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! 1 1 l i . , DORVAL PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1915.- -Doi val Iaik. Third da v. I lor; a 1 jockey Club. Fall Meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge. Francis Nelson. Start-r. James Milton. Racing Secretary. Sheridan Clark. Racing starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time 1:15 p. m.l. *lmlieates apprentice allowance. 4 t QQ "1 FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. 22866 1:00—2 112.1 Parse 6486. T jiar nMs. Fitttes and Jj £ OH X geldings. Allowances. Not value to winner QI : see 1. 5: third. 5. Tnd.-x 1 lors.-s AWtlISt % . ■■, Sir Fin Jockeys Owners F.uiiiv. Odds Strt 22795 lOi.TTK wu MS I 4 S 2- Ink [i J CallahanK K Slelle t;f, m 1 22843 1 1.1 I I l.i: BIGGER m 104 7 5 8* X] J- i1 J Smyth 11 Lerj 7 MH.:i 228r»i ROSE WATER w 163 .". 7 I 7*1 6»1 S» K Moore W P Reed lono-loo 22304 SHABAN w 163 1 2 -ink Bi| m i .i. R Meiioiti: A Alexandra »;::."• bio 22844 Ill. I. V DKI.IMIIA wliN 3 1 1«« Ink 6* •. A Nerger W L Ollvei Imt 188 2228b .In BERNSTEIN WB 168 6 6 5h C C «■ J Morys R Newman t2»oo-10it 22254 s"M II. I NO MAGGIE W 116 2 I :l I, 7 7 E HavnesN W liurkhardt l»N-bhl 21006 SANDS DIAMOND wb 163 I 8 71 8 8 8 G l.omas s Newman f tOonplrd in betting. Tinie. 22%. 46%. 1:00s. Track fast. |2 mntuets paid, lolite. $.:.", straight. .iH place. ..40 show : Little Bigger, $."..00 place, .30 show; Rose Water, ,111 sii,,u . K.piival.-nt lniokiiig odds— lolite. fi5 to 100 straight. 36 to 100 place. 20 to 100 ihllB. Little I.igger. b.T- to Inn place, ..". to Iihi show: Rose Water. 103 to 166 show. Winner— 11. g. by Broomstick— Iota trained by C. J. Casey 1. Mem to at 2 25. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv-■ lag. I0I.IT1: was reserved la the early raaaiag and mored up with a rush on the streti-b turn to win going awaj fast. Host: WATER closed a big gap in the last quarter. FILLY DELPHIA Bet a fast puce and tired. Scratched — 226731 Damletta, 10.".: 2277." Greetings, 103; 22856 Rose Harden. 160; SS766 Mavine W , 100. Overweights Little Digger, 1 gonad. Q"tyQTlO SECOND RACE— M BBm. 120044 1:1.-., 4 MM. Parse 8486 2yeatobis 5 J O *~f and Selling. Net value to winm r $.".ro; second. 5: third. %•!:*. Index Horses AWtlISt 4 :. Str Fin Jockeys Owners K.piiv. Odds Strt 22769 OYDSY BLAIR wb 1o2 7 :.- 4 2» I] .1 CalfaUuuiR .1 Austin 785 loo 19842 FAR AWAY w 107 S 4 2 ; 1 I •■" .1 Smyth H S N.winaii 875 100 81616 TROTH* FLY w- 07 I I * f- 1! :: A Collins G M Hen.lrie 785 W» 22745ATAKA w 166 * I I" 2- 8* 4 1 R McDottO A Alexamlra 630 KM 22843 LYNN w 107 I I 7"t 7-1 6* ."J B Carter M Lee 12H0-100 26667*GENTLEWOMAN w 1 2 7 !» 81 8*61 6" .1 Morvs Ottawa Stable 17i-b»i 22769 LADY OF LYNN WB tin; 1 1 8* 31 T- 7 W Ural P J Kellev 7000-100 8867S*PRIDE OF GREEN WYw 166 6 8 n9 8 S* WSchonl I Crawford 1888 BBl WUBI Ml II I I MORGAN wsb 07 4 I S U o A N.-rger S Newman 11:88 188 lime. 23%. 47",. 1:14%. Track fait. 82 inntnels paid, cvpsv itlnir. 7.70 straight, 86.90 place. 84.10 sii.,w; Far Away, 86.46 alaea J4.80 anon ; Tronl Ply, 85.70 show. Kiiiiivalenl b..king ...Ids Gypsy Id air. 7S5 to UK straight. 105 to loo place. 