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THORNCLIFTE TRACK TO BE BUILT. Henry McDaniel Describes Canadian Racing Conditions in Interesting Way. New Verk. February 1. Henry McDaniel. former-Ij trainer of George C Bennetts formidable racing establishment, and now i oaai i ti d with Robert l avie- id Torouto ill a similar capacity, is spending a lea days in New Vorfc. He b: ■.uiglii with him the iinwehi.i,!,. intelligence that Mr. Davie*. Who baa been in failing health for three years or aaere, is Bow seriously ill. so ill in fact that lie his ceased t" take ai.y active iatereal in his racing atable, hi-Itreedtag farm, or even his extensive business in-tereata in Teroato and etoewhere throaghoot Canada. Daring tin- araaaa of WIS Mr. Daviea headed the lis: of Canadian winning earner*. Trainer McDaniel appear- to have beeoene greatly attached to the Canadian turf instil utioiis. as well as t,, the iurf-nn n of the dominion. lie any* that last geaeon was an extremely prospi raaa one fur horae mnirn throaghoot Canada, and that the prospects in- igio are exccUeat. "The ractag aaaociatkm* ef Canada," be aandid, "are iilteai I3 liberal in their dialing with horse owner a, ami this applies especially ti Toronto. The .11 adians bare o adjusted their racing prograaaa that lioiiM-bied boraea cut a prominent figure in the raring, and as a coBaaqaeace if pays to breed thoroughbreds in Canada if a man will ga about it liberally ami intelligently. Good siren have beea imp ric. 1 into Canada both from the Carted Btatea and England, ami the Canadian breeders have good maps tn mate with them. Mr. Davie- has on his bleeding tarn:. TfcornctinV. about -ix miles it from Toronto, no less than tweaty-gve thoroughbred broad" mares. an,| then an- among them such good OBC8 as KoutbetB Maid, which ran a cloae second to Pennant far the 1imiri t . and Moving Picture by Ogden - -l.ilida l,ee. There are three good sires at Thorn ctifti Farm, two Imported from this coaatry and one from Bagland. They are Neakm, by Bain; First sight, iiy Peep oDay, and the Bagijaa horse. Orme Shore, by Orme. "Hobert Daviea famous old race boise. Plate Glaaa, has been retired from the turf and Mis Daviea is aaing him far a saddle horae. ladeed, this oung ladj appears to have inherited her fathers liking for the thoroughbred, as have at least three of her i brother*. They have ■ tine mile track laid oat and all ready far eeaat ruction on the Taoracliffe prop -rty. and what is of more Importance miller the circumstance*, they have 1 charter for it. and it is dirlii nl; to obtain a charter for a racetrack in Canada just now. They will build the track tbu coining summer, and it should lie a aac-renafal one. for it is up the valley of the River Don. an. I within 200 yards of the main line of the Canadian Pacific railway, only a few minutes run from the union station in Toronto. "Ar Woadbtoe 1 Toronto, and Blue Bonnets Moatreal, the race-goiag crowds are large fashion a le and tborongbly repreeentative, and tin- sport is in the highest favor in the best BOCtal circles in the dominion. The statesmen and military men reeogalsa the value of rating as an impetus to the breeding of horses lust tilted for cavalry and other military parpoaea, and in short tie- thoroughbred reea baraa is in high favor throughout the whole dominion. •Jocenh B. Seagram, who is araaUaal of the Caaa •Man Racing Aanociatioaa, who was in bad health t m "i year or two. appear* to have fully recovered. and is now Ms active in turf affairs as ever. He is a strong man for the place and his administ ration lies been eminently taceeaafal and satisfactory."