Juarez Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-01


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1 i 1 I , ; , 1 i 1 1 , 1 7 5 9 1 7 • 2 5 ■• 5 0 u JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 29, 1916. - Eighty-fourth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meeting of 100 or more d.-Qs, t7 books on. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. II. F. Dreivogel. Presiding Judge, W. II. Shelley. Starter. Mais Cassidy. Racing Secretary, E. Jasper. ___ Racing starts at 2:.".l p. m. Chicago time 3:30 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. O K O PC CM FIRST P.ACi: 1-2 Mile. 64452—46*4— B— 115. Purse $"00. 2-year-olds. Selling. O £i O *J Net value to winner 2.7: second. $.7t: third. .7. index Horses AxVtlISl. . ., - Str Fin Jo -l;-ys Owners o II C j S 86633JUANITA FREDCK w 122 2 1 V 1*1 I1 G Gamer B V Jones 2 2 2 7-101-4 24934- -MILUREY w .»7 4 :: 2*J ? 2* .1 Morya .1 P Clifford 10 10 10 3 1 25212-SYltIL trill 1 2 .! ■■.■ V A Pickens W McLemore 1 7-5 7-6 2-6 1-5 25177*SAriSFIF.D W M 7 7 7 5*] 4 T Haves 1 AV Christian M 31 31 12 ti 25033 ELEANOR MARIE W 165 5 I S G4 .".- M DuNton F 1 Weir IS 1-7 17 B 2 25177*s.Ll.Y BOOTS 07 s s gas 4" r t Preece t; Preece :;o 31 :« 12 G 25212 SIR RICHARD w 115 « 1 •"" *7 7 E IfcBwenl E Clark 2 2 2 7-101-4 *MISS KNIGHT w 102 3 7 tak s II T Buckles T Henderson 30 30 30 12 C Time. 23%, 48. Track fast. Winner — B. f, by Rapid Water — Lady Ilildrelh trained bj B. A. Jones. Went to post ar 2::;o. At post 2 minute*. Btarl good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. JUANTTA FREDERICK took the bad at once and. racing next to the rail, stayed well in the stretch. MII.KREY was in nearest lait-snit all the way and finished gamely. SYRIL raced in close attendance, bat eonld not get up. SIR RICHARD was forced wide when entering the stretch by Miss KNIGHT. The winner was entered for 3466; no bill. Scratched — 25212 Frosty Morn. 102. Overweights — Satislietl. 1 pound: Eleanor Marie. -1. i PJtliri SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. 13724— 1:384*— 3— 162. Pure f360. •". year-olds and up- j£ O Jul/ ward. Selling. Net value to winner 2.7: second. $.70: third. .7. Inde» Homes A Wt IT St. U v. - Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P | 25228*SM1I.IN; MAG w I M 7 17 t;1 4 2- 1| O Gentry C Morris 5 7 1; 2 1 86121BILLIKENS W. W G loo 4 I :; 2 11 ] - .1 Morya R E Williamson 3 ti 5 I 1 25166 *TUTOB w 4 OS 1 7 B« Bl 7 4] :. T Hayes s A Martin I M M I I • 25213: ENDFRANCE WB 4 05 2 8 8 8 Ek 5* 1. C Mergler J II MeCarren ti ti 4 25135 -SU.VADO QUEEN w. 4 168 5 4 OS Sj 3*3" r," M Buxton J Green 244 S-* 3-3 25213 MADELLE w G 112 I S 4«* 4j P S ;-•. G MolesthJ C lrriss 2 11-511-61 12 25055 BLUE POINT wb B 162 8 I 2» 7 8 S 71 H Shilling M tiuinn I M It 1 I | 25213 GREAT FRIAR wsb 7 114 3 2 1*1 1« 2* 7 s E MeCownM Snttle 17 IS 18 ti ;: Time. 2345. 47%. 1:14%. 