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LOUISVILLE OFFICIALS RE-ELECTED. ! uisville. Ky.. December 11. — Stockholders of the New Louisville Jockey Club, have re-elected the iMiard of directors, who in turn continued in power the old officials at the annual meeting of the organization. Charles F. Grainger was chosen president: Matt J. Winn, vice-president and general manager, and II. C. Applcgate, secretary and treasurer. The hoard of directors is made up of Charles F. Grainger. II. C Applcgate. Matt .1. Winn. Col. Andrew Vinnio. J. B. Rcs| css, Charles itchier and J. C. Boardinan. Plan* were discussed looking to a great meeting at Churchill Downs next spring. Liberal purses will lie provided and it is expected that the best horses in the country will he seen under colors. More than 200 thoroughbreds are now wintered at the Downs. Included in the lot are the log strings of Harry Iayue Whitney. Corrigan Ac Mc-Kiuney and John K. Madden. Madden has about fifty coming two-year-olds bred to the purple. He is said to have fine prospects for the big juvenile events of 1910. A party of Louisville men who will work as clerks and iu the pari-iuutuel machines for the Cuba -American Jockey Club, left early Friday niorii-ing iu a specifl coach for Havana by way of New Orleans Tlie party was composed of the following: Frank Shrlner. Fred Dressen, John Molter. Mike E. T. Fiddler. Sam llinkle. Milton Mcffert. yuinn. T Moran and jockey King Lapaillc. A delegation made up of the following individuals left Covington Saturday for Havana, where they will Ik-euioloved in the same capacity: Dan Mahonoy. W. Carllerry. C. Bes| ess. J. Kelly. J. J. Sullivan. A. lb all. H. Steinbrccker, Ben Brown. C. Haiihaiiscr and W. Kriess.