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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A dispatch of yesterday from Paris says: France ami 8Ml Britain ileciile.l Inlay to continue the campaign in the Balkans, and agreed n military measures designed to assure the security of the ox-pe.litionar.v forces which lande.I at Salouiki. The agreement, wuich has reference to concerted military action in other zones, as well as in the Balkans, was reached by Premier Briauil ami War Minister Gallieni. the French representatives, and Foreign Secretary Grey and War Secretary Kitcliener, acting for Great Britain, who have been in conference in Paris during the last two days. The semiofficial announcement issued after todays conference says the principle of maintenance of French • ml British troops at Salouiki was approved by all the participants, and that military measures have Imh-ii taken to assure the security of the expeditionary corps, which is retreating methodically toward its base. A semiofficial announcement issued this afternoon indicates that the French and British troops are being withdrawn from Serbia. A statement to the effect that the questions at issue between Osama and the entente powers are on the way toward settlement is credited to M. Gouuaris. Creek minister of the interior, by the Havas corre-s]Miudent at Athens. After a meeting of the cabinet council Friday night M. Gouuaris. the correspondent says, made this statement and added that he regarded the diplomatic situation as satisfactory. Kaiser William of Germany has personally withdrawn Captains Boy-Ed and Von Pnpen. naval and military attaches of the Herman embassy, and has made a personal request that the United States obtain safe conducts for them and their successors. Secretary I.Hnsiug formally announced this fact: It was made plain that the recall of the attaches was perfectly satisfactory to Emperor William, who handled the ease personally. The recall was asked by the 1 nil i-d States because ot the connection of the attaches with various plots against American order and security. The acceptance by Germany of President Wilsons ultimatum that Boy-Ed and Von Iapeu should leave the United States is regarded in official and diplomatic circles as proof of the purpose of the Berlin govern men t not to have a break with ihe American people. It is pointed out that it is hardly likely Germany would require a safe conduct for successors of these two men if she had any intention of precipitating an early rupture in diplomatic relations. Mayor Thompsons three appointments to the lioard of education were approved by the city council Friday night. A bitter fight was made against Edward .1. Piggott. and when the votes were added the score was thirty-three to thirty-two against Mr. Piggott. Whereu|Hn Alderman N. A. Stern, who had voted against Mr. Piggott on the ground that he was too much interested in politics, changed his vote. He said he could not stand for the "anarchistic" methods of Alderman W. E. Rodriguez and asserted that capital had as much right to interest itself in school affairs as had labor. Mayor Thompson had the pleasure of having one apiMuntment. that of Charles French, approved unanimously, the vote lieing sixty-five to nothing. The apiKtintment of Charles R. Young was opposed by five aldermen. Under the heading. "The Real Victor." the Berlin Vorwaerts predicts the United States will reap all the profits and economic advantages for which Britain and Germany are fighting, no matter which wins. The sudden withdrawal of German exports from the world markets, says the article, affords the United States a. tremendous opjiortuuity for extending its trade, particularly in South America, while the accompanying financial expansion will be made easy by the new American currency laws. Amidst the dili of war a new competitor is seen arising who will soon prove more dangerous to Englands position in the world market than Germany would have been thirty years hence. From Berlin yesterday a dispatch says: Advices received here t day indicate that the Russians are hurriedly concentrating troops along the Roumanian liorder. The Austrian faeces in Bukowina also are being re-enforced heavily. A Bucharest dispatch, forwarded by way of Budapest, says that the harbor at Reni. the Russian Danube port, at which troops have lieen concentrated for some time, has been closed to passenger and freight traffic. Railway traffic with Russia over the line through Un-geui on the northern Roumanian border, has-been suspended since Saturday of last week. Telephone and telegraph communication with Bessarabia also has been suspended. Ten thousand Russian soldiers are constructing a railroad line from Reni, thirty miles eastward, to I mail. Tlie city council, by a vote of forty-four to twenty. Friday night called on Mayor Thompson to remove "apt. Percy B. Coffn. president, and Joseph P. Geary, member, of the civil service coni-inissh.ii. and requesting States Attorney Hoyne to investigate their acts. The action was takeu by adopting the aldermauic finance committees recommendations. By votes of forty-four to twenty and forty-two to twenty-two. the i uncil also adopted the re|x rts of the judiciary and finance committee--. res|iectively, calling upon the mayor to remove George E. Nye. chief boiler inspector, and calling upon States Attorney Hoyne to prosecute him criminally 1st alleged briliery and violation of the civil service laws. Two cast guard cutters for work on the Pacific coast and ill Alaskan waters, one for the harls.r of New York and another for San Francisco harbor. are recommended in the annual report of the coast guard sent to congress today. The cost of these vessels is not definitely given, hut apparently would exceed $."Oii,0 Kl. The report says that of the 279 stations of the coast guard twenty-one should be rebuilt as soon ys possible. Lives saved or liersoiis rescued from |ieril in the fiscal year, the report