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KEEPING BELMONT PARK IN CONDITION. ew ork Xovi iiiher 1.- -Supeiint ndent Pells an-«:.ii,Mtes seeing Bill— I Park rgarded as one of of suburban York before the i... l.-aiitv si.ts -New ,oin m "f the -..-on of 1»1«. The clubhouse, the adminitlration building and the K-key house have • renovated and repainted already .and painters bee, m- i,w Vt work on the grandstaud. The system of ,."■■• c* has been completed, and the whole property • which includes 4»0 acres on the north side of ; barrier ..fst.H-1 wire netting, excepting near the .ntriuce gates, where Mrt-I paling is used instead I CVheu7.crint:e!Mhi1I i- particularly Interested in 1 the heart mil and historic grounds of the Turf and I Held nub. which is included in the main track : endless varieties of f iimnertv Here are lo 1m- seeii raTTrees and shiuls. some of which, aciwding to " tnidiiions ol the place, have exceptional his-ode - in. ere..,. One of il.ese is a j:.p..n-se gtecn - ; toBandtf"r.$;li Sfc" track are under the I.eiiu7k]nt in nrst class .-ondition i r w ss wSw gjr%Twand 1 advantage lo the train.-, s who a,.-in ,., t .„lv ..HIT b.- P. a an ■ it will j ti„.,-e. but greatly Mni ;.Tf;,K,hebt.,skSoVUmakiug .ho p,.ee ready for the - of 1H1H. opening of the racing season