untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-07


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I DAILY RACING FORM % * f may bs purchased at the following Hotels ♦ | and News-stands in PHILADELPHIA. PA., T O ?:30 A. M. Day of Issue: % if VENDIG HOTEL: ♦ O 13th and Filbert Streets. ♦ * RITZ CARLTON HOTEL: j Broad and Walnut Streets. 2 BLUMENFIELD NEWS CO.: J t 13th and Arch Streets. O D. W. LABEL: * X 3S North Broad Street. y t NEWSSTAND: r 4% o 13th and Arch Streets. «, O NEWSSTAND: « i t 12th and Market Streets. A O NEWS-STAND: ♦ O 10th and Market Streets. f O NEWSSTAND: ♦ i f 3rd and Market Streets. ♦ * * NEWSSTAND: ♦ 1 Delaware and Market Streets. V .[ NEWS-STAND: sth and Walnut Streets. .L NEWS-STAND: ![ 9th and Walnut Streets. O NEWS-STAND: i j[ 11th and Walnut Streets. T NEWS-STAND: * 15th and Walnut Streets. £ O NEWSSTAND: a 4 ► 15th and Chestnut Streets. * O NEWS-STAND: «V i Broad and Chestnut Streets. 9 III II IIIHI IllassiyillHaal III llll aaaaaaanaaaapnaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rTHE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL for 1916 An Excellent and Uow-Priced Book of 398 Pages It holds information for people interested in racing contained ~ in no other publication. It is simply a mine of records AMONG ITS FEATURES ARE: |i, Method for Calculating Iari-Mutuel Prices with Examples. j - Record for 1915 of Every Horse that Raced iu North America During the Tear. Record Prices in the Pari-M|ltuels. English Racing Records to Date. Three Handicap Systems with Examples.. Records of All Distance* of the Tracks of the Initcd States, Canada, Cuba pud Mexico. • Amvrican Yearling Sales in 1915. * American Racing Records at All Distances. i R Canadian Racing Records. English Racing Records. Australian Racing Beearda. -2 The Oreat Money Winners of the American and English Turf. Tabulation of Winning Two-Year-Olds of 1919, Arranged Cadet Their Re- ■ -pective Sires. Officials and Location of Racing Organizations of the United States. Canada, Cuba and Mexico. List of Horses that have Sold for Great Prices. The Leading Winning Two-Ycar-O.ds Since 1870. ■ Beaaarkahle Feats of Jockeyship. Leading A met can Sire- since 1S70. Ml Twenty Leading Sires of 1915. jL I Table of Comparative Speed of the Tracks ar Various Distances. I The Scales of Weights of the Jockey Club. Kentucky State Baring ConinNs- I sion. lacilic Jockey Club. Canadian Racing Associations, Jockey Club I I I Juarez. Cuba-American Jockey Club, and of England. Tahles of Speed of All Tracks. I I The Engli.-h Betting Utiles. ! I The First. B tread and Third Horses lockers. Weights, Valuta and Times of American Stakes. ; Winners of All Stake- of 1915. * 5 Bariag BtatJsrlei of 1919. Horses Disqualified in 1915. Dead Heats in 1919. Horses Which Di .1 in 1919. Bones Bid Cp in I91and Winner- of Important Races ..f Katiand. France and Australia. licecni of Miles Run la 1:38 or Better, etc, etc. PRICES— By Mail: I PRICES — At Office: Leather Bouiid.85 Gents Leather Bound.75 Gents Paper Boand.JG Gents Paper Boiind.,,50 Gents = With this eminently handy book in his pocket any admirer of racing can readiiy answer alaaoat any tpiery that may come up concerning facts af rac- I lag in the oast Its equal ha- never been printed and, considering the topics i it eovers, it is un extremely lear-prieed U..:k. i« Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. I 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 74 Exchange Street /. .-. .-. Buffalo, M. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916020701/drf1916020701_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1916020701_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800