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i ; [ r „ j _ , , , J f 1 r . , . I l I , . . t g , " J J GOVERNOR HALL SAYS ALL IS RIGHT. New Orleans. La., December 17. — The threatened , disagreement between Governor Luther E. Hall and the officials of the Business Mens Racing Associa-. tion is at an end. Assurances made to the governor J [ by officials of the association brought forth the : statement from the states chief executive last J night that he had lieen satisfied that the meeting will he conducted along lines which will be in conformity with the laws of the state, in a clean and l j business-like manner and without any element of politics lieing connected with it. In a statement 1 "iven out last night the governor said: "I am satisfied " with the assurances now given me by the - Business Mens Racing Association. If the assur ances are carried out, as I have reason to believe s they will be, I have no objections to offer to the tt winter meeting. "My position in the matter has been all along that I wanted to be shown. I heard rejiorts which 1 did not conform to my ideas of a clean above- board meeting conducted within the law. The re- 1 quest for specific information having failed to get a satisfactory response, I demanded a show down. " I did so at this time, because I did not want to 0 let the matter drag along until the eleventh hour. ; "The representations now made to me. are that the meeting has been placed iu the hands of a ■ competent management, pledged to keep it free from politics and to conduct it in conformity with 1 the laws. 1 do not tell them to go ahead. nor do I tell them to stop. That is their business. ;■ r My only concern is that the law be complied with a and tlie meeting kept free from politics and. on a this last score. I may say that I do not believe e a meeting under political management and domi- nation can be properly conducted. "I have said before that I am not opposed to 0 clean racing and have no objections to a gentlemens meeting, conducted for the benefit of New Orleans by business men upon a business basis, clean and 1 in conformity with the law. The assurances now „ v given me are satisfactory, if carried out, as I be-J lieve they will be."