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WILHITE DISTINGUISHES HIMSELF AGAIN. LI Paso. Tex.. January 6.— That Wilhite i- a feed hoi-..- ju-t now was clearly demonstrated today when he conceded weight to worthy opposition in the three-qharters sefllag handicap that had the place of honor- on the Juarez program and won off by himself. Jockey Hunt pursued his usual waiting tactics with the Knebelkamp sprinter and. w lien ready, his mount dashed past the leaden as if they were standing still. Oswald A. Blanch] of Lexington. Ky.. who has been to his old home in San Francisco mi a business trip, was a visitor today on his way back to Kentucky. The stables of Henry Batter, Sieman and Darlea and a two-year old belonging to M. Keefe. left today for Tia J nana. W. T. Anderson arrived today. lie will remain about ten days, then go to his ranch in California. While there has been no official ruling, the stewards lone n dified several horsemen, jockeys and also soine followers of racing, to take their departure beefcaaa their presence is not desired at Inarez.