General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-30


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The correspondent of the Ilavas News Agency at t Athens telegraphs, under Thursdays date, that the e aspect in 1 p« rations on the Serbian front is changing since tlie French successes at Veleg and Strum-itsa. ;" The Bulgarians, be says, are 011 the defensive ■ northward along the Nish railroad. A big Iwttle is expected in the neighboring] of Istip. toward j ~ gfMcfc tha rrane.i-Serbiaii army is marching. Hie Bulgaria:. ■ are intrenching themselves on the heights around tlie town. According to dispatches receded J by ktheaa newspapers, the Bulgarians operating J in the valley af the Lower Timokt kStVCd Srahoee J and Str.imitsa. have been cut off and annihilated. Advices from Sella say that a meeting of militarv J paitics called to protest against the bombardment j of Dedeagl.atdi and 1orto Lagos ended in disturbances, during which subjects of the entente 1 powtrs were aeaerakr handled. At Burgas and Stara Zagora there was I demonstration by Bulgarian women against the war, the women crying. "Give e us back ..ur men. We want bread." Police who 0 iuteferod were received with showers of stones aud J troops had o be summoned before order was restored. - A dispatch ftom Salouiki says that a Bulgarian MlMH, moving toward Katatnik and Mitro-vitza. » is -eeklu to Jala hands with the Austrian*, who erossod the Drina. New-, from C011-staatlaoaie. ;-aid to be authoritative. 5 ays that « the aiiti-i.c-mnii movement is growing daily. An important dispatch of yesterday from Loudon i said: An accident lo the king happened yesterday f morning. The king was thrown from his norland severely bruised. The following official an-iiouiic. ment was made: "While the king this morning . 1 Thursday 1 was inspecting his army in 1lie field. . h:s horse, excited by the chee:-s . f die troops reared 1 tip and f. 11. The king was luiiNed s. vcrelv and will 1 Im- ccuun»d to b. d for the present." A ater bulletin 1 tinder todays date, savs: "The king has had a fair r night, with MM sleep. His to:ii|.erature is now t !W.2 aid puis- 75. His Majestys general condition 1 has improved and no complications have arisen Antl.oin Bo-.. n,y. Bertram! LktWMB." It is under so -d that Ihe incident to tin- king was not serious, . although n 1 details have Imvii mad:1 public bevoui 1 those disclosed in the official annot nt— ment. Announcement made on Monday that King George was in Prance. I aing gone to visit the British army. m laeaae* the king, with the prince o Wab . PbmMcM P incare and the tlrn French war uiinist-r. Aban-!:e Milbrand. reviewed the British 1 troop-, p.- lh.ti c:il!--d H General Joffre aud witness d a review pf French colonial troops. That ; tho ki ;ig i- neriottsly hurt is indicated by the veiled j nature of the re|»orls that have been given out on his condition and by the feet that the report was . held cp by the British censors for more tUiu iwonty-four hour-. Cook "oi;i!ty la.-- started legal stops in the Tro-bnie Cot.rt to caUret from the .-state of John F. W. wajraaai tie S-ui.cio -. bkh wa.- paid t,. Mr. V;iv-nian in salary or the fear years B • aerVal as states attorney. The action was taken ill the ; form of a aerltiea for authoritv io file a c; tim for that aiiiou-u !i ii.e PiuhatC iuurt. where tin- Wiiv-111:111 estate : beiag esseed. Attorneys for the aetata apposed u. ;n.,| Jiuge ilw Ml will h-ar argu-minir- No. ■!,;„, :. Attorneys for the oouiitv filed the petition alter Thomas Marshall, ciunscl for the Wayi:.:n -ir-te. had t-l.e 1 dismissal of the itantv- Earner data tor fM,609 in feea at Ike •Bee. T. Wnjwmm attmej cited th- iapreaac ii hHshn awarding me fe»-s 1 1 the estate. "The Supreme Court hehi that the nwrj act aader wuii .1 Mr. firau -rved w:. in •■ iistitutioi,al and that f«T tkal reaxn: he was tMllltei to tb.