Havana Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1916-01-19


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HAVANA ENTRIES. — J Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. j Racing starts nt 4:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:27. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud ruuuer. ., M maidens. Apprentice allowance. .", First Race — 1 Mile. 2 4 year -olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 2114:1 1 :38% 4 —188. Ind. Horae. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 24456** Billie Baker 103 1:41% 8 188X725 b 24325* Coppertown 1 4 1:38% 8 100X720 B 24509* Beaumont Belle . . 102 1 :41 :V. 5 107X715 c 24425 Balfron 88 1 J8% 6 1 lox 715 V 24509* Ben I in a- 104 1:40% 8 108X710 24458* Malik 188 1:42% 5100x705 = I.illie Baker is getting good and should hav « little trouble healing litis kind. 4 Seccnd Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 24335— 1:42%— 5— 184. 245 is Volant 4 104 X 725 ~ 24309 Centauri 103 1:44% 8 113x720 ~ 24507" San Jon 110 1:43% 5 188X715 * 24493* Havana 3 88x710 3 24506* Wavering 8 188x716 - 24444" Saturnus 4 106X710 21142" Margaret Meise . ..110 1:45% 5 103X705 Volant should race better than of late. j Third Race — 5-8 Mile. H jrar aide aud upward. Selling. | Track record: 24286—59*4.— 5— 114. 1 23935 Marjorie A 163 1:66% 8 100x725 24470 Roval Interest 107 1:00% 4 107X720 : 24525-* Ada Anne 104 1:01 5 97X710 24331 1* Deviltry 10711:01% 4 102X710 . 24479** Big Lumax 168 1:08% 5 104X710 . 24374 Stunner 110 1:02 3 88. .705 24507 Tener 109 1:01% 5 111.. 705 j 22710- Stubborn 88 l:18%h 4 105.. 700 j If Marjorie A. is ready she should easily beat this | 2 kind. I Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 242:!2— 1 :11:!-.— 4— 111. 24508** MAXIMS CHOICE. 107 1:1114 5 108. .726 243381 Sureiret 109 1:12 9 11:5X715 i 244401 Parlor Boy 118 1:12% s li:i©710 24423 Kopje 162 1:13% 4 108x705 c 24441* Monereif 104 1:12% 8 103 ©700 1 24451 Merry Jubilee 1011:14% 4 10s. .700 24478 Ruth Strickland ..104 1:15 I 9.1X095 : 24388* Peg 107 1:14% 4 103X690 Maxims Choice has been racing well against better opposition. Fifth Race— 1 1-4 Miles. J No track record. 4 year-olds and upward. Selling. 24510- Lochiel 102 2:05--. S 110X725 , 24498 Tamerlane 100 2:07% 4 108. .720 24510* Scorpii 4 101 X 715 24420 Kris Kringle 4 102X715 24500 Afterglow 6 88X710 I 24510* Change 4 88X709 . Lochiel is the beat horse.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916011901/drf1916011901_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1916011901_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800