Seventh Race [7th Dorval Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-12

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a k k g - IS ., ;t ■r e ,1 ,1 r • • , 1 B lt a z 1 I. , ■ " "I " " 1 i. .7] 17446 iii4b Wdbine w uotne 3 3-4 4 1 i:i6ftgoo i :16lAgood a 47 116 no 2 2 6 e 6 u Set iBriu S*f G W w Car*U10 uaruio llerrmana. uerrmana. RedPosf. Bed Post, J.Thnmnaon J.Thompson SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 98688 1 :5i;".-. I-I07. ABBOTSFORD. ch. g. 5 101 By Hippodrome — Sister Frank W. L. Oliver. 22846 Dorval I 1 16 l:48*4slow 9 5 112 16 4 1 2- » ::■, P Goldstn s Sepnlveda. Voladay Jr li Pere 22748 BiueBon. t 1-4 2:08%fast 21-20 109 2 6 5 G S* 2, II Hannier 7 II. Lander, s Holmes 22702 BiueBon. 11-8 1:54 fast 22 108 3 4 3 3 3«* 3 II Ilannu r 10 Runway, Bean Pere Mml sill 22659 BiueBon. 1181:53 fast 17 106 6 8 11 S 81 fi13 II Hatuner IS Stake and Cap. Hunwav Subject 22598 Conght 11-4 2:15 mud 8 I04 I 4 5 4 A- 4" J Smyth 8 Marshon. D.Deadwod, BeauPere 22571 Conght 1 1-16 l:51%faat 10 HO 2 4 5 G 4 22 J Smyth T Star of Love. First Star. Balfroa MUD SILL. b. g. 7 106 By Captain Sigsbee— Wyola W. A. McKinney. BiueBon. I 1-8 1:54 fast 22 7,pi7in s 6 -1 4* I* .1 Morya io Hunwav Bean Pe-e M.P.-t r.-nl Mneuve 1 1-16 l:50%fast 3 5 ill 2 2 T 1 A Pickens 8 Bertha V.. Tlms.liare Ciriilj«ss 22CT0 Mneuve GJ f 1 :23%fast 3 llo 8 7 4 A Pickens 10 M.Frai s M. Sherwood T Koch 22497 Mneuve 61 f 1:23 fast 3 169 I 5 A Pickens R M.Sherwod. M.Bmsli G Russell 22290 KingBd. 1 1-16 1 :l9-f,fast 4 5 113 5 4 C Knight 7 Cordova. El Ore Delia Mack KingBd. I 1 16 1:50 fast 4-5 113 4 2 2 2J C Knight 7 L.V.Zandl D Mack CFCn-er __juj KingEd. 1 1-16 1:30 fast 4-5 MB 5 2 2 3* C Knigiit 7 Euterpe. Paatoao, Tony" Koch MISS WATERS, b. f. 4 101 By Lord Esterling— Lucrece F. J. Pons 22701 BiueBon. 7-8 1:27 fast 14 102 12 10 10 8 8 s-i J Morya LI Perpetual, Ida Chiir. Meelicka 22625 Conght 11-16 1:51 good 4 102 2 4 4 3 2j 2 W Ural » Loo. Travers. Zodiac. Abboftford 224 7 Windsor 1 1-16 l:53Vfemud 22 99 5 3 10 8 8- 77iT Hayes 10 La Mode. Moscowa Strathearn 22413 Windsor 1 l:41%fast 30 107 4 1 1 2 24 8*1 F Coleman 8 Aprisa, Flitaway Dicks Pet 22382 Windsor 3-4 1:15%fast 9 103 6 7 6 62 T*| J Connors 12 Langnorne, McCIintock M Cases 22162 FortErie 3-4 l:14%good 121 98 10 9 9 H 8*| A Ncrgcr 11 Dignitv. I.anghonie M lohnaon 22082 FortErie lm70yl:45%good 7-4 97 3 2 4 3 % 8*1 B MeDott . Fellow man. Meyanok. ■. li. SiM,,- ZODIAC, ch. g. 4 106 By Star Shoot— Lady Vincent J." J. McCafferty £2774 BiueBon. 