- fees of his office." argued Henry J. Merger, assist.-.nt atatea attaracj. "But if the Baton act was un-.•oiisTitiitioiihl. what ri:/. had Mr. !•• ihe ai.ucal atarr for ttal pertoft! He wan paid 0,000 I v. :r iv.ri::g th. fear y, an iii.l he has gotten tho A ea n. an.lition." V.ii. t- "iloa.cHr.e" le.;s Ekaa twcntv-fotir hSBCfl awav only :.!" BatoMi-keepen out of 7,152 ■ the city h.-id leu. wi.j rkeir Ueeaa*s up to tote reatendai aftemor«. The lists close today moo. Ike "*wet« predit i t;.::: beeaoaeot the Sunday lid but eoowara-tr.eij few in.,re »:.loou men will lake ihe chance of a ahr-daj areek. If tle.-ir amlwllui come tra» abo::t 4.000 -a! ov, will 1 i e ferever toalgkt. "The number of Ueeeaea renewed ttraa tor.** a-ii LcijpoM N -i .. .001. ngaaiser of tke Catted Secietle*. "rereala a bmm seriou- tat.- of affair* tor the natooa keep-era. Nearly every l.cfiise sh. uid have been renewed 1.-. rkfat tin;". 11 is evident that tkeaaaaia of sab»on-kee|K ,-s will go out of business. Most of these are the smaller saloon-krepers in the outlying distnci-.. They caaaot di business and anpporl their families wilh no Suniiay sales. And when the next license period rloses. on Mav 1 next. I am cm- , vineed that in.-ev more will drop out." City tollee- , tor lor eg oaU that about 1T,0 new license were token betore 2 p. m. yesteroav. Another aatek was •Kpeeted late i:i tke after:. .mn and slill another J lodav. Tile city collectors gfBjee cb-ses al neon t - J day and with it closes the present license period. A Loudon dispatch of vesterdar savs: British eaaaattfcs frcai the begtoatai; of tke war to « •- »ol»er 9. v,i- 4«C:.2:t4. The losses were disinhnte! as f.dlov »: Western area, killed, otticers. 4.401: other rank*. 1 :;. ;.:.. TTnoaiid. nSrera, :i.ic:»: oIit rink-. 220.71«t. Missing, officers, l.",d7: other raaka, 01.1 34. Total rasaaltle* in all aperatfoas: Killed. officers. .-;.: ether rauks. : i.X-2: wounded efficc-s. 12,633; other rank*. 304.832; wttoiag offieen, 2.fHin: oti-er ranks. 72.177. Total, oftVera. 1.20.!: other ranks. 172.001. ihe torageana; figure-- wen eaa tatoed i: ■ written atateaaeal sent by Premier Aa quith to the bouse of commous. British casualties up to August 21. a given oili-jallv on September 14. acre : i.:r :. Tu; akoora ■ total between that timp and Oeaakar 0 Of Ill.tJI. or a daily average of 2.171. I.os.»es lietween June :» and August 21 t avernged about 1.300 daily. The marked increase in the fall over tke summer losses may be ac- -onnatod for Brfnaarfly by te btar» *f***f on the j ■Mntora froat al tke tfcaa at t.u- Froaek ana Briti-h offensive n.ovei eni last .-.• nth. Aftr 1» . Bttoaopki bad faib-d. tire Tkarnta eiit dtotroyed Pier 14 at Seattle, w- eanaed by Dadw«H and Co.. agents for the Blue Fnn ; n d line of I.ritish steamers. Fire department • officials tl :ii. the fire originated from a time fuse attached to « bomb. The pier contained war sup- 3 I - m _ • ~ o o ! o 0 _ at . of _ ; _ j ■ _ - = ■ 4, [• s at t e ;" ■ j ~ J J J J j 1 e 0 J - » « i f . . 1 1 1 r t 1 . 1 1 ; j . ; plies destined for shipment to Europe. The Bin" o Fuune steamers have been carrving lata* quar.ti-to-s - 01 Boraedl wire, machinery and kapkaaeata of f war K.r the Kussian adiny. The Ixion. a Blue Fun-mi ,- ateajner, now at Vancouver, is booked to eonvev y I similar canto to Vladivostok. The tire was di coved about f.::o oclock and had made such head-way " m tao eaateata of the warehouse and in the e weoea waaa that tke "nam on shore and the tire c boats on the water -o:ild do little. There was no 0 explsue on the pier, which recently had licen ex leneed ..00 feet and was one of the largest in n Seattle. Serbian forces, opposing the Teutonic advance on 11 .he ■festen border of Serbia, have been thrown u ■SE2?