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NEW RULING BODY FOR NEW ORLEANS. 1m.. iMoIht L7 A New Orleans. ■ ;: r-r ,i;m--;M.,:rV;;!ci,,g-lAsia,io!;: nitt a "Tnaaaarari If m-n having toe mm-, ma i " . thing as on.- Murphy. , .„. Hi- duti. ,iM i,. s of or u... the •■ Judge said ,„„fr Vi will apply only to -a-es of u-l I of a .peals ltnl thatcTrr, .-yon.l the -rjrtlns They w H no starters" suspensions. ..r terup.;rary siisneii .Mew for or rough riding and. . i - of riders . ,ir- under all l- ruh s .f rscng the judge- . VlL.IHe iu ih.-ir lowers in placng horses and I foul-. In he mote sen....- offenses. on ,-sing .w."ei thev will have ahsolute power to review „„ r. verM- us. if in lls-ir jtidguieut they Ihiuk we are That we should voluntarily create a l".td of vepreseiilative men to review our own acts should be araaf conclusive that we to conduct our affairs on absolutely high-class lines, without fear r favor and without prejudice to any one."