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Laurel Park Entries wi Past Perfonnaices for Saturday, October 16. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK SLOW. o o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I I entries below show the bast time cf each horse j I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter | I where it finished. la cis:es wTiere recard was I ! made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- I viatiens show track conditions. o- o Baoinjr starts at 2:." i p. m. Chicaso time, 1:30. XRtins well in mud. PSu|ierior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1 Miie and 70 Yards. 3-ye»r-olds and upward. Selling. Track moid: SUtliil -1:48% — 4— lOUYl • Ind. Horse. Wt. Uee. A.WI.IIan. Tom* Orperth ntlSV • 111X725 i ::r.:.4- BaUnetU KM 1:44% 4 111/720 l.:!".*!* Luther MR 1:43% 3 M3XTM 2S512* His Nilis BM1:4.W-. 4 106XT13 2::r.i4 Atteaa M* 1:4S% :: 104/715 L.;514;* INrka I.t H«i 1:44% 4 N8X715 •.•::4S3 Brick Uy I«» 1 :M 1 111/710 ::5.:i Towton Field 104 1:42% I lllxTM S493*« Vid ! MS 1:48% S 14SX7M 23S1S H.inv lI«trtits*a..lM 1:44% 8 108G700 23312* Patty B.-an MS 1:48% 4 lin;/7 0 •j:.l!.i; Carlaveroek S 104/7OII Z3SM Task M 1 :47 3 104 . ,4M •S:: *7 Taiiieilan,. MS 1:M% 1M..4M L*::.Vi2 Maryland Girl S6 l:5:il/.,,u 2 1 MXC00 4 r|Kith appears t. he couiiiiK S« form. Second Rac« — 3-4 Mile. S vc ar dils. Handica|.. Track MM*: ITSB— 1:12— «— 114. 23313* Fernreek 1»7..7.".0 • 2XVtlJ Swiiit 10!i 1:11- 102/725 23313* Brooi.iyale 101/720 23333 Peskv MSXT13 23277 Camlle 1 IS 1:13% IWxTM 23313 Prohil.iii.ii llt 1:i:: 107/705 .•Jis Simr iM| ISS 1: 13% 1Q5X7KS L3447:: Alfadir !!.;x7ll5 U.-:4!ir.-: Fairw. alhr 1011/700 ••::::.% 110 1:15 MOxTOO 23313 Bla.k Co!Te. M.. BSXSM Fonirock. consistent, is in km1 form and has run ceil in unit!. Third Rnce— 3-4 Mile. M ftsra. S llliij. Track Rjc««l: I79S3 1:12 ■•— 111. •j::::jit-* .-.i..-.s ...los 1:11% r. H597:;i •J.:.".57- Superintendent . . . lis 1 : 12.. 4 117.725 ••::•::..-* True as S;e.l Ill 1:12% 4 111/725 Water Lily MS l:tz% 4 IttXTSS Ind. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 23481* lahore 112 1:12% 7 1120720 23344* Scaramoiieh 110 1:14% 3 113. .713 2341S** Brave Cuaanler ..104 1:13 4 112.. 715 23310 Lily Ornw 108 1:13% 4 107x715 23510* Ethan Allen 105 103% 3 182X715 2..4:i1 Devil lish MD 1:14% :i 113X710 22572 IhinviK.:! 184 1:14% S 118X718 23511* Humiliation 107 1:13% 4I8SXT10 21837* Patience 88 1:13a 4 105x705 23282* Mariirohl 2 84X788 2340S Vedado Ml 104 1:21%li 2 88. .880 Yankee Notions has a bit more class than any of the others. Fourth Race — 1 Miie. Prince George Handicap. SI, 500 Added. All Arcs. Traek le-ord: M278— 1:37%— 5— M8. 23532* Dodge 2 MXTM 2-:205i Ktrowboli 117 16% 4 125x735 :.C5S| Koamer . ., 1 1U 1 :.::. 4 134X798 I23Ti58| Tin- Finn 120 1 :3S % 3 120X730 23500 Gaino- 188 138% 4 114X730 Leo Skolny 112 138% 4 104x725 23508* Addle M 10! 138 4 103/725 23S7K* Montresor 183 138 5 100x725 DodS* ll!ls run well with older horses undo;- similar weights, likes mud ami races as if the route miirht suil hiin. Boannr does not run well in mud. " Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3 year olds and onward. Solliujr. Track r.-ord: 235:;:;— l :42— 3 -11 1. 1 23408* ALL SMILi:S 3 104/720 1235021 Marshon 1111:42% 5 1110720 2::r,i4i YodeUajE 4 M0 X 720 234031* Pen Quince 4 103X720 23534* Kim; Box 3 183X715 23533** Volant 114 1:42% 8 101/715 23315** Dav Dav MS 1:43% 3 ! s; 710 22858* Oaga 112 133 3 188X888 All Smiles is in extra good form and runs well in mud. Sixth Race — 1 1-2 Miles. ■1-vear -olds and ii|iwaril. Sollin;:. Track record: 18113 -2:31-4-102. 23534 Pillic Baker 104 234% 5 110X725 23301** Tiovalo 3 100X728 2.::25i* Kavenal 5 100/715 23547" Napier C184X710 23517 T Ilaaeoek 182 234% 4 M2X78B 23547* Cardie • 5 87X783 Billie Baker stays weil. likes the mud, and is on cd",o jusl now.