-*** frontier east of Vsegrad rHaaala, it was s nttinally aaaaaaead at Berlin vesterdrav bv German 11 army headquai ters. Advances for the natlO till I am armtes anal for the Bulgarian forces in othc." sectors _of tao Serbian front also were rr-c.rded. The ° text of tiie stat-nient regarding the Serbian operations is as follows: "Near 111 tort I. south of Vise- I. glad, the enemy has beca driven back. F.ast Of r that place he has Ik-ch tliwwi, across the frootier. 7,.f t"- M rava the aaaatal line of Sgarko-Vica-Kttili;:k-l uinn- Bato- ina has been reached. South , east of Bvflajaae oaenty positions on both sides of r the BeoaTa aeao stormed. Man than i.:;«»o prkfoa-cr.-r ; fell into our hands. m the front of GcBeral 1 r.evadjielTs a: my the enemy is weakening. The e army is in pursuit." Anstide P.riand. the new French premier, yester day afternoon comoleted his cabinet. The fan lit follows: AriatMe Briand. premier and ■IniabtiT r of foMfcta affairs; Jules tainbor,. general scre;.iry jtboat aortfolio: Charles tie Freycinet earilnet « rtce-preakleat without portfolio; Bene Viviani. minister of Jasttoe; General .T. s. GalbraL minister of war: Admiral Lacaze. mini-ter of marine: Atex- - aacre F. Kib.d. minister of tiirince: Kmile Dna- j. :;ierge. eoloakll ndnister: Paul Painleve. Minister r Of edaratioa and inventions; Marcel Seaffiat, minister r of public wotks: Ktienne fTfintkal. minister of f commerce: Jules Mettoe, minister of agrictdture- Rene Benanlt. minister of labor; Leon Boargeoiae, , Entile Combes. Dcnys Cochin and Jules Guesde. tninisters w itl.out nattfoOaa. It was decided also t- 0 retain the tour aaaeroeerel .tries of war ex eatai by rctiriiig War Mini-rer Milleitind. The possibility of a general revi.-ion of the tariff 1 upward was brought to the fore at Washington n wedaeaday by tke disclosure from an official aaaaea e that the government will need for current expenses t of ihe next fiscal year 50.000.000 more than will be provided by the war and income taxes and the ? tariff act. con if the sugar duties are retained. •a is now planned by tlie administration. This 1 130.0800,001 additional revenue will be needed 1 without regard to the expenditures for national de- fense for which the adminstration seems to have 0 decided to provide by issuing bonds. Interest in n " this disclosure was increased by information that a proposal, which the administration is understood ■ to have considered, to levy a special revenue duty on wool, will meet with opposition among Demo- - ; cratie leaders of the house. Japan has become a party to the agreement not t to conclude a separate peace. Announcement was s nytde in London yesterday that a note was addressed to the Japanese government on October 10. inviting it to give adherence to the declaration of . f Great Britain. France and Russia, signed on September " .. of last year, that none of these nations s would conclude a separate peace. On the same e day that this request was made Count Inouye. Japanese ambassador to Great Britain, replied that * he had Iiecn authorized by his government to Rive "their full and complete adherence to the terms 1 of this declaration." Italy also is a party to this agreement, having given adhesion to it at the time J she entered the war la-=t May. A dispatch from New York says: " The six officers R of the interned German raider Kronprinz Wilnelm 11 who escaped from Norfolk, Va.. on October 10 on " the yacht Kclipse were captured at sea by a 1 British warship, according to information in a letter received here today. The letter was sent to 0 William Wolff, a New York manufacturer, by his s mother-in-law. who was a aaaoeaaar on the steamer r Berimidian, which left New York for Hamilton last 1 Wednesday. Reports