Fourth Race [4th Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1915-11-26

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FOURTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Handicap. 17739—1:21—3—103. DADDYS CHOICE, b. c, 2 115 By Trap Rock— Earth E. Herz. 23936 Howie 7- l:3o%slow 17-5 ins 5 4 4 1 3- l*| .1 Hutwell I Rlack CotTee, Cainlli . Sprint aai Howie 3-4 l:14* 47-10 102 4 4 4 1nk 1J M Garner B Candle. Bijltodo. Tiajan 23W9 Pinilico 3-4 l:13»4fast fid 94 6 10 8 10s 12" P Lowder IS Franklin. Spur, Socony Bat Laurel 3-4 i;20 hvy 81 110 I 1 1 ]»* l4 0 Bgame I Disturber. Ilaria, Golden List 23"30 laurel 51 f l:07%good43-10 110 3 1 1 R 1J1 T McTagt 10 Jane Straith, Dr. Gremer, Iolite 23479 laurel 61 f l:12%mud 5 108 8 6 6 5» M T Davies S Fla? Day. Bob Redficld. EddieT. 23239 H.deGce 5* f l:07%fast 15 112 7 6 6 6« 63 T Davies I M.Hrmaun, H.Horse. O.Counsel 22953 Belmont 51 f st 1:06 fast 11-5 113 5 5 5 V* 613 T Davies ! Benjamin, Maifou, SouthernStar 21-631 Belmont 51 f st l:06%fast 3-2 110 6 4 4 5* 3S1 J Butwell » Edna Kenna. Tralee. Plumose 22214 Saratoga 51 f Hllfchvy 13-5 112 6 4 2 11 1» G Byrne 13 Bigtodo„ Nolli, Southern Star 21668 Belmont 51 f st 1:05 fast 12 103 6 S 6 B» B"1P Lowder 6 W. Hackle. PVe of Como, B.Shot 21561 Aqueduct 5-8 l:04%slop 20 105 5 4 4 31 310 G Byrne 6 Miss Puzzle. Success, Costomer SPRINT, b. f, 2 112 By Rock Sand— Sprite Mizpah Stable. ONI Howie 7-8 l:30%slow 14-5 112 4 6 6 5 5 4SJ J Metcalf » DaddvsChoice. R.Coffee. Candle 13921 Howie 3-4 l:14%fast 1-2 113 6 6 4 21 VI J Metcalf S BrooniCorn. Bistodo. VirginiaM. MB Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 26- i 107 3 6 4 3- 3=1 J McTagrtlO Franklin, Tiajan, Anita 23807 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 28-5 104 6 7 5 3 3s 383 A Schugr 7 Col. Vennie, Spur, Franklin 2372T, Laurel 1 l:43%slow 42-5 108 9 9 7 5 5» 5*i A SchujrrlO Kins Neptune, Spur, Tea Caddy 23637 Laurel 3-4 l:14%slow 7-4 109 C 2 2 1* 1* T McTagt 8 Franklin, Socony. L. Rock Vale 23588 Laurel 3-4 l:17%hvy 13-5 102 5 5 4 2»i 2* J McTagrt 7 Spur. Prohibition. Peskv 22531 Laurel 3-4 l:14andgood 13-5 109 4 8 4 31 3s T McTagt S Malachite, L.R.Vale. Col. Vennie 23309 H.deGce El f l:06%fast 4 1001 4 4 4 3* 21 J McTagrt 4 Ormesdale, Startling, Damrosch 23236 H.deGce 51 t l:06%fast 9 104 7 7 7 7 7»«U McTagrt 7 K.Neptune. Ormesdle, Startling BLACK COFFEE, blk. g. S 101 By Sain— Eonic F. E. Brown. 23944 Howie 7-8 l:27Vfcfast 7 9*; 3 4 4 4 3- 3 3 M Garner 7 Aliara. Between Is. Bori;o 23930 itowie 7-8 l:30%slow 21 100 6 5 5 6 6 2 1 T Pargton t! Daddv s Choice, Candle, Sprint 23903 Howie 3-4 l:16%mud 10 108 1 5 3 21 1= G Byrne 7 Pan Handle, Favour, Sandel 23873 Pimlico 1 1:41 fast 25 90 3 5 6 5 6* 6=1 P Lowder 8 Cliff Field. Lit. Nearer. Ambrose 23812 Pimlico 51 t l:08%fast 12 112 1 3 2 1» VI J Butwell 15 Wizard, Celtabcl, Billy McGee 23775 Laurel 1 l:45%hvy 29-5 84 2 4 4 4 4 4l« P Lowder 4 F.Wuzzy, Kaskaskia. Sdinanll. am Laurel 3-4 l:17%hvy 27 95 1 7 7 7 611 P Lowder 7 Spur, Sprint, Prohibition 2:313 Laurel 51 f l:08%good 59 96 8 7 7 6s 4=1 T Hayes 10 Startling, Fernrock, Broomvale 23266 H.deGce 5-8 l:01%fast 21 107 5 4 7 61 21 J McCaheyl2 M.ofDdee, B.oftheKhen. JryJr CANDLE, ch. c. 2 107 By Charles Edward — Torchlight J. Lumsden. S»C Rowi.- 3-4 1:14 fast 14-5 112 2 « r. 41.1. 43.. J Smyth R Favour. Dancer. Startling 23930 Howie 7-8 1 :30%slow 67-10 109 3 2 2 1 1»1 35 J Smvth • Daddys Choice, R.Coffee, Spriid raa Howie 3-4 l:14%fast 41 10S 3 3 2 3i 2J T Pargton E Daddys Choice, Bigtodo. Tiajan am Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast fid 103 12 12 12 11s 10l* A Schugrir Franklin, Spur, Soconv ma laurel 3-4 l:17%hvy 4 109 6 6 6 6* 7" T Rice 7 Spur. Sprint, Prohibition 23277 Wdl.ine 1 l:42/fcfast 21-10 111 3 2 2 1 l1 1 W War* ton fl Prohibition. S.ofPleasure, Iolltc 23144 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%good 15 113 1 4 3 31 1! W WartonlO Bambi, S.ofPleasure, Prohibition 23077 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 87-10 110 4 4 4 21 in T Rice 13 Iolite, PhilisUne. S. of Pleasure 22866 Dorval 5-8 1:00 fast 6-5 113 2 4 4 4« 3« P Goldstn 7 Tiajan, Early Sight. RoseWater HIGH HORSE, br. c. 2 102 By Hastings— Hautese II. S. Louis. 23909 Howie 3-4 l:14%fast 41 106 2 1 3 5 5° E Haynes .". Daddvs Choice. Candle. Rigtodo 23S81 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 6 102 3 12 21 2« J McTagrtlO Tom Elward. Tralee. Broomvale 23S26 Pimlico 3-4 1 :14%fast 14-5 107 7 3 4 6" k S101L Mink 13 T.Elwanl, Gold. List, Broomvale 23743 Laurel 3-4 l:14»4fast 31-10 103 8 3 2 2= 1" W Lilley 12 Stellarina, Nolli, Dr. Gremer 23529 Laurel 51 f 1:08 good 6-5 107 3 1 1 J1 Is L Mink 10 Nolli, Good Counsel, Ataka 23373 Laurel 51 f l:ll%slop 11-5 104 4 4 4 48 4»» W Lilley S Golden List. Plumose. Greetings 23295 H.deGce 51 f l:08%fast 16-5 105 4 3 3 3l 1» W Lilley 11 Benjamin. Servia, Dr. Gremer 23239 H.deGce 61 f l:07%fast 5 107 2 1 1 1 2* F Cooper 9 M. Herrmann. G. Counsel. Nolli 23139 H.deGce 51 f l:UVsmud 3 107 1 2 2 2i 2b J McTasrt 9 Maifou. Servia, Chlvator 229S5 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 fast 8 112 8 7 7 41 4«1 J McTagrt 14 Royalist, Recluse. Servia 22777 Belmont 51 f st l:05%fast 11-6 107 1 1 2 21 3!1 J McTagrt G Sun God, Sal Vanity. South. Sta 22732 Belmont 51 f st 1:06 fast 10 112 5 5 4 V 4=1 J McTagrt 8 Plumose. Edna Kenna. Recluse FAVOUR, *. f. S 107 By Duke of Ormonde— Compensate E. J. Albright. i:,942 ISowir 3-4 1:11 fast 131 1»7 3 11 l«k 1 J Metcalf S Dancer. Startling Candle 23903 Howie 3-4 1:10%mud 23-5 111 4 t 1 S* 3* J Metcalf 7 Rlack Coffee. Panllandle. Sandel 2381-9 Pimlico 51 f 1:08 fast 18 113 5 6 6 61 5»1 M Buxton 12 Murphy. Bambi, Eddie Henrv 23776 Laurel 51 f 1:11 hvy 14 103 9 9 7 7* 6«i L Mink 9 Tiajan. L. Rock Vale, Skv Pilot Bm Laurel 51 f l:ll%hvy 67-10 108 1 6 6 51 5= J L Mink 7 Prohibition, Anita, Tiajan 13334 H.deGce 5-8 1:00 fast 12-6 112 7 4 3 4= 4» T Davies 7 S.Isidore, Murphv, Remebrance 23171 H.deGce 61 f 1 :07%good 7 109 4 11 1 11» T Davies 7 Vermont. Fleuro* LordRockVale Bm H.deGce 5-8 l:00%fast 10 107 7 1 1 2l 3i J McCahey S Slipshod. Malachite, Virginia ML DANCER, b. c, S 105 By Isidor— Danoscara N. A. Green. 23942 Howie 3-4 1:14 fast 17-10 1 »9 I 3 2 24 2 A Schugr s Kavour. Startling. Candle 23S0O Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 14-5 110 2 1 1 1* 1« A Schugrl4 R.Sckland, B.Corn, M of Dundee am Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast fid 112 12 13 12 12* 12" A SchugrlS T.EIwai.l. Gold. List, Broomvale 23775 Laurel 3-4 l:18%hvy 58 112 2 6 6 6= 7"1C Bgame 8 Ildiko, Kddie Henry. Alfadir 23003 H.deGce 51 f l:08%fast 21 112 1 11 1* 1= T Mclagt 13 Handfull. Vedado. Rose Juliette 22756 Relmont 51 f st 1:06 fast 3 110 2 6 5 4* 4«1 C Turner 10 Sand Mark. Flag Dav. Benjamin 21965 Aqueduct 6-8 l:00iifast 2-7 112 2 3 4 41 6»J R Troxlcr 8 Sevillian. Venture. Nolli BROOMVALE, b. r. 2 107 By Broomstick — Greenvale R. F. Carman. 23*47 Bowie 3-4 1 :15Vifast 3 2 112 0 4 1 !»• 4 J Hutwell !» Lilvlleavens. Col Giitelius Nolli •3881 limlico 3-4 l:13%fast 6 1141 1 7 8 51 4« T Rice In Tom Elward, HighHorse. Tralee 23826 Pimlico 3-4 1 :14%fast 3 112 8 6 6 3 " 3*1 C Horel 13 T.Elward, Cold. List, PanH-indle 23513 Laurel 51 f l:08%good 4 109 4 4 4 3nt 321 x Rice 10 Startling, Fernrock, B Coffee 23495 Laurel 51 f 1:14 hvy 18-6 105 6 6 5 41 5« L Mink G Shrapnel, VirginiaM., Fweather 23055 H.deGce 6-8 l:00%fast 5 107 4 4 5 51 5* W Lilley S Slipshod, Malachite Favour 2:?00o H.deGce 6-8 l:01%fast 12 107 1 2 3 21 3*1 F Cooper 7 Col. Vennie. Adroit Sasln 22697 BlueBon. 51 f l:07%fast fid 113 4 2 1 l1 11 T Rice 11 Candle. Tiajan Tush Tu h 22489 Saratoga 61 f 1:10 slow 6 115 2 2 2 3= 4*1 E Martin G Feminist, Landslide. Lib. Sands 22449 Saratoga 61 f l:07%fast 7-10 109 2 2 1 2* 21 J Rutwell i S. Vanity, M.Philbin. Important 21840 Aqueduct 5-8 5»%fast 9-5 115 3 3 2 2 2» J Rutwell 5 Sasin, Startling Mustard 21752 Belmont 6-8 st l:00%slow 1-2 109 1 4 3 2J V J Butwell 10 B.Redfleld, Lit.AUa. Edith Olgs LILY HEAVENS, ch. t, t 106 By Great Heavens— Lillian E. J. Whalen. 23947 Howie 3-4 1 :l.V,ifast 21 102 9 7 1 B 1 T Pargton 9 Col. Cutelius. Nolli. RKH.mvale Tim Pimlico 3-4 l:14=4fast 4 100 S 6 5 1= 1= J McTagrt 8 Welga. Letfetti Tribolo 2:«47 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%fast 24 110 16 10 14 13= 11»1 C Fbther It; Sand Mark, Tribolo, Dr. Gremer 23409 Laurel 51 f l:ll%hvy 81-10 93 5 6 6 6 6» P Lowder G GoldenList. SkvPilot, Greetings 23292 H.deGce 51 f l:07%fast 15 99 6 6 6 6 4« L Mink G Fernrock, Skv Pilot. Plumose 23127 H.deGce 51 f 1:09 mud 30 93 8 10 10 10 10s= P Lowder 10 Slipshod. King Neptune Peskv 23084 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 3 109 2 2 2 3H 45 C Fbther 7 Tom Elward, Success Plumose 23O00 H.deGce 5-8 l:01%fast 15 107 7 7 7 7 7»1 C Fbther 7 Col. Vennie, Adroit. Broomvale 22752 Belmont 5-S st 58%fast 20 107 4 4 5 5* 5" C Fbther 7 Puss in Boots, Malachite. Grasp 21101 Jamaica 6-8 1:01 ftfast 10 107 3 4 3 3* » C Fbther 5 Tea Caddy. P. of Como. Kilmer FAIR WEATHER, ch. g. 2 98 By Fair Play— Souriante M. Hirsch. S3S3 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 50 105 10 9 9 10 9"» L Allen 10 Franklin. Tiajan. Sprint mm 1-aur. 1 11:40 fast 19 1003 4 3 4 6 6" 0" L Allen J Col. Vennie. Spur. Sprint 23495 Laurel 61 f 1:14 hvy 12-5 105 1 2 3 31 31 G Byrne • Shrapnel, Virginia M.. Ildiko 22851 Helmont 51 fst l:07%fast 2 107 4 2 2 2* 1«* T McTagt 10 Benjamin. Recluse, M.Herrmann 22472 Saratoga CJ f 1:08 fast 41 ] i9 2 11 1* 1" T McTagt 13 Kesbk. Bobolink, Miss Philbin 12232 Saratoga El f l:12%hvy 7 111 9 10 10 95 S«!.T McTagrtlO L.R.Vale. WatcrsIL, P.Conly 21908 Aqueduct 6-8 1:00 fast 6 109 2 3 3 2* 2 T McTagt 8 Maifou, Miss Philbin. Nolli 21691 Belmont 3-8 st slop 30 112 2 — 8"1L Allen 11 Ildiko. Hid. Star. Remembranc* JACQUETTA, br. f, t 103 By Jack Point— Buttonhole A. L. Aste. 3M1 Howie El I 1 MVil 47-10 111 S 0 1 I- I1 A Schugrla Immune. CI Bond. MeLelland 238»* limlico 3-4 1:13 fast 111 M0 8 5 4 £ 6«1M Buxton 9 Delaneev. Churchill Celtabel 23S45 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 24-5 96 9 8 6 6- 611 T Pargtonl:: Old Rr Vun. Delaneev. Celtabel 137C7 laurel 3-4 l:12%fast 90 9S 6 5 5 55 5IS1T Parjtton r, Ceo. Smitli, Anita, Col. Vennie MAIFOU, ch. f , I 98 By Hastings— Cathay R. Angarola. 23968 Howie ll:44*jfast 9 I07 9 i« lo lo 4" 5=J J McCahevll» Lvan. Xolli Letfetti 1"917 Howie 2-4 l:15*4faKt 20 105 2 5 3 5 5« .1 McCmbey U Lilvlleavens; Col. Cutelius. Nolli 2::928 Howie 2-4 l:l?%hvy S7-10 1 9 7 7 8 9= 9-3 .1 McCaheylo Slna|.tiel. fan Hamlle Chivator 23895 Howie 51 f l:07%fast 16-5 106 8 6 6 51 3J 3 McCahey 10 Broom Corn. Tralee. GoldenList 23320 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 30 109 11 11 9 91 9"1J McCafeeylS T.Elward. Cold. List, Broomvale 22C97 Laurel 3-4 1:20 hvy 16-5 109 4 5 4 5= 5Ti J McCahey G DaddvsChoice. Disturlter, Ilaria 23GOS Laurel El f 1:11 hvy 26-5 105 9 7 2 31 l1 .1 McCahevll Disturber. Iolite Ilaria SSaLMVd 51 f l:07%good 13-5 111 5 5 5 4 5*1.1 McCaheylO D.sClioice. J. Straith Dr Gremer 13139 H.deGce 51fl:liy5mud I 104 4 3 3 31 1" J McCahey !i High Horse. Servia Chivator 22953 Belmont 51 fst 1:06 fast 7-5 104 4 4 3 21 2i J McCahey G Reujamin. Southern Star Nolli 22884 Belmont 51 fstl:07%fast V. 105 4 4 4 2 2-1 J McCahev 7 Sal Vanilv Trilee Keziah 22419 Saratoga 51 f l:07«ifast 7 105 4 5 5 61 5 " J McCahey • S. Vanity. * Broomvale. Al. Philbin

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