t000-100 Time. 23,i. 46"5. 1:12. 1:88%, 1:44. Track fast. 32 mutnels paid, Bushj Read. 80.10 straight. .00 place, 83.30 shc,w : Privet Petal 83.90 place 83.70 show: Bondcl. 86.40 show. Equivalent I kim: odds- Pushy Head. 205 to 100 straight. 511 to loo place 88 to 100 show Privel Petal. 75 to 100 place. s5 to loo show; BendeL 220 to 1ihi show. Winner Ch. ".. bj Cuaanl Mi-— Blnalets trained bj II. O. Bedwefl Went to post al oil. i p..-i - minutes, start r 1 ni slaw. Woa easily: second and third driving, c.i shy HEAD, after raelna In close pursnit of the [taeeuiaker to n„. stretch turn, wore the tiring leader down In I be last quarter and was draw lax clear at the end. PRIVET PETAL -bowed the bkwI . .11 1. Kneed, bei tired after setting a fast pace for three-qaartem. BENDEL aras a forward contender all the way. BOB IIKNSl.KV and MARTIAN were in a jam 0B the tirst turn. Til. winner was entered for 61.200: bo bid. Overweights — Christie, 1 i«juud.

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Local Identifier: drf1915081201_3_2
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