1:414s. Track fast. Winner— Ch. f. by Sniil. — Margaret M. rained by N. W. Burkhart. Went to post at 2:72. At post 1 minute. Start fair and slow. W u driving; seCOBd and third the same. SMILING MAC was reserved behind the leaders lor the tirst One quarters and. under strong urging, wore B1LLIKENS W. down to win drawing clear. BILLIKENS W. too* the lead on the stretch turn, but tired la the final drive. TUTOB raced gamely. MADELLE had no BiJsbspe. GREAT FRIAR quit. The winner Was entered for 3260: no bid. on-i weights— Smiling Mag. 1 puiind: Tatar, ■": Dine Point. 2. PJQO-1 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 12366—1 :69%— 6— 115. Purse ?::00. :i-year-olds and up- O and Vf 1 ward. S. llin. N t value t.. winner 3225; second, 6j third. .7. Index Horses AWilPSt U n 4 Str Fin J.ckcys Own-is O H Q T S 25181 SHARP. KNIGHT WB 6 108 7 I •■ ti-i 5- 1 ". YV SchornI Striker [ g g $ | 25181*MARIE COGHILL w 7 162 2 4 8 4* 4] 2 H Shilling F Wallhanser 4 5 E 2 1 25181 McAI.AN wn 7 110 0 1 4*1 Ink iuk |t| Q MolesthW E Cotton 4 4 2 ti-C 3-3 25019 wanemall w.7iio I I P 7-. i;» # M Buxton M Doyle t | | i : 2521C-MAR TILGHMAN wn 7 107 3 I » 3* ::. E T Hayes J P Dawson 4 fi ti 2 1 24774 INQUIETA w 0 11.1 s 2 H 2 2S g* A Pickens W L BchAefer 3 4 •". 1 1-3 25228 RONNIES BUCK wn 5 lo5 17 !• » 7 7C It WUlms C E Carter io r, ir, I :: 25201 C W KBNNON W3 110 *• 7 I s i* 1 Stirling C W Jackson bl n s ?. I I 3Bltf*WILLI8 wb 0 los E I I* 7 !» 9 .7 Morys J H MeCarren I 7 7 :: 7-7 Time. 24. 48%. 1:14%. Track fast. Winner— R. g. hy The Sharper — Bella Knight trained by I. Striker. Weut to post at 3:13. At post 1 minute. Start bad aiid fast. Won driving; second and third the same. SHABPEB KNIGHT, away slowly, was stronglv ridden and persevered with and. finishing fast. ] won going ;ivav. MARIE COGHILL ran well, but was next to the rail in the linal sixteenth in close : uuartera and could not tret through. McALAN was awav fast next to the rail, but was taken back while i going to the halt and was sent to the boat oa the lower turn, then tired badly. WAX KM ALL and j MARSHAL T1LGUMAN ran well. lNollKTA 0«1I after setting the early pace. Ike winner was en-teted for 00: id bid. t"» RT fl £» O FODKTH RACK— 3-4 Mile. 12M4 1 M% 8 115. luise BM*. t-jtar alia and | O O and ui war l. Handicap. Net value to winner .y22..: second. jBO; third. ifL.i. I Index Horses AVVtlPSlU K jj Sir Fin Jockeys Owners H C 1* B__ ■ IHH1 MKKiSlC WB .I 116 4 i --.. -J 24 V . K McKwenR 1 Dickinson 2 li 2 7-10oUt ; i*4gS* SENECA wsn a 122 1 2 ]-.". i?. l1 2- A Pickens .1 Tlgne s r, j 2 7-ioout ; •5151 KOOTENAY w 5 115 2 4 4 Z* 3« 84 M Buxton F T Shortell 7-6 5-2 3-2 2-5 oar r*5151BRIGHOUSE w I 103 8 3 3i 4 4 4 H Shilling L Becker 5 5 2ft 1 out Time. 232,. 474, |jH, Xrack fast. Winaer -B. g, by Lackfard— Sararoae trained by K. P. Dickinson. . Weal to post at 3:43. At p«.st 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily: second and third driv-jn" LACKROSE, awav forwardlv. qnicklv joined SENECA and. after a long and hard stretch drive, out gamed him and won going awav. SENECA showed his usual high burst of speed, but tired near the end KOOTEN Y waa shut off after gotag an eighth, then went around on the outside iu the stretch, but was trying to swerve towards the rail at the end. BR1GHOI SK was outpaced. il r 61 / ♦ O FIFTH HACK— 5-8 Mile. M318— 57%— 5— 1». Pane KM*. .l-yoar-olds and up- SaOjaOO ward. Selling. Net value to winner S22.-.: second. -S50: third. gB. iVmox Horses AWiiMSt % - X Str Fin Jockeys owners 0 H C P S .»-,.».»; ■!■].■ 1 1 OR VINE v a 9$ 2 1 Ill* 1* ll R Willms O, C Walker 10 10 10 I 1 lS51«8P. ANTOINBTTEwb 6 M8 5 5 6» 5»t 4and 21 R Feeney J Bishop 5-2 2 2 7-102-5 S«*6 t«MOLLEB wbOIOO C I 8* -" -; 84 T Hayes K .1 Ramsey 4 6 4 M S-i •»- •»•» 7 *c Hon DOi FT wr 9 no ;: - 1- I* 64 44 O Gentry R G Brown 10 10 10 3 1 ••50:47-* BIRD MAN WB«JM 4 I 2| V J« 51 W Schorn L Haymaker 0-5 0 5 1 Hl-j «521S*M. B. EUBANKS w 7 Ml 1 3 . ** m*J H shilling G J Day 4 4 4 55 S-fi Time, 23. 4723, 1:00%. Track fast. Winner I.. 111. by Filigrane— Osee trained by G. C. Walker. Went to DOSt at 4.-4»8 t post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third diivin" STELLA GRAINE look the lead with B rush and atayed well in the stretch drive. PHYLLIS VNTOINETTE finished with a rush into a gaining second. MOLLEB raced close up early but tired iinally BIRD MAN failed to show his usual speed. The winner was entered lor S_ U; no bid. Overweights— Phyllis Antoinette, 2 pounds. C er Cr* A sixth BACK— 3-4 Mile. ITMMI I M 6 in Parse S.KtO. :i-year-olds and up- Oat34r wart. Selling. Net value to winner hBJl»5: second. .0: third. 5. index Horses AWlITSt .i Vj "u Sir Fin Jockeys Owners jj 0 I | ..-,••16-1 F HI W 4 105 I 5 4- I" V 1 W SchonTT Hatfield 1**1 H Ui REM. WORTH W8 6 1M 2 4 24 24 2* V R Feeney C Diets 0 6 4 2 4-5 •"■-» V oiT M VNTELT, w 5 107 7 3 V 4*1 44 3* H Shilling SingletonandMoore 1 7-5 7-5 1-2 1-a ■"•-,ixi*CFCII*, wb 0 105 4 2 •» 5*5* 4!J I Gentry H Foss G 0 4 . 4-a ••- «i:i v v nir« w 4 loo l 7 :■;; t* S| B T Hayes BJ Ranaaey r 1 1 1 1 JsnaMARCrs xv » 110 J« 7 7 7 V B McCownFergnaon * PtaatM 25 25 7 3 ••-• LACHIS Wl 95 G 1 IJ 1" ih 7 .1 Morys M Qninn I 4 I * 1 Vi„ner—R f. by Meelick— Wrangling Duchess trained by T. Hatfield. WenttO post at 4:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily; second and third Wr-Ine 1F 1!I after racing iii forward pursuit in the early running, came to the outside In the stretch nd lik n--ilov lead won iu a cauter. BBAL WORTH forced the pace for five-eighths art tired. ]• oV;t mtfll waaalwaya ■ forward contender. RARV JAMBS was away slowly and Sniahed sixteenth out and nearly fell. Hie winner was but was crowded when a fast. LACHIS aet a goad pace, entered for 00; no bid. Scratched — 25243E1 Mahdi. 110. Overweights— Lesbia. .i pