Lexington Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-12


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LEXINGTON FORM CHART. , LEXINGTON, KY.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1915. -Third day. Kentucky Association. Fall Meet in;; of :i ,!., - Weather clear. IrcM.iim: Slew. -ml. K c. Hopper. Presiding Judge, G. D. Wilson. Starter. 11. Morrissey. Racing ,iiriiiy S. cretary. V. 11. SI. lay. Kacing starts at 2:15 p. m. tCiiiico time 2:1.. p. iii.i. *lndicatcs apprentice allowance. 0jQr7Ti lIKST i:CK -1 Mile and 70 Yards. 98365 1:42% 3 iiv. Purse 3500. 3-year-olda £ O I 44 and upward. Selling. Net value lo winner SUHO -econn. xT.i: third, *2.~. toil Horses A Wt ID St , % Sir Fin J01 ke s Owners Ki|uiv. Odds Strl 22S15 .11 SiHL i:ili:i:i:i. w 4 107 1" i V. l» ~~ V 1- E Dool .1 Im. ns, tter 240 100 22833 MALABAR w 1: 3 92 I- 7 1" -■ *« 1- -" K Judy .1 V May H7O0 100 21572 .Mil: STEIN w 7 109 G ! ■• ! Ki 5» 31 K Keogfa B V" Moore 665 100 22466 STAR ORYAN wn 7 lo7 8 8 !•" B] 7;. 61 4" K Murphy V. C Crockett 1555 100 22077- Do lit U IS w : HH 3 ■; •:. «- ■"" 31 ■"•■• C Vanbiinl! Oots 635-100 22335 PINALEK WB 3 92 1 1 7 7- !,: 1" «■ ! Hayes .1 1 Stevens 21000 V. WDLK w : Hfi 9 11 11 10 11 8 7- ] Connelly A H. Vivell 1355 100 21187 11.:.. RON II. W ii 102 I 9 ■ il 10 •• ■ - K LapailleJ II W Iford 1900-100 22435 ERIN « I M»7 E ". • t1- 4] 7" ■* I. Gentrj A I. Kirh] 555 100 13056 ll li Win il a I to. c 3 " .. W i" . Mott ll I. Cralne KWo-100 21160 Misi 1. 1 s- u I 1 7 il 5 2| V • 11 11 " r. Martin R P Brooks 1295 MW 22284- M i;i. i:r I S w . pj 7 12 12 12 12 1- 12 t WIHma l Steele | M 1 t ,!« I Geld Time. 24. 47*5. !:«%, 1:4025- 1:44% Track fast. niuiml- paid. Justice b. 1. sn.su straight, .70 place, 33.16 show: Malabar, geld, 4.40 .place. ?l.So -how : Joe Steiu, !p so show. L,|,iival, in iK-.kln« ..id- Justice Iiel, Lfo to inn straight. 15 to 1 mi place, 55 to 100 show: Mala bar; field, -" lo HHi 1 la.-.-. 140 to H„, show: Joe St, in. .hi to UXI -how. Winner I;, e. t,v Vb-Cie Mago ilraiind hj .1 I Inciiscl ler I . .eni to post at 2:20. At post I minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third itrirlng. .1! site] GOEREL. showing much Hie most speed, moved Into a long !■ ad at ■ m ■•■ and . .m with -p..-d :ti MAI VRAB ■ • d well and finished gamely JOE STEIN came rast in the Btretcb. STAB OBl AN ,|i .1 .. gap. IMIRCRIS Hull. I he winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights Dorcr!*, .1 H»nnds. 44-J tj f~*y SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 95042 1:IJ 6 115. Lelaml Hotel Handicap. Purse and Jj O I t9 gtatO. All Ages. Net value to winner SI..,,: -1 ml. ijilnii: lliinl. SM. iuiie-.- c A Vt IlS: . ■ ~:-i St r Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strl 22S0and I.II III: M.LHLW w 4 los fl H~l ~ A Mott M B lliub-r I60-1CW 22309 DR. fsARRKK w :: 1»: 5 4 ; 2* P Murph E B Elklns Tin 100 22451 ill llll mi I 105 3 2 .. 2| 21 ■■■ .1 Met calf .1 IV Goldblatt 505-100 21460Ll;iCL IIERMiS wi: 5 113 5 5 5 l"i- E PoeJ I. Marion ISO 100 22809 ciiWLl.L h •", io7 3 V - i1 5 L Gentry .1 T Weaver 3520 KKi Tim . 