shows, numbered 1.507. The value of vessels ussisted was put at 0,927,730, while the total cost of the coast guard and life-saving service slightly exceeded ,000,000. Yuan Shi-Kai. BSaaMent of the Chinese republic, has accepted the throne of China tendered to him by the council of state. Acting as a parliament, the council of state yesterday canvassed the vote on the question of a change in the form of the government of China to a monarchy and found that the votes of 1.993 representatives out of 2.043 qualified to vote on the proposition were favorable to the change. The council of state immediately sent to Yuan Shi-Kai a jictition urging liiin to accept the throne. He declined at first, but when the petition was forwarded to him a second time he accepted, with the proviso that he would continue to act as president until a convenient time for the corouation. The steamer San Juan of the New York and Porto Rico line was held up and searched by a French cruiser while the steamer was bound from New Orleans to San Juan. Porto Rico, according to a message received by the line yesterday. Two secon 1-esasa passengers were removed. The San Juan Hies the American flag. The San Juan is the third vessel of this line to have liecn held up within the last five days, the Coamo and Carolina having been searched off Porto Rico this week. The passengers removed from the San Juan were William Guiith •-vodt and Fritsch Letts*, both said to lie resideuls of New Orleans. The San Juan left New Orleans Saturday and arrived at San Juan early yesterday. The Greek government has made all arrangements for demobilization of the army. It is expected a decree to this effect will lie issued shortly, says an Athens dispatch. The French minister had his second conference of the week with King Con-stantine yesterday morning. Subsequently the ministers of the entente ixtwers called on Premier Skc-u-loudis. It is learned on good authority that energetic representations were made for the purpose oi inducing Greece to hasten action ill regard to the facilities demanded for the allied troops at Saloniki. A decisive move on the part of the Greek government is ex|ected momentarily. An Italian official statement yesterday said: There have been minor actions between small de-tachuients north of Leppis in the Cameras Valley, at Adige in the Calainento Valley, at Masobrenta Torrent i:i the ITsasSt Chiazzo. ami in the Seebach Velley. where some prisoners were taken from the enemy. Artillery activity continues on both sides. During the night of the Sth the enemy made several attempts to force our position at Oslaviu on the heights northwest of Gorizia. These attempts were immediately stopped. An enemy aeroplane dropped bombs in the Dogtia Valley, but did no damage. It is believed in dipl imatic circles at Athens that Greece has decided t accede to the demands of the entente powers relative to the situation of the ex-l cditionary force at Saloniki. It is understood that part of the Greek troops quartered there will be sent SWay. so as not to hinder measures to be taken bv the Franco-British forces to put Saloniki in a state of defense. According to reports received in Attn us from Saloniki. Bulgarians have SfltSBsM rait of the passes near Demir-Kapu. The French are retreating it g.od order. At the University of Berlin the roll of honor of its students ami professors who have fallen in the pre-ent war already .-..vers three large hlackltoards. which are surrounded bv laurel wreaths, in the main lobby of the central biiil.lng. These tablets ••ontain the names of eishl pr. lessors and lecturers, one official and not fewer than 241 students. Among tlte latter ale thirty-lwo students or theology, fifty of law. twenty seven of medicine and 123 of various branches ..f the philosophical department. Tlie steamer Hocking of Ihe American Trans atlaiitic Company, which was seized by a British criiser several week- ago, is to be released from custody at Halifax. N. S.. in compliance with the admiralty court order and will be turned over to G. W. Hcn.-ley, upiwluted agent for the crown. The British authorities contended that although the Hocking Hew the American flag, the vessel was actually owned by German interests. The officers of the French steamer Harmonic, which has arrived at Marseilles, say that the vessel was attacked recentlv by an Austriau submarine. The submersible fired two torpedoes, which were without effect, and then withdrew. The next day the Harmonic was attacked by an aeroplane that flew overhead for an hour and dropped six bombs, all of which fell into the sea. The Berlin Tageliche Rundschau gives the following percentages of the increases iu the price of some of the commoner commodities in Germany in August. 1913. as compared with August. 1913: Butter. M! per cent: margarine. 33: dripping. 17«; herring. 4i" : ham. 00; fat bacon. 140: onions. 270: white beans. 172: peas. ISO; wheat flour, 44: rice. 172: sugar, 21. Turksh forces at the Dardanelles have l een re-enforced and are making heavy attacks upon the A milo-French trenches. Mvtilene dispatches vester day reix.rted that the Turks bombarded the British front violently Thursday and Friday. New Zeal-amlers repmlsed a Turkish infantry attack on the Kritltia sector. New high marks in November for monthly dredging were set in both the Gaillard cut and the Culebra slides, according to the current issue of the Canal Record. A total of 1.22.S.730 cubic yards of earth was rein.ived in the Gaillard cut and I.004.4SO from the Culebra slides. The German military authorities have begun fresh proceedings against Dr. Karl saetafM member of the reichstag. according to the Hiiman-ites correspondent on the Swiss frontier. His prosecution, however, requires the sanction of the reichstag. The munitions factories of the Belgian government at Havre were destroyed yesterday bv an ex plus011. Extensive damage was done and I.ihmi lie. pie were injured, it is averred, but few were killed.