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, : | : | j | I ; , . ; • | ; FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Eillies. Allowances. 1!«1H— BJt%— r — 120. Index Course Dist TimcTckOdds Wt St V*. Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish INNOVATION, b. f. -2 108 By Hilarious— Common Sue Glick and Buxton. 23719 Uitonia T I ITjMfart IS 104 3 2 4 4 S;i K Lapaille 11 Anna Lou, TroiitFly. W.Wartilcr 23709 Iatonia 1 l:42%good 23 102 4 12 S S4 8»l K Lapaille U 11. Thompson. J.Oaklev. Cossack 23649 Latonia 3-4 1:18 hvy 21-5 104 1 3 5 6 61JiK LapaillelO Asp.Sain. Sauterelle. W. Warbler 23484 Church 1 3-4 1:15 fast 31-5 101 1 1 2 3" 4*1 K Lapaille ti Dolina. Emily R.. Margaret E. 2326S Douglas 5ifl:08%fast 11 95 3 5 4 4J 4* M Garner 12 Bernini, Dolina. Josie 21338 I,atonia 5-8 1:03 slow 28-5 100 3 4 6 71 6 J M Garner 11 Mary Estelle. Sun Maid, Veldt 20837 Latonia 5-8 l:01%fast 44 92 1 2 5 4" 4*1 M Garner 7 B. Daw, Cardome. Disturber 20604 Douglas 41 f 65 good 36-5 105 8 8 6s 6« M Garner 12 R. Strickland, B.Joe, R.Juliette 20556 Douglas 41 f 57%mud 24-5 106 1 7 71 77J M Garner 11 Yermak. Chivator, A. Manclni 20224 Churchill 1-2 48%good 7 112 1 5 4* 4» E Martin 10 MargaretN., L.«ister, B.Beautv 20163 Lexgton 41 f 56%hvy 141 109 2 3 31 3T E Martin 11 Mary H., Thornwd, Investment 20093 Lexgton 41 f 65%fast 21-20 109 7 5 4" 3*1 E Martin 11 Lynn, Little Cove. Uncle Will CABIRIA, b. f, t 108 By Sempronius — Ameeras C. W. Gasser. 23543 Latonia il f l:08V4fast 15 95 I M 10 10 7«i T Henry 12 Lady Mildred, Trout Fly, Lackls 20699 I ouglas 5-8 l:00%fast 16 110 7 9 8 9 8" A Pease 11 MoinenStar. GypsyBlair, B. Joe 20400 Douglas 4* f 56%mud 3 112 2 4 34 35iB Ott 6 Br.Kate. R.Strickd. M.Georgi.i 20341 Churchill 4i f 55%fast fid 112 4 1 IS 43| A Pease 12 Beauty Shop, G. Blair. S.Leaguo 20313 Churchill 4i f 54%fast 17-5 110 9 9 9 9!i H Ott 3 Jerry, Franklin, Boneros First STABANISE, b. f. 2 108 By Star Ruby— Rosanna S. M. Henderson. 2SM Douglas 5i f l:0S%fast 21 103 10 11 9 S1 74i E Pool 12 Bernini, Dolina, Josie 22907 Lexgton 5-S l:01%fast 47 110 7 7 7 P| 6" A Mott 12 Eulogy, H. Thompson. T. Green 21464 FortErie 5-8 l:ll%hvy 17 105 7 7 7 7 6" J Kederis 7 Petlar, Ilaria, Semper Stalwart ZUDORA, b. f, 2 108 By Waterboy— Star J. C. Ferris. 23782 Latonia 1 l:40%fast fid 102 5 3 2 10 10* 10" K Lapaille 12 B. Velvet, Taka. Thanksgiving 2:5751 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 90 102 11 11 11 9= i;J C Hunt 11 Blue Cap, Cardome. LouiseStone 23622 latonia 3-4 1:17 mud 54 109 10 10 10 10 10** E Pool 11 AlexGetz. Sansyming. StepbenR. HAPPINESS, ch. f, 2 108 By Hapsburg— Ethel Wheat J. H. McCarren. 23682 Mt.Royal 5-S 1 :0.sy5hvy 5 105 7 I 51 6"iW Scharn 7 Medea. Ann Scott. Bethel Hill 2.1600 Mt.Royal 5-S l:02y5fast S 111 S 6 5i 6»i J llownnl S Idler. Medea. Ann Hcott 23252 Mt. Royal 5Jfl:07 fast 25 86 5 4 5 51S C Mergler .", Monty Fox. Shaban, JessupBuru 2314S Mt.Royal 5-8 1:04 slow 20 94 4 S 8 8»*1G Mergler 8 Gwinthe, Marigold. JoBernstein 23097 Mt.Roval 5-S l:01%fast 20 97 7 11 11 ll14 0 Mergler 11 Pin Monev. Ladv Dal. B. Reach 23041 Dorval 5J f l:07%fast 53 97 6 5 3 5» 6"JC Mergler 0 C.Gtelius. R. Water. S.Stalwarr 22932 Dorval 5-S l:00%fast fid 99 9 11 11 11 11 -iC Mergler 1 1 Greenwood, J.D.Sugg. EdituOlga 22S44 Dorval 5-S l:01%slow 114 105 7 7 7 8» 9-l E Martin 10 Greenwood. Typhoon, B. Com RAPID MAY, ch. f. 2 108 By Rapid Water— Mae Irwin Allen and Hensley. 23CS9 Latonia 3-4 l:16%hvy 50 95 S 9 10 10 10lJ K LapaillelO Red Cross, Tony Fashion. Violet 23580 Latonia 5i f l:10Vfchvy fid 102 12 12 12 12 ll*s ■ Marco 12 Lachis. Busy Joe. Trout Fly 21139 Denver 1-2 47%fast 44 112 6 6 6 611 W Ormes 6 Ed Cudlhee. Washoe Belle. Bank 21072 Denver 1-2 48%fast 15 109 6 6 6« 61* W Ormes 7 C.Roberts, J.D.Sugg, EdCudihee LEAH COCHRAN, ch. f, 2 108 By Leonid— Helen Print Daniels tc Hodges. 23195 SanFran. 5-S 1:02 fast — 109 7 7 I 6*i 619 A Palms 7 Shell Do. Robt. Lee. Ojila 22661 SanFran. 5-S l:02%fast — 109 7 7 7 7 77 A Palms 7 Brooks, L. Water, Toastmaster FAN, ch. f, 2 108 By Leonid — Chickadee W. McLemore. 19030 Juarez 3-8 35%fast 12 Ho I 6 6"1 J Groth 0 Smiling Maggie. Test. Emily K. liUSS Juarez 3-S 37 fast 30 112 7 5J 8*iJ Groth 8 Shaban, Lola, Whispering IIopu