232-,. 47. 1:12«,. Track fast, .-j inutiiil- paid. Little Nephew, .20 straight, .10 place, .H0 show; Dr. Lairi.-k. St. In place, -06 OttM I! I, . Pi-how Bqnii ,1.1,1 iKioklng do- I.ini phew. 160 to 101 straight, 55 b Km place, 40 to U show; Dr. Lar- rick, lui to 106 phice, 100 to 100 . . Othello, 7o to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Inele Miss t ranviil train 1 bj B Brawn. Weal to p 1 ,t - 55 At p-t 1 minute. Start ~ I and slow. Woe driving; second and third tie same LITTLE NEPHEW, sh wli»g high -1 • ■. I ami well ridden, net 1 fa-t pace, but tired and just lasted long enough 1 ■ win DR LARBK K w uld have wou but for coming wide on the stretch tern. OTHELLO ,,,,1 in ii,,. last sixteenth. PRINCE IIERMIS wan sore when going to the p Overweights mh !!■-. I i, ■!-: CqwcII. 2. c"%LJ7~/i THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 13976 1:06% 6 133.J Slim Added 2-year-oMs. £ £lCj i ~lc Liiifn-. Colts and Geldings. Special Weights, lei .,lu.to 1tbmm~9agbi- mmt»and. . 7": Ihird. S2-. ln,|e i|,,i-,v AWtlISt it c. ■% Sir fin .|.M-ke.s liwneis Kipiiv. Odds Strl 22813 1 J MlRDOCK W 11- - 1 U 0 lJ li W W T lor Milam A Hew 200-100 22S13 V0TABX • 112 1 4 Zl ih P li K Martin J L liaggin Estate UB-MP ■ • 22411 DICK WILLIAMS w POO 7 • I1 : :. J Acton D E Mulholland MM 22472 RIFXE SHOOTER u 12 " 7 I .1 Kederia I W Schorr H-Kt JAMES OABLEl w lnri J 2«1 . 5* •• C DishmonM C Moore 10580-100 22813 McADAMS m 109 :: 7 ." - ;, .;■ «;i, K Pool L Marion S45S 100 22813M«HIN lil NNV wn 113 4 :: 7 ti- 7 7 F Murphy E B Blklna PK-100 lime. 24. 48S, 1:01, 1:075. Track fast. mutuelg paid. J. .1. Murdock, .00 straight, .90 place, ..:;u show: Votary, .00 place. .30 show: Dick Williams. .40 show. Equivalent booking odd- .1 .. Murdock. limi to inn Btralght, 45 to n«, place, 15 to Inn show; Votary, 50 to ion place. ir to inn show: Dick Williams. 20 to 100 show. Winner Ii. c by Contestor Orotesgoe trained by J. C. Milam,. Went to post ai 3:30. At post 1 minute. Start ::ood and slew. Won easilv: second and Ihird driving. J. .i. MURDOCK, awa] fa-t. -bowed the most -peed, but bad t.. he ridden hard at the hut eighth. VOTARY ran sluggishly for the lirst three-eighths ami came ta-t in the stretch. Di K WILLIAMS tired in the last eighth. JAMES OAKLEY showed good speed for the Brsi half, lilli.i SniiiiTLH. iini-iied la-t. 9 • tt 7 f FOURTH BACK 3-4 Mile. 90042 1:12— g— 115. Panic 0». 3-year-olda and up- i -* *md O • »J ward. Selling. -N t value to winner .*40»: second, 9; third. 3. Index Horses AWtlISt Vt . % Sir Lin JfK-keys Owners E.|iiiv. l.lds Strt 22473Ki itiii.ci: wn 1 in? :, 1 p 1- i. int. t. Hentrv .1 Spencer B5-hM 22479»AL.I JOSIE w :; 83 I : " i.1 l!l ** F Jody -I W S.-horr 100-100 B2462"CA1!KIE ORME w :: .is 1 5 P, 1- I1 :: . II Stearns E .1 CConnell . 1 ,..", 1 m» 20162 Mis- kki ilk w4 ln4 :• 4 2 :- :. 4* B Dool T F Brannon 3770-ltl 22814*1 I DCLT w :; MM « 71 V 51 .",.. F WlUms A D Steele ssse p,i 22836 BLACKTHORN wn 3 lul 11 7 5] « .- tl1 A Mott M A C.lton Z8W-KB 21232iCIIIl.I.A wag 117 is 31 11 7J 7- C .loins C E lint,-, rs Sr UG0-MI 22811 lil NDIL iv 4 I in :; I si. ji v. q n Keogh .1 .1 Tim merman 3240-Mt •H 1. 