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MADDEN BUYS THE COLT MABSE HENBY. Xovemlier 2."..— John E. Madden •n • *„„ kt Ky- - lvmcton. * " Johnson X. Camden ■n fro". today l»iigbt .. Commission the ie " S*_2 irown cdt Marse Henrv for ,000 ,WHyr,*r!eorlmg chestnut -olt by Peter Quince •e and the £■"*»■■ fSS It is said to Ik- Senator ir r arthagena *:.«NN. s n tions i i Mtfc, s ii iter, meing. until such time ie training and »»,s,",fn -ffairs .J. |o «» n„t require so much •h as his »M.«1m«*kk ||M •d ."TlkeV whirl at winter racing and will aend six is m eight br«-» to New Orleans.