165 to loo show: Continued ye, second naga. DORVAL PARK FORM CHART. Continued from lirst page. Far Away, 320 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show; Trout Fly. 185 to 100 -how. Winner B. f, by Cydades Moonahine drained by A. I.. Austini. Went to post at 2:86. At post minutes. Stall good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GYPSY I.I.AIU was outrun to the stretch turn and was taken to the outside, then wore FAR AWAY down and outgamed him in the final drive. The latter showed tbe m-st s| eed, but was much 11s.1i in racing aIaka Into and tired TBOIIT II. V saved gro I on all turns. ATAKA quit in the I lestretcfa. The winner was entered for 6466; in. bid. Sei aiehed 22768 Letfetti. 97: 22795 Semper Stalwart, 11". overweights Lady of Lynn. 4iTpounds. 4 « O i * THIRD RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. 22S01 1:00% 1 111. Purse 00. 3-year-otda and A tUVPXj and upward. Sellim:. Not value to winner y:;o: second. 5: third, 5. Index II,, raea VWlilSI , _■ ■■| Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. odds Strt 2Sf774 FASTOSO w 13 110 2 S 94 7" ■- l» A Claver A D Worley 4200-100 2862 LADY LONDON WB 5 11". » :; in and 1** 2* K Ha vn.s W Smith BW 100 —S47-.IIM I.. w 7 lio lo 1 :p ii 2J J»l F Coleman A Brent 2400 100 22725 ALSTON wa 3 105 1 2 bt :;. p !•: AmbroseG II Marlman 37OD-100 22596»Rl RICON n. aja 6 His n s :,h 4 .7- 6»* A Nerger P Bberidan 125 100 2553 HARRY w :; 102 7 C W lo 71 V .1 CallahanMarrone stable . 5 100 22848 IltnNTIKU wa 1 lio I 7 7- si s 7 W Bcfaorn .1 U Strode R» 100 22843 KI«; C1I11.TON WB 4 115 I M »** : lo s. .1 Smyth C T Wilson 11M" 22862+!!;iCV !.. wti .", .17 I .", *aa ai i;n ;o R McDottR L Brealer 145-100 22587--IIAZFL C. w c ln.7 .". 4 f» a* a1 M s Wolatno . Iloskins 8768-100 Time. 23, 46%, 1:00%, 1:06%. Track fast. niiiluesl paid. Iast.o. 686.00 straight, ¥-0.» place, Sin. 40 show: l.adv London. 66x20 place, 64-40 ►lion : Jin, I... 69.50 show. Kipiivaleni bo,. kin- odds Fastoso, 4200 to 100 straight, tnii to 166 plan. 120 to 166 show: Lady I.ou-d u. 210 lo lim place, I2d to 100 show: Jim I... 375 to IO0 -how. Waaner Ch. g, !..-. Bey Santa AaJta ritia trained by A. D. Worley. Went to i ijM :.i 3:25. Al |ki-i :: minutes. Star good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FASTOSO, off slowly and outrun tor the Oral nail, canie to the outside when entering the homestretch and. haiahing with a rush, got up in the Baal strides. LADY LONDON set a fast pace and out stayed JIM I., the latter v a- s close contender for the entire way. PBUUY !.. ujoll after going a bal*i mile. FRONTIKR ran p 1y. The winm-r was entered for 6300; no bid. Scratched 22862 Vlley. 105; 22.s4s-Kooj,-. p7; 22172 ih-st Bib and Tucker. 102: 2272.7 La v.ui.i. 116; 22710 Senator Casey, 113; 19011 our Ben, lis. ". rw eights Alston, :: p Is. b fch CJT/1 r*OCBTII BACK r~l-8 Miles. 2ii;s.s i:5i;",f. -6- 107. i Iltrse . 4-year-olda aasj «iO »./ i: upward. Selling. Net value to winner "t.OO: second. .7: third, s.25. Index Horses A W I IISI , ■, Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Ivpuv. Odds Slrt 227P9f.ii;is*A wa t HiT 7 7 6** 3 T U l ] R MclVottJ C Fletcber ~~ » 100 8:2849 - I.I K 1 : VAN ZANDTwa 8 108 B i ** i t :•. . ■_■■: .1 CallahanA Caatin looo-ioo 2279G l.l fKBPK w 8 l«s; 1 3 i" •* 2* -- 8" E Atnbros B Hanhv fi 140 22750IIM STREAM wa 6 109 :; z 7 6 a] .". • 4«* E Haynet HacfaurtaUM 22750*||NHA w I 1"1 E 1 1- I1 J* 4. ",- W Schorn J D Strode 2300 100 228411 HI. MAY JR. WB 6 106 I I s 7 7 fi"fi; A Clavr JC.reen 3OD-1O0 2277": I.. OKIRKCALDY w r. 1 lol f 7 7 .1 Smyth S Lewis I 100 2284G I Mil: BEN wa 7 lol 2 5 fi"1* l.osi c, Lomaa T Francis Time, M%, 49".,. 