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SANF0RD STRING TO TRAIN IN SOUTH. New York, .laiiuary 23. -It is the evident intention of John Sanford to make an early raeteg Start this season. Phil T. Chiiin. who 1ms just returned to New York f r .in Charleston, reports that preparation was being made at the Palmetto Park race course when lie left there for the reception of twenty seven of the Sanford horses. Thei will be fitted lor the seasons racing bv Preston Bnrch and Holly Hughes. Late last fall il wis announced that Mr. San-ford would winter his horses a; Palmetto Park, but there was a change of plans ami ihev were shipped back to the Iltirricma Farm at Amst din. N. V. In the band that will be taken to Charleston will be Several imported horses and the Sanford colors will l.e shoWn at an earlier date than ever before in th,. history of the stable. Mr. Chinn reported thai a considerable number of horses are in training at Charleston, most of them well advamed. The Kinrlish horses that Wilier B. Jennings is fitting for A. K. Maeoinber. he said, "are an Impressive band and the S. A. Cloptou string is also coming along well."