11: X w :: lul 2 11 ]u 10 !, :,- F Herbert C B Reld ll::iw loo 21783 BETTERTON w 3 lnl . V s1 W 1"; C VanDurill Dots 780 l«w 22283 -MAliTASHA w ll lnl 7 M i. M 11 ll F Robins nK Wiesent ach t rMatuel ii. Id. Tine. 23%, 47«5, 1:1*%. Track last. s_- liiutini- paid, Korfhage, .10 straight, .30 place, .90 -how: Ann I Josle, . i.7n place. .88 show; C:l lie ilrme. .50 -how . Bqnivalent booking odds Korfhage, 2."i.", t,, kmi straight, 85 to 180 place, !•"", to inn show; Aunt Josie, :;." to HHi place, 30 to 100 show : Carrie Oraae, 125 to inn show Winner Ch. g, by Cesarion lttisy La— trained by A. L. Klrby. Went k. post at 4:i 2. At post - minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. KORFHAGE set a fast pace, was hard ridden and Inisbed gamely, but tiring. AUNT JOSIE aiet -ome Interference on the stretch turn but was going fast al the end. CARRIE ORME Dnisbed close up. diss Mil TEH tired The winner was entered foi 00; no bid. Sirai. hi d 20965 Grecian, 93. Ox-rveiuhl- Korfhai;e. ■• pounds: Jnliel. ::: Marla-ha. ■".. OOW7ri 111 IH RACB 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 88385 l:42 98. -blaad Handicap. I" ir •■ £U £k O 4 O 80. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 3450; in fond. imi; third. 8. Index iTuT-es AWtlIST , -. :Lj Sir Kill Jockeys Owners Ki|iii. QdTls Sirt 22809 i.i:o LR HUGHES v. 7 102 3 2 z- 21 2 1 U lk Ii Dool .1 Umensetter I0i -100 22812 Hi;. SWI1 BL wb 4 1061 4 5 :;■ :;■ :. : , 2» It Goose R L Baker 150 Ii 22812 RINGLING w :. :i7 5 4 D I1, p, S ::". B Marco !• l Welr ill" lo" 22446 WATER WITCH w3 lnl Z :: B S 5 4 l A Mott W .1 Young CS5 loo 21460H.WK ODAY w b 3 1 1 V Ill" -" 5 .1 Acton .1 s Hawkinf 210-MI Ti 23%. 47. 1:18%, IM%, 1:42%. Track fast. mutoels paid. Graver Hughes, 6.00 gtraigbt, 0 place, .50 show; Dr. Samuel. S:;.|n place. .70 -how: Ringling, nlini show. Equivalent l ooking odds— Grover Hughes, 7in to inn strafarht. 160 to 100 place, 7o to 100 show; Dr. Samuel, 7 i to Dm place. :i.". to Dm show; Blngling. rttO to 100 show. Winner — Ch. £. by Handsel — Stnuit-ii trained by .1. Umensetter. Went to post at 4:34. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second ami third the same. GROVES HUGHES wore HANK ODAY down on the stretch turn and outstayed DB. SAMUEL in the linal drive. Dll. SAMUBL ran well and would have won. but for 1-sin ground on the stretch turn. RINGLING came with a rush in the last quarter. HANK ODAY set a fast pAce, but tired as if short. Iiv ■rweibls Dr. Samuel. 2j pounds: Water Witch. 4. t £ O rT r"7 SIXTH RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. 13BT6— 1K6%— 6— 133. SUM Added. 3-year-olds. 23 £i Ci t I BeMfag. Net raloe to winner 90; nteond, .".; third, 5. Index Horses AWtilSI . c. ", Sirlin .lockeys Owners Lnuiv. Odds Slrt 22445 DiiDIKK w 102 :i 1 1". 1. 1. V E Martin T C McDowell 90 100 22810 AliDOMi: wa 1i s 10 1 :; 2| :- r" L Gentry T D Hayea 42T. U» 22530 HARRV GARDNER w Imli .", J i» Mt J :: Ii Goose 1! Gardner MM 22135 LUCKY It. w 103 1 I •:. 