have been current in ship- ping circles here for several days that the yacht * had been captured by a British cruiser believed to 0 have been H. M. S. Melbourne. A late Berlin dispatch of yesterday says: Austro-a German tvoopa have captured flatofbl— . an im-11 " portant railway town to northern Serbia and the key 10 Nish. it was officially announced today by r tke German war office. Batochina is forty miles 1 south of the Doaaha river and lies at the junction ! of the P.elgrade-Nish railway and the line running I south from Semendria. It is only kM miles from tvragujovaiz. the headquarters of the Serbian general . staff. The capture of l.riOO mere Serbian prisoners - by the Teutonic allies is also reported. J. P. Morgan was operated upon for appendicitis at his country home at Glen Cove, L. I., " yesterday. The operation was reported successful and Mr. Morgan is resting comfortably. Mr. Morgan was I at his office Wednesday, but was indispised Thurs-. day and remained at his- Glen Cove home. His physicians discovered he was suffering from a mild attack of appendicitis. In order to guard against ! a recurrence the physicians decided to remove the financiers appendix. Fourteen thousand men. with twenty-five cannon. have been detached from ieneral Obregons forc.-s at Torreou and have been sent overland to Boaara, in addition to the force of o.OHO to In- sent through 1 American territory to Douglas. Ariz., to concentrate at Agua Prieta. wheroa battle is expected with the Villa f on es in Sonora. First Chief Car- ranza still remains at Torreon. The Catted Btatea beaaad waaraaem at Locust Point was d-strcyed by fire Thursday night. jtocerdo and eoattato worth from 00,000 to M00.-M0 were lost. Tke building and pier* were rained at 9120.006. Two million bushels of grain were stored near by. Most of the contents of the ware- house- had come recently from London and Liverpool. Hungarian correspondents with the Aitstro-Cer-man and Bulgarian armies in Serbia declare the operations of the Bulgarian army are progreaoteg ererywhere under great difficulties, yet favorably and foaapoiliiery quickly. In militarr circles in Sofia the opinion is that the Serbiuit army is on tac targe of annihilation. The text of Austrias recond note to the United Slates on munitions shipments to the allies has bora received at the State Deuartment. It conforms to cabled summaries and will not be given out for pahltcatloa. It is not prokakto that a reply will be s»-nt. as c.ffi-i-ils insider the tenor of the com-aaaaheattoa indicates Aaatla does not expect one. Tho opinion is spreading in political circles at Borne that the only way to insure prompt, concerted action by the allies is to start, as s.1011 as possible, a central committee or assembly of the military, naval and diplomatic leaders of all the govei nun ;:ls of the entente. I or bJa naceaaa as Anstro-German commander in Serbia, toll* wing his brilliani record agalnat the Bnaafatna, the kaiser has appelated Marshal aoa Maekeasea, who has ; n arattokto military deeora-ttoaa aheady, to an koaacarj post worth 0,000 ai:nuail -. Oooaat Joseph re Beaaptknae was executed at Ghent on Oetoher M sa»; the Brno Beige. A It tan 1 dispatch of Oetoher 10 snid Pope Bear diet had interceded witb Emperor William on behalf of Baron lie Bcwpttoae. Geaetal Joffre, ise French commander-in-chief. viiitm Bngland yesterday. Areaaayaaaai by Lordi: I Kitchener the French loader weal to the wai office. | I He aaa fnattoaallj cheered by crowds on roato. aaagarian tmops adraactog baai Kgri Palauka j bare entered Pi bin ad at t r orcaprtag ifskanx, savs ; the Atkeaa eorraspoaskaat of the Paris journal. The Baantoa ssapeaar, aecearpawfied by Craara Pr:n-x- Alexis, has goaa to the SiitohtlB front.

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