1:14V., 1:41/,. 1:54-,. near track record. Track fast. matuels paid. Aprisa, 1. on straight, 66.90 place, .40 show; Lake Van Zandt, .S7.:; . place, 1 1.80 shot : I ul. rp. .s|.;mi show. Eoaival m b iking .nlds pri-a. 600 to 100 straight. 245 lo 100 place. 120 to loo show: l.uke Van Zandt. 265 to i"o place. 140 to 100 sh v.: Euterpe. 145 to Dhi show. Winner— B. t. bj Kismet, by Melton— Elsie I., trained h. P. M lyi. ni t,. poat ai :;:.77. At post 2 annates, start ue ,.i and Blow. Won easily: second and third driving. APBISA raced la close parsuil for the tir-a quarter, then look the lead on the hack treteb and. saving ii. iii h ground on tln tarns, die., away at tbe end. I.CKF VAN ZANDT wa-. ■ forward contender all be way. BUTEBPK showed speed. Put was tiring al the end. The winner was entered lor 300; no bid. Scratched -2s:.!i J. n Houghton. 100. Overweights Laird oKlrkealdy. ; po Is. ltJQf*: FIFTH RACi| 6 1-1 JTurlanga. 22861 1 :0f.-., 1 lll.i Pane 60. 3-year-olda i £i Otfy upward. Selling. Net alue to winner $..0l: soimil. 5: third. .7. Ind.-x Horses AWtPP sl~ , 1 ~,~ sir Fin J.wkeys Owners . • I SS676*PAMPINEA w5 107 l I 7: ~ S- 1" R hlcDottJ C Fletcber 22409*JoY wb 3 07 9 5 H 1- 1. -.I ktorya A C 22749*ilN MONEY w 3 HH 3 7 ■. V 1 | :: .1 Clancy W K Preagrave lotto K" 22702 si k BLAISE are 6 113 I 1 :; 5 " P* J Smyth W P Pine 22570 ii:vi:i. ul ASIA wS Ho I- t 2" :::: f 5* II HaamerA A Oregg «•• I • 26676*CABU NOME w t HC, s n s- .;. s fi!l E Craves P J Mil. s mm 100 ::2B48 »] ■|;i:n.v JOHNSON w 1 110 Is 7* 8 7" 7" ff Schorn W C Cappe 22744 A FT. BEN W 1 110 J !l 12 W3 1"- 8! A Bcfaagr G W Scotl 12S0 100 22848 BATHS w6 Ho 7 I . :. • :t ■ J Callahan M I: Trowbridge t 22524--.I si:i !a ZARATEw 3 102 .". 2 ii 71 9s h" A Collins II S Newman 200 ion 22637 i|;ho a we. I 11.7 Pi 12 11- 11 11 11 I" ColemanF McKenale i 00 100 2251.0 I.AHV BOUNTIFUL w 1 110 n io p.- Pulled up. K AmbroseR Hanlcy t iMii tn I li.dd. Time, 224:, 47-, 1:01%, 1:08. Tnack last. 62 mutuels paid. Pampiuca, S79.00 straight, 60J.20 place, 1.30 show ; J , 5.40 place, 2.20 show; Pin Moms . 2.80 abow. Bajolvalenl booking odds Pamplnea. : s:,o to 100 straight, 2210 to Kio place, 668 to loo show; joy, 070 to 100 place. 510 to 100 show; Fin Money, nun to 100 *ow. Winner Ch. m. bj Malta Saata Aida Dona trained h. P. Moody. Went to posl a| 1:7. At pnal I miniib-s. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same PAMP1NEA moved up rapMly in th. homestretch after coming to the outside of the and. .vearing JOY down, ptol up in the laal stride JOY showed the rnosi speed, but tired in th.- 1.1 1 clghtb IlN MONEY was overhauling the leaders at tin end. unv BOUNTIFUL threw her slide ..ut on the far urn and was pulled up. Tl - winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 22010 Big l.umax. 115, 22s.:2 «Bula Welsh, 103; 22078 Qniea Sehe, MS; K2635sTarkey Trot, QveiW -iuii i s -Pin Memy. 4 poaads. w 4 O i /• SIXTH BACE 64 asHe. 20644—1 :13% — 4— loTj Curse 6400. 