4* 4 D . Acton : 1 E Mulholland »75 Ion 22135 i: kali V siioi m tnu 7 7 7 n1 « . B Callen Gallaher Bros mo 21403 SAVING WB 108 1 1 r.u .",.. f.H fe ] Stirling C Darius tfiS lm 22191 BILLY i I MUM! rsoN w 97 I M V 7 7J 7 » T Hayes s M Henderson MM MO 22384 VERMAK w mr I .". 4- t M s W W TTor.l 11 Keene 4136 l ii 21301 RARY CAD w UK. :: 8 ! !l 9 .: li Shilling .1 M Shilling 3325 Im 22281 *!•:!. LKN M. w !»7 J I 1o In 10 10 F Willius I T Morris 123M H»i Time. 23, 47%. 1:00%, 1:07. Track fast. inuineK paid. Ponpee, .80 straight, .7n place. .4ii show: Cardome. $::.10 place, *2.7d show; Harrj Gardaer, .80 show. Buulvalent booking odds— Ponpee, !hi to 100 straigbt, ."..". to Iimi place, 20 to inn show; Cardoaae, 68 to Ion place. :;:, to 1011 show: Harry Gardner; so to 108 show. Winner — B. f. by Toddlngtoa — Poaapadonra trained by G. Denny. Weill to lH,st at 5:05. At post :: minutes. Start g od and -low. Won easily; second and third .1 1 i in--. POPPEB slowed bhtb speed, won all the way and Bnisbed gamely. CARDOME raced well up all the way, l.iu tired mar the end. HARRY GARDNER a is prominent tin ulioiit and lucky, bul tired. BEAim SHOP was far back moat ot the was and Onishei] fast. LUCKY li. ran well. Overweight* Harry Gardner. 1 pounds; Beauty Shop, l; Yennak, 2. •OW7tt SK L.NlII BACE 1 1-16 Miles. 1711!.". 1 : IB — ..- 113. Pane 8388, 4 year olds and iMU I O upward. Sellim:. Nel value to winner 80; second. .".: third. ifJ... Index Horses AWtlISt t c t Sir Kin Jockeys Owners lapiiv. OdiN Strt 22815sl.KI.TII wnii luT I 1 I" I l". I1 I. R Goose W 11 Baker 23O-10O 21962 LADY IAMTIITA w 8 inT 3 ! H •* 2 2 V E Dool .1 Umensetter 12M KM 22815 BEULAH S. w ." 10a .", 4 :.:l :, .". 4 J» 1 Stirling K li Weir lop, loo 22815-ci IDE dost wit r ins ] | p ] :]■- *a v p Keoch B Rosenthal 130 100 22415MOCKKIIV w 11 4 103 4 s s I 7 .; .",■ A Molt P M Civill Is.,, pm 22457, L.v MODE w* •", in7 I :. 4" i- lr M V L Gentry T D Hayea J703 M8 •22491 Wol.ltDS WONDER w r. H*; 7 i.J V 6. 7 V C Jones .1 T Looney _ .... IM 223Stl COLD COLOR w r. 105 7 7,; T! 8 8 8 .1 Metcalf. ! Rose 1822C no Tin. 23-5. 47. 1:13%, 1:39%, 1:45«5. Track fast. mutuels paid. Sleeih. 1915.sh.08 sTralght, .7 place, $::.7n -how: L.nb Diimliila. .70 place, -new : Beulah s.. ;.::n show. Equivalent booking odds Sheth. i ::n to inn straight, 185 to HX place, 83 to ion show: Lady Daiui 1 285 to inn place, 115 to inn show; Denial, S.. LI", to inn show. Winic: B. g, by D.11I-.hlanil D 1 i.Lt trained by W. II. l.aker. Went 10 pool at 5:34. At post 1 minute, start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SLKKTIl look the lead at one- and held sway for the entire way. LADY PAMCHITA showed Speed and raced in closest pursuit throughout. BEULAH S. came with a rnafa in the last quarter ami was going !.. 1 - ai the end. GUIDE Dos; lir.d in the last quarter, la MODE had m mishaps. The winner, entered for .0011. was bid up to ,005 and b«,ii«lil in. Overweights La Mode. 4 pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915091201/drf1915091201_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1915091201_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800