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T1UCK IS MENCHED AGAIN . : MOST DISAGREEABLE DAY OF THE NEW ORLEANS MEETING CUTS ATTENDANCE. Herbert Temple Defeats Father Riley in the Main Race of the Day — Lucky R. Wins and Is Bid Up — Ambrose Reinstated. i N w Oilcans. I. a.. February 1. — More llaairualllt Weather for this locality could hardly be conceived than i hat which prevailed this afternoon. A cold rata fell steadily daring the period of racing and CUM directly into the grandstand, making the lower half of tin- big stnicture untenable. Ihia IHM ladies day and was expected to lie a gala occasion, hut the inclement weather kept many of the ladies away, though a surprisingly large numher braved the discomforts to be on hand. The races were rushed through as hurriedly as practicable, the intervals between them being brief. the mile handicap which featured the card re suited in a victory for Herbert Temple, which U. Hennessey recently claimed in a sidling race from .1. S. Tyree. The horse showed an excellent per-lormance in overtaking Father Riley and winning easily. Only lour started in the race, llamnia beating Cliff Field for third money. The heavy g. ing. as a result ef the drenching thai the course underwent, militated against the -pert, as it required an extraordinarily sturdy racer to run with any degree of success. Following the opening race. Lucky K., the- winner was advanced from an entered price of to 11,100, at which figure bar owner retained Iter. lapt. James H. Beea of Memphis. Tenn.. will aarlve bare next Monday ranralajc for a ireeki enjoyment of the races, "apt. Beea is chairman of the committee of appeal* of the Business Mens Racing Association and the orgaaiiatlOB of the committee will be perfected during his stitv. The other members are: Albert Ondchaux. Allen M. Mehle. .lean Bush and .1. K. Paarce. .ludge Murphy reaterday notified Fred Statoa ami jockey Borger that he v.ould aah the coauaittee to look into their cases if they asked for a hearing, although ordin arily the eases would not be heard until the end of the meeting. "The committee of appeals was ircated by myself to review my odteial acts." said Judge Marphy. "People will admit that it is composed of representative men. If they think an injustice has been done to Staton and Burger and they reinstate them they will be restored to all privileges and shown every courtesy. This should be sufficient proof to people that I do not desire to pose as a czar in the affairs of the Business Mens Racing Association." leekejl B. Ambrose, suspended yesterday by the judges tor a rappoaed faulty ride on Jim Base] . was this afteraooa rutored to good standing when it was found that the horse had broken down during the running of the race. Veterinarian Talbott was sent to examine the horse and his finding was: "This to certify that I have this day examined the bnrae Jim Baeey and hud that he has broken down. The horse has a rupture id the suspensory ligament of the right foreleg jaal above the ankle and in my opinion will never race again."