1 1 :42%mud 87-19 MS 9 8 8 9 8 8" G Lotus- 9GaUop. Klnmnndj "gma Ahfh- 22598 Conght 1112:15 mud?. MB 13 6 5 6* 5-- F Cooper fi Marshon, D.Deadwod BeanPere Conght 1 1-8 151 good 3 2 mt 3 8 5 4 U 8*1 F c pF 9 L. Trarers M Waters AbtsforJ Conght lm20y 1:48 slow 31 MS 1 2 fi 5 4" 4" 17 Forehd 10 The Usber Runwai Weranoke 22138 FortKrie 1 1-18 1:54 hvy 18-5 102 15 3 1 1- VI V Cooper J. Strathearn, Atsford Weyanoke FortErie 2 11:11 slow 59 101 7 8 7 7 7"; 17 Forehnd 8 Marj.A.. Pontefract Broomsedrn 21528 FortErie lm70yl:48 slow 14 102 3 3 G 6 42 4« E Forehd 7 JoePlnn! HdyHowdy Wbyanoke BEAUMONT BELLE, ch. f. 4 101 By Ornament— Pauline Deringer R B Stellel 22860 Dorval I...7 -. I :44Hfast II 188 6 4 3 4 52 l» .1 « a iiahan s Strathn, W. -.Tli. ."• C F fn-, ,• 22774 BiueBon. 1 l:12Vf,mud 21 1 in 7 4 2 4 61 B»« T Hi.-e a Galtop. Kinmundj Sigma Unha S«2*on.Bht f. f Pl24-,bvy 12 105 9 9 8 V 5", .1 Acton 10 Sempsilla. Inunjeta Minstrel 22570 Conght 3 4 1 :i5-,fast 20 96 fi 6 4 3k 4- .1 Acton ! KnlghlsDiffer. Wodan MecHcka " 22486 Conght 1 1-16 l:52«ihvy 20 192 4 12 5 9* 9-.l Ado,, 10 Marshon, Bslfron Simt 22017 Saratoga I l:42%slow 8B 1..5 7 9 9 9 9 B*» T Pargton 9 Dryad. B.Spiller. Thoughtre!sder MIMESIS, br. m. 5 101 By Ogden— Mimosa M. B. Fisher Iorval ImTOj I:!. 39 108 3 3 4 8 8 « Ll Smyth Dartwth. J.Deibold Sbenbenleas 225s Mneuve 61 f l:24%faat 7 112 8 r, |i ni L Gangel n Petit Bleu c|.,ri!,.| P.-v, ,. Mneuve fi f 1:25 fast 6 113 1 :: I ,. ,w Doyle sum,,,-,,, S.Vrchacho jTliaev Mneuve Ab6-8 1:02 slow 12 ill 7 7 7 7";.c Whymk 7 Hill Stream, Tiger Jim Viaribel ■-,• ■ M ,, uv I I 16 l:5o...r:,st 6 110 5 6 I 8*1 F Moore 7 l ..lin. I.. V:,iT Za.i. I 1: . , 21735 KingEd. 1 1 Hi 1 .. . -slow 10 KB 4 5 F Moore 7 Euterpe. FaWoso Spohn CHAS. F. GRAINGER, h. g. 8 106 By Meltonian— Lucy Jones J. 0. Gormlev Dorval 1m7K ill, last 11 108 1 7 7 6 l_ V E Ambrose KStratli.W.waiMBii Belle BueBon. 1 l t ..•7,tast 103 K3 17 7 7 BJ !• E Ambrose 7 Cuttylink c l lili, • • s, , BiueBon. 11-9 1:53 fast fid ic 7 25 15 it Itll V Ural IS Stake and Can Rnnwav «4..M?JS „ 22223 KingK.I. 1 1 16 1:50 fast 4 IBS I 6 J Ill l.allerty 7 I. V./.andt. Mud S ill D.lH M Ick KingEd. 11-16 l:51%fast 8 104 7 7 8 5*1 H UJTerty 8 Dixie. Luke Van Zandl Durin 21842 Aqueduct I 1:49 fast 25 lot; 6 C 6 fi ,; .-..« V Lilhy R R.Br,:scm. Drtwortu? C:mauretU M0RDECAI. ch. g. 4 101 Bv Gloritier— Mets Russell W. P Fine 22861 Dorval G| f lHKftfaat 45 111 16 12 12 12 il»y Smyth I- Nigad -VFr! 1- I, • ,th 1 , , 21879 Hamton 1 1-8 l:57%slop 20 97 ! 38 12 12 IP- L MeAtee 12 S.ofLove BabySister ,t,,siv,r,i 21814 Hamton 5ifl:ij8 fast 30 Hill I 8 W 9*| E Haynes 12 Crystal, Bea Latimer "" Cant 222 21744 Windsor ll:404ifast 65 107 G 4 7 7 B V i Smyth I! Birka. Mi-s w- Cits V, 21665 Windsor S-4 l:16afcmud 49 109 2 5 5 6* 6* E Haynes H C.onDM verr YVhee Kderero 21570 FortErie U f 1:15 hvy 71 110 2 7 7 6 4" E Haynes 7 Peggy 1... Sonny Bo Ti.ddlin CORDIE F., ch. m, 5 101 By Tha Scribe— Elizabeth B. P J Mileal Flu. P..,.. 1 1 2-..7%fast IS 1m. 6 6 6 8 7 frlGLonias 7 Cnttyhnk. « M .MuSrC 81 . BiueBon. 11-8 14 fast 14 IM 2 1 I n P B* W Fral 10 Runwa, I;, an ]■■ ■ a, . [ Conght 11 12:16 mud 28 88 7 7 7 8 8 s-.l Morys S Marshon H p. •, lw „,1 • ,, ■■ , 22506 Conght 11-16 1:52 slow 20 94 1 2 I 3 ,v 3«*4«1E Graves 7 1, -i, el 1 ,",--* ,. ■ m p. Windsor i I B I :,::, fast 88 97 2 8 8 g 8 6" F Craves ;, ci.iciw I ISM,;,, I , -krv ►Windsor 1 1 I 2 pa,, low 131 10D I « fi 5 7-" 7 IP Lowder S First Star Fellowraan u, Windsor 11-8 1:55 fast 59 94 7 5 6 8 4 .- F Graves R BushyHead B hSt a Pt 082 Dufferin T-« 1:36 Wvy 20 102 7 6 5 2*1* Fcullc, 7 Glint". [mprndentTColumblaLadv ROLAND PARDEE, b. g 6 101 By Milcs-Estemell Mrs. M. J. Marquette. Mneuve Ab7-8 p:!P.-.hvy 38 1"4 4 E S 4W Young « Energeth Bwthn V trft.— . Ul J -I ,; ,"" * l.-lus,,.. L Miller I T.Elephaut Advejitnress in ;iM73 Rockwj Al. 2 fast 4 163 l :: Refused. J Clark I Oversee i.,, c , ,. r 17..V: Pr.mdr. ". 1 i 11,-low 20 115 9 i 7 B 6*11 Poundrs 0 S.Caledore I iFIota r S£lZS l:"li" ll:4I%faai 100 112 3 4 ! 4 4 1: I Im is I M.s„i, 11,,, s !J 17426 Empire 3-4 l:12%faal 50 107 4 4 4 4 5»»1F Poundrs 5 V Jlmmle t£ .lilVl . s 17228 Belmont Ab 2 1:16 UM SO 112 C 7 4 2 !•* 9 W Keating 7 ai, WS "IbtuU Vil"SUa

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Local Identifier: drf1915091201_7_4
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