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R. F. CARMAN PLANS TO ESTABLISH STUD. New York. January 0. — H. A. Back, who recently ratarned from a visit to Washington, tells of a plan thai Biehard F. Carman has to establish a thoroughbred breeding farm somewhere in Virginia or Maryiaod, tuough he has not yet decided on tic location. The stud will lie headed by Meridian and The Turk, and a- nucleus lie has seven of his own males and will purchase others. In his own band are Achieve, the dam of Achievement, one of the good two year-obi- of la-i season, and Horizon, herself n Mod race mare. Mr. Carman has sent nine horses to New Orleans, including Startling. Broom-vale. 0. M. Miller and F.lla Bryson. The other Cat man horses are turned out in the infield at the Kenning course. Mike |aly is another who .till slables nt the old course of the Washington Jockey club, ami m addition to ,,:,ie Jumpers he ban in bis rare I lit-lelgutd, I- eniuouse. kingly ami I mare by She Gun— .ludiiii c.ini|ibcli. thai he i- lilting Cor steeple Capstan, for William I.ittaucr.