3-year-olds and up-£l £i O X3 O w aid. CaaaiBan iiwoi d. AUowancea. Nel value to alaaui $:: mi: aecood, .7; third. .7. ii,iie Horses AW: IT St ■ t . ■ . Str Fin Jockeys Owners F.|uiv. Odds Slrt 22721 -HAM I TON DAME v~:; 168 8 7 6» 7s 4»J 1* A layer B J Dayies 25.7-100 22053 HAB. l.ASsiTi 11. we. 3 07 G R 8 V 6" 2— J Moivs H Giddings 22794 OK N BROOM w 4 112 2 2 ." 1- 5* I* A Collins W I Preagrave £2794sMONA c. a :: t7 :: I ::" q t*n |i s Brown W Walker *JM 22771 HKABTS OF OAK w 5 117 1 1 1» 1** 21 ■"■ W WartonH Qiddinga t 22T7Uiii:ki;mana w 4 112 t 1 2 . *n $] cm. j sinvtii Invereck Stable 1200-100 22S45 HIKI-; m CHESTEBw I 105 G 71 8 8 7 A Clancy S Doyle MM IM 22721 RED POST w :; 109 7 r. I— « 71 8 K ColemanW T Trenholme 28M 1" it 011 pled In betting. Time. 23, 48. 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid. Hampton Ham,-. .10 straight, .00 place .60 show; 11. Uiddioga entry, .10 place, .70 show; Com Broom. .20 shew. Equivalent booking udris Hampton Haiee. 353 to 100 straight, HO to 100 place, 30 to lo1 show: H. 1 iddings entry, .",.". to 100 place, :;•". to inti show; Corn Broom, 90 to 100 show. Winner 1;. 1. by laferao Royal Dame Itrainetl by II. McDaniel. Weai to posl al 4:50. Ai posl .7 minutes. Star: good and slow Woo driving; second and third the ■•mie. HAMPTON DAME began slowly and raced with tbe rear division to the stretch turn, where she io,- wide, but closed up with 1 rush and gut the laal stride. HABRY BASSET] II. finished with .» mi I. ni; BROOM outstayed MONA c. HEARTS ol OAK and HERRMANA quit in the homestretch. Scratched 22794 Oartley. I ■" • 22721 Iri-li Heart, II I: 21291 Sir Arthur. 105. iikiL ir7 SEVENTH BAUE 1 l-8~~ Miles. 22804—1:54% 1—101. Parse 6400. 4-year-olds and — 1 — i O t/ 4 upward. S.-llin. Nci value to winner $:t00; second. ",: third. hB7. Ind ■ ■ Hoi-.. - A Wl IISI , _■ -i Sir Fill Jockeys Owners lapiiv. odd . Str t 227C2 MUD SILL v. 1: 7 1i». S 6 4s - 1- I A Scbugr W A McKinney 2346 VBBOTSFOBI w 1 .7 103 1 1 |ii ;: L". _- 1" II HanmerW I. Oliver 3«0 100 223GU r K. OBAINOEB wa 8 l1". ■ I I I * •"•• ! J* E AmbroaeJ i Gormley 310 100 22701 Miss WATERS w 1 101 I 7 .. 7" ! 3] I ■■ J CallabanF J Pons 130 OU 22774 /..Hi i AC w 1 166 l I 3 I* ::" "■" 5« A Claver .1 .1 McUafferty 1400-100 22750 ■cokhii: F. WB S MM 8 3 7- V P 8 E Graves P J Miles -■■« 1 1 235G2 ROLAND PARDEE w C K7 7 8 71 8 8 8 T1 K Haynes M J Marquette 8M6 •• 22860 BEALMT BFXLE wb t 101 2 2 ::1 n- j 7- 8 .1 Smyth B B Stelh M66-1M Time, 24. 4S4s. 1:14%. 1:40-,. 1:54. mow track record. Track fast. mutuels paid. Mud Sill. .70 straight, .50 place, .20 show: Abbotsford. .70 place, JfJ show: Chas. F. Grainger, .40 show. Equivalent hooking odd- Mud Bill, ::::.". to loo straight, 125 to 100 place. 66 to loo show: Al.l.oi ■•rd. 13S to 100 place, 60 to 100 shew: Chas. F. Grainger, 70 to 100 show. Winner — B. jr. by Captain Sigabee -Wyoia trained by W. A. McKinney 1. Went to pout :,i 5:31. At post 2 minatea. start r 1 and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MUD SILL was a forward contender from the start, responded gamely to urging, and drew away 1 Iter entering the homestretch. ABBOTSFOBD had to be hard ridden to outstay CHAS. F. URAINGER. The latter Bnlahei] gamely. The winner waa entered tor 6360; no bid. Scratched 22850 Mimesis. 101: 22X61 Merdoeai. KH. .-rweijlils |,l...Kfi rd. 2 poiinils: U.diml 1aribs. 1.