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Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, October 14. WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK FAST. o o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the | entries below chow the best time of each horse I I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter | where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- | : viations show track conditions. o „ — Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. 2:00 1. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. •Apprentice allowance. _. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 1 2-vear -olds. Maidens. Special W ights. , Track record: 1".120 — 1:11 -9—. IN. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. l-::::44 CI. MeXal 101 1:1S% 112. .700 114.".N- Capt. Recs 112. .000 ram1 Ales oeti ii2..;:ir» 2P.I77 John W. Klein ...107 1:16% 112.. BC l:::,.44:! Incitation KB..0BI 23SSS Oaaaack Mt 1:14% M0X000 J3»CIS Stephen B MOX000 •j::.v:r Mauficl lir.i 1:1G IK. .009 ••:;.-, a Shine 1 ; ■ ■ • 0B1 ■S.::*K ; Coinbey HJ..000 11N12!- Sansymiii!. I1Z..OB0 fj. Livingston entry. Col. M.-Xab is improvin- right along. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-vear olds and upward. Selling iTnick ie -ord: UtM — 1 1ll— •""»— 111. 233.17s* Broomsedge Ins. 1:1:: 4 114.. 725 -1-.I74 Imi-entor MB 1 ittjfc 4 11.... 720 :;.-.::•;-• Noi.hinan 1 » 1 :tX% ■• 114XTM ;iT,7 Hignitv 00 1:13V. 3 114. .71.1 : :.v:7 S allvwag 1o4 1:12V. r»llt»x7ir. ":-4::» Zin M » 1:12 -. I 107X7IO i.:;iN4.* Birka MB 1 :tX% 4 114x710 ■::4.-,4 Furlong IM 1:11% 7 110X710 "* iMoieta 100 1:13% 5 114070.-. ;ov4-» r.ula Welsh Ill 1:10% S 114X708 "■..vio Oldsmohile 10X1:13*; 3 lift.. 703 :-::.-.40 J:ick Kavamigh . . . MB 1 :13V. B 113X700 r.r.M.msedge ran an excellent race Tuesday, evi-utlv be is right on edge. Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-vear-o!ds and upward. Allowances. • Track record: W133— 1 :42— 3— «:»».... l!200K3 Jiuinpy •"■ I02x3.i s:7.4- Hanovia 3 105X730 2BB0 n_-LTlT" t»S 1:45 I MBX7Z8 Orunipv has had a rest and has less to beat here an ill««am«*aa. Ueetabellc is all inaml-o:iter. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Handi. a p. Track record: 13120— 1 :11— 3— 116. "•4—1 I IKK M» 1:M% 3 122X740 aJJ«i inverse Ml 1:12 3 1O0X730 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. tUtl* Dr. Carni-n 114 1:12* 3 102x725 ::.:45 Connnonada 105 1:12V. 3 10ZX7M Z3S0B Dimitri Mltl:13% 4 07. .715 1 5050 Shoddy 3 05 . . 705 2.:2N»; Zali 114 1:13 4 07x705 Luke appears to have regained his geod form. Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Selling. Tra.-k record: S2311— -1 :03=i— 3— 93. MBIT** Mary II MB 1:00% 104x725 23242 Little Bigger 102 1:10 Vs 103X720 23407 Line Cap .100X715 23484 Dolina 1011:0s-: 101X710 23475 r.rown Yelvet 100 1:07V 103.. 710 2-475 Margaret 0 100 1 300% M0X710 23460* Yeldt 107 140% 00X709 JABtl** lira Morgan M. 00 147% 0SX703 23404** Margaret K. Mi.. no 140% 00. .703 2315S Louise Stone 107 1 :0! 103X705 23475 MarM*a Pet 10ll:0sv. MBX700 23420 Argument M ...05 1:00V. Ml. .000 Mary H. is rounding to form. Little Bigger is consistent. Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-vear olds. Selling. Track re-. old: BOMS— 1:42— 3—00%. BBM Flv Home M0 1:44% 104.. 725 -•3455 c, inn.auretta OS 1 :44V. 00X720 L.Li4N* r. A. Weigle 02 1:44V, »! .. 715 23471 Fidget Ml 1:44% 107X715 22000* Mil ■fa 04 1:40 00X710 2SSS7 Freeman 100 1:45V. 107X710 2SS30* White Crown 00X700 3355.:- Black t horn S3 1 :47V.s !M X 705 0000* Ihindrearv 105 1:44V. 00. .708 L.:04 St. Clmricote M0 1:45V 107X700 2.:41* Hittie Burt.m M 00X000 2.:244* Subject 00X000 An open rai-e. Seventh Race — 1 3-16 Miles. 4-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 0404— 1 :50V.— 0—100. 2X500* i:pectation 00 140% 4 112X725 2:1523- .l.imv Oeddcs 110 2:o0V. 0 MOX720 23400* Transit Ill 240%B 4 112X720 2.;53i,i Olga Star 101241% 8 MBX713 23298* La Mode 8 M0 X 710 :::i_7- Aay Part 100 1:57 7 100X7M 25477 Worlds Wonder ..111140% 5 112X710 23337* Lackrose 7 101X705 20900* Reno 107 2:02m 8 104X705 23S30* Ilviim Fe«-t 113 242% 7 104A705 23488 IMlownian 5 1009705 2:540 ,|. VY. OShea Ml. 4 M0. .073 IM citations form is a bit the best. Jenny Geddcs seemingly is not as good as she was.