New Orleans Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-01


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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Racing starts at 2:::o p. m. Chicago time. 2:.°.0. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud ruuuer. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1-2 Mile. 2-year olds. Selling. Track record: 67800 — 47%— 2— 118. Ind. Horse. Wt. R. c. A.Wt.Han. 2.7171- Maud Bacon 112 :4s 112.. 727 L.171 : lobelia no :«8 1 1-7.. 720 2.7171 Gretcben R 112 :48% 112/71.7 I25DJI Rhvmer 112 :IN 11.7.. 71.7 24074 Cobleii EantamtMi 109. .705 25189 Lady Ward M » ..169 : 10 MJ8..700 25189 Out 1M1 10S :40 112. .700 2.7is;i Nepers M 110. :49% 109. .085 25189 So F/.e iM too :49% 109. .695 25189* Eden Park II ..loo :.7o /r, 164X690 Contenders are well matched. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds ami upward. Selling. Track record: 101.7.7 1:12 s -10S. 2.7210 Undaunted 108 1:12% 5 110 725 25207 Bnls Welsh Ill 1:13% 6 107 .20 25207 /in Del 98 1:12% 4 108X720 25207 Ancon 117 1:13% 0 1120720 25063 Videt 168 1:14 4 118x715 25159 Scrapper 100 1:13% 5 112.. 710 24871 Sebag 116 1:11% B 118X710 25028 Milton Roblee ...115 1:11-, .7 112x705 247.T1 Thoughtreader 107 1:13% 5 112x705 24565 Rio Brands 166 1:11% 7 112x705 23994 Cadaver ek 105 1 :14 % 4 105 x 700 25023* Rrownstone M .. 5 167. .690 24970* Servie. nee M7 1:l4r. 10 107Q090 °::714 Bendet 169 1:18% 5112x000 23080 Will BOM M ..IM 1:15% 4 105. .080 Fnilauuted should race bc-tter. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 19155—1:12—8—188. 25156 Hester Fryiine .. .118 1:10% C. 112. .740 23208 Dr. lsrriek Kl 1:12 4 125X735 2.721*1 Bringhurst 105 1 :1 1 5 134X735 23208 Fair Helen 104 1:1:1 4 105X730 2.71.70 Carbide HO 1:12% 4 103X725 25208 Korfuage 102 1:12V.-, 6 MS X 725 2717.: Bine Cap MB 1:12% 3 102X720 25158 Uncle Jimmie 100 1:12% 5 102x720 23268 Flginhy 125 1:13% .7 110x720 Brbtgburst is undoubtedly the best sprinter at New Orleans, but i-: asked to make big Weight concessions to g . i opposition. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. tentlemen BHers. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. * draek record: 181557—1:12- 8 -168. 282381 tiabrio 116 1:13% 7 17.7X7-5 2.V2.;.«s Lady London 110 1:12V. 6 165X720 25238* Dr. Kendall 187 1:13% 5 170 716 2.7104 Richard Langdon. .102 1:13% 6 160x710 24882 Luke Van Baadt. .103 1:14% 0 150x705 25082 Insurance Man ...101 1:14% 0 14.7x700 24002 Perth Bock 1*6 1:14% 5 150X700 24471 Ida Spivev M .104 1:10 4 140x000 25158 St. Leo il ...... 100 1:15 4 140.. 680 Gabrio is clearly the best horse. Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 18888— 1:44%— 3— 164. 2.72.7:;- BIBKA 104 l:-.-. 5 107x725 -5142 Gerrard 16T 1:46% 0 107x71; 2.7040* Ladl Spirituelle ..102 1:48% 4 100X710 25211* Beybourn 106 1:47% 0 107x710 25240* Tovnbee 98 1:48% 6 167. .719 . 23158 CHfl Fdge 104 1:43V. 10 1K»XilO 251 42 Celebrity 104 1 :47 % 4 1 00 X 70.i 2.-.240 Rov M 88 1:48% 5 104. .763 2.7005 Lrialoha 167 1:48% 7 104X796 23735 Pierre Dumas ....1041:47% 7 108 705 25028 Laird o* Kirkcaldy. 113 1:47% 5 107X700 1 2.7240* King Radford ....113 1:40 G 104x000 2.7170 Subject 107 1:49% 4 107X000 2.7210 Reiiedictina 108 1:49 7 107X000 1 27240 ktbrdecal 165 1:47% 5 169x080 1 Btrfca has less to beat than in her recent races. Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 24418— 1:37%— 6—168. 25007 Presumption 107 1:38% 7 100x725 25211- Injury 110 1:3s 10 103X720 1 25174= Joe Finn 108 1:39% 0 100X720 1 1 2.71.77 Anna Klllter 100 1 :46% i 100 X 715 2.-.241- Orperth 168 1:38% 7 110x717 ; 25083 Lusal 105 1:41% 3 91. .710 • 125190 Wetsail 3 169. .7MI 1 2.7241 Clint 164 1:38% 0 100X710 » 2.72411 Redland 1011:39% 4 107.710 1 25150 Theodorita 6 164. .706 i 2.7000 Qoodwood 107J1:40% 4 107x705 25174 Harbard 96 1:39% 5 100X705 i 24308 Hill Simmons 103 1:45% 3 102.. 700 1 25140 Prince s 1611:46% 5 118x700 25237 Ellen Smyth Mi. 3 8B..890 Presumption lias the speed and may be able to Stick out the distance.

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Local Identifier: drf1916030101_2_7
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