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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. N. Y. Official Organ Kentucky State Racing: Commission. Entered :is second-class matter, April 2. IS!*;, at the post -office :it Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March ::. 1S7H. New York City Office: 501 Fifth Are. General Representative, ED COLE. All dealers siip]ili - l from ihis office. Back iiuiuIhth and monthlies supplied, ljr sale at all hotels and news-stands. SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. IVr Month $ 1.50 Half Year !. 0 One Year 17.00 The above rales arc for single copies as sealed letters —first class mail. BACK NIMBKRS ■ CENTS EACH. If sent l»y mail tirst -class only six cents. Daily Racing Form Publishing to. prefers ti send single copies as tirst class mail in all cases. l ocal subscriptions iintside tile down-town district will lie declined at oilier than tirst class mail matter rates. A l»ailv Inflection of tlie American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor. F. II. Brunell. Associate Kditor. Clinton . Riley. Secretary. Mrs. F. II. Brunell. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation pur|M ses only. Tnis telephone has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them. To be considered and answered, all queries ;j Daily Racing Form must be sent over the full name and with the address of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. H, l/ll IS. M ».. OFFICK. 112 X. BROADWAY. Win. Laser, General Agent. Telephone Bell Olive 465.. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI. .. OFFICE. 720 MAIN ST. W. S. Manns, General Agent. Telephone Canal 1S77. Rack iiiiiiiIm-is and monthlies supplied. DETROIT. MICH.. OFFICK, 85 CONGRESS ST. W«-sl, Comer Wayne Street. I,. Grosscup. General Agent. Telephones: Main 3252; City .5252. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. IWIWIIII. KV.. OFFICK. 222 j W. GREEN ST. lliMiin News Company, Jem-nil Agent. Back iiumliers. Monthlies. Annuals and Manuals supplied. PITPSBIKGH. PA., OFFICK. 307 . 509 THIRD AVE. II. A. Schafer News Co.. General Ageut. Back numliers and monthlies supplied. AKRON. OHIO: Summit Cigar Store, 115 South Main Street. ANACONDA, MONT.: J. M. Minor. Ill Main Street. BLUB ISLAND. ILK.: 11. O. Wiitilos. HI Cuion Street. Bl TFAIX. N. Y.: It. 4. SeidenlMig. LUicott Square, News-stand. Bl ITi:. MONT.: Kccic Itros.. 27 West Park Street. IIAKLESTON. S. V.: B. Doscher, 212 Meeting Street. I.E ELAND. Illlll. : 4. C. Build. 022 Sii| erior Avenue. ». S. SchixHiler, 212 K. Su| crior Street. DAVTOX. OHIO: II. Kupurat. 129 South 4efferson Street. DENVER. COLO.: Kcmlrick-Bcllamv Co., OOG-912 Seventeenth Street. KL PASO. TKXAS: Coney Island News-stand. KO N. Oregon Street. 4. 4. Ilarriuglou. News Dealer, 110 Mills Street. KVANSVILLK. 1XD.: C. 11. Slockwell. 201 Ip|KT Second Street. HAMILTON i.NT.: McArt burs News Agency. 12 Reltecca Street. Tlionias French, .to James Street North. HOT SPRINGS. ARK.: C. II. Weaver A: Co.. 25S Central Street. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.: 4. A. Mocsb-in. Nvws-staud, Waiting Boom, Tcrmi-iial Station. JAMESTOWN. N. Y.: 4. A. 4a -ohsoii. 1 South Main Street. KANSAS CITY. MO.: Kiekseeker Cigar and News Co., Ninth and Walnut Streets. KENOSHA WIS.: C. II. Ernst »v Co., 271 Main Street. LEXINGTON. KV.: K. T. Graves. KM; North Limestone Street. W. K. Hudson. Main and Limestone Streets. LINCOLN. ILL.: B. M. Nelson. 40! lulaski Street. M.KKKSPOKT. PA.: Lloy| Torrcysoii. Frank W. Torrevson. MEMPHIS, TKNN.: World News Co. 1eaiMnlv Hotel News-stand. MILWAI KEK. WIS.: Frank Mulkeru. Third and Grand Avenues. M I NNEAPi H.IS M I NX. : M. N. MM, S3 South Third Street. NASHVII.I.K. TKNN.: Ziliart Bros.. 7 »1 Cliurcli Street NEW OKLKANS. LA.: O. K. Hill. Ki8 St. Charles Street. OGMEN, UTAH: Kd. A. Munsey. 34s 25th Street. OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLA.: March Daily News Co.. Main and Broadwnv. PKoKIA. ILL.: Peoria News sian.l r,im Main Street. SALT LAKK CITY. UTAH: lias. W. M.Uillis. News Dealer. spokank. WASH.: Stul.--.-k and OmsScL TOLEDO. OHIO: T. K. Mattimore. 142 St. Clair Street. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. NoVKMBKK 27. SMS.