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QUITE AMBITIOUS RACING PLANS. Near York. January 21. — The Inlted Hunts Racing Association will make rapid strides tiiis year, with the 5,000 subscriptions, events of notable value to be run over the Belmont Park Terminal course. The proposed program is out for the lir-t and second clay-. May 13 and May 17. On the opening day then- will be seven races and m purse of l-s value than 00. while the Croat Hunts Steeplechase has an added value of ,500. With thirty entries for this race, its estimated ralae will be abend ,000. A new feature is scheduled, called the Timber Toppers Champion Chase, oer a four-mile course will st and rail femes only. This will lie the first running of a nee of this character in this section of the country. On tic second day there will be si races DM of which, the Masepioradors Steeplechase, will have ,004 added, the distance being three miles nVer a brush course. Centlemen riders will be allowed five pounds except in races confined to gentlemen riders only and will receive a piece- of plate for every winner ridden. Every variety of steeplechaser will lie called out. there being four kinds of jumping races, in-eluding steeplechase races for hunters, open sidling steeplechases and limber toppera. It is the intention of the United Hunts Pacing Aasociatloa to bid for the highest class of racing over its natural grass course and. by selecting the early dates iu May, it will have no coutiict, unless the schedule of dates arranged by the Jockey Club -tarts earlier than last year. Judging from the dates chosen by the United nimts. the probabilities are that the regular season will begin here on May 20. Gilford A. Cochran, whose breeding farm is in Mount Kisco. N. Y.. is daily expecting foals from his mares Barry B-se. Connemara. Pretty Maiden and the Marchioness, all by His Majesty. There is a great dearth of exercise boys about the winter training stables. This is partially due to charitable institutions not permitting their charge* lo be apprenticed to horse owners and to the poor racing conditions of the past few years.