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• • I • I GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. From El Paso, Texas, a telegram says: Under »r pressure of his generals, the weight of his defeat iu m Sonora. and the counsel of his wife. General Francisco i- Villa is on his way to the border and the ie United States, his role of commander in chief renounced, e" and his determination to continue fighting 8 the de facto government of Carranza until death, *• broken, at least for the present. Previous to re- £ nouncing his command. General Villa was united to Mrs. Villa in a civil marriage. They had been mar- F- ried by a church ceremony several years ago but it was believed the civil marriage would remove any f moral obstacle to the entrance of Mrs. Villa and id General Villa into the United States. The relinquishment a- of command by ViUa was verified by Mrs. *. Villa in person. She said the general had agreed d to retire from the revolution, but only temporarily, ., and that he would not come to the United States •s unless he was assured that he would not be arrested. 1. 1 1 ! i | , ■ | " , j I i ! | ; ■ i i ; : , , I j . 1 a ! 3 • - I [ l f . s a a s •. it t g r d " t •r * s ! S ■ j0 *" I ,e is ii g le c U »r iu m i- ie e" 8 *• £ Villas household goods, as well as those of his brother Hipolito, who is financial secretary of the convention government, were brought into the United States. All the money in the treasury at Juarez also was removed. An exodus of Villa chieftains families occurred at the border during the afternoon. Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States, and Mrs. ...rman Gait, widow of a wealthy Washington jeweler, were married at 8:." oclock Saturday night at the residence of the bride in Twentieth street. Fewer than forty-five guests, members of the immediate families of the bride and bridegroom, and two or three of their most intimate friends, were present. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Herbert Scott Smith, who was a student under Jr. Wilson at Wesleyau university. Middletown. Conn, in 18SH. and who now is rector of St. Margarets Hpi- *■ pal chnrch. of which the bride is a communic?tu. The benediction was pronounced by the Rev. James II. Taylor, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church, of which the president is an elder. ih-, president and his bride left at 11:10 oclock for Hot Springs. Va., on the private Pullman ear Su-perba. This car. with one containing secret service men and newspaper correspondents and the regular through sleeper to Hot Springs and a dining car, were made up as a second section of the regular Chesapeake and Ohio tram. A Paris dispatch of Saturday night says: A suc-! cess for the llerzegovinian army of Montenegro iu forcing back the Austrians after a hard battle is reported in the Montenegrin official statement received here today. The statement says: Our army In the Sanjak was attacked on December 15 by superior forces along the entire front. Our troops were given orders on the day following to expect movements which i ernilt them to occupy new defensive positions. Our II°rzegovinian army succeeded after sev-r eral hours furious fighting in forcing the enemy to the other side of the River Subeska and iu in-. dieting on him serious losses. According to Bul-t garian deserters arriving at Saloniki. it is reported from there to the I lavas correspondent at Athens Gievgeli was pillaged by Bulgarian ti ops, which afterward retired four miles from the town in fear of a bombardment by the allies. Based on its enormous increase in earnings during the current calendar year, which has l een one of the most prosperous in its history, the United States Steel corporation will distribute liontises of nearly .0OO.-? 000 during January to officers, heads of departments. superintendents and minor executives. This will lie in addition to the profit sliaring plan for the em-1 ployes which the company has had in operation for many years. It is expected that the companys earnings for the present year will total about !i .- 000.000, which would give it a surplus of approxi-r inately 0,000,000 for the twelve months. According to a dispatch of yesterday from Amster- dam it has been officially announced in Berlin that the small German cruiser Bremen and a torpedo boat accompanying it have been sunk by a British submarine in the eastern Baltic sea. The announce- ment stated that a considerable portion of the crews of both vessels were saved. The Bremen in peace times carried a crew of ."00 men. The Bre- men was built in 1903. It had a displacement cf 3,250 tons, was 340 feet long and 43Vj feet lieani. The following official communication has been is- sued by the Petrograd war office: Outpost fighting in the direction of Raggasem and the Antenig and Tukum road ended uniformly to our advantage. The Germans were driven off by out fire, and in some places our men, following the enemy, penetrated the German lines. Northeast of the Dviusk region, near Minschel and Sarkaui, our artillery made for- tunate hits on a column of the enemys infantry, dispersing it. Information from German sources in Athens in- dicates that the Teutonic drive on Saloniki will be started some time this week. The Austrian offen-£ sive against the Montenegrins continues and more than 13,000 prisoners have been captured. Italian troops in Albania have not been landed for an offen- sive but only to succor Montenegrins and Serbians. The steamship Oscar II.. with the Ford peace party, arrived at Christiansand at 3:30 oclock Satis urday. according to a dispatch from Christiania to Reuters Telegram company. No official or other reception was accorded the peace party, and only newspaper men boarded the vessel on its arrival. Captains von Papen and Boy-Ed have notified the German embassy they probably will sail Dsetaskst 22 and 2*, respectively. They wiU sail on the Holland-America line steamers lauding at Rotterdam, going thence by rail to Germany. A terrific explosion occurred Wednesday in the German ammunition depot at Courtrai. Travelers who brought the news to Amsterdam Saturday, said great damage was done, but it was believed no lives were lost. Italian troops have captured Torre peak, "ominat ing the Astico valley in the Austrian Tyrol, it was officially announced yesterday.