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JOCKEY INJURED AT DUFFERIN PARK. Toronto, Oat., September 13. -Aa accldeal marrel the foiirih Oaya ia..- ai Dafferin Park. After the field entered the stretch in the concluding race Martre stnmlded an. I unseated Jockey Cruise, or-tyx, rmnaing directly behind, stumbled ..-r the pio-liate ii, ii-r and jockei H.i.1.1 was thrown heav fly. The bitter escaped Injury, but Craise araa not so fortaaate. He received minor cuts ami bruises. but the exact evlelit of bis injuries is not yel known. r.ilhiwers i,; favorites were more successful than on the previous days of the meeting, first choices winning half the ear. I. The third race was prodUC live of tin- on v exdtlng linish. Jack Nuiinallv .ju-t getting up to b.-at Grenville a head alter a bar! ! drive. I..r roagh riding in the third race Jockey White received a two-days suspension and Rstep got the remainder ..f the meeting for th.- same seTenae in 1 the tilth ra.-.-. The weather was extremely hot. but a good crowd 1 was in attendance, fin- track was heavy, but dry. lug out rapidly. Th. change in the going was re-sponsible for much scratching ami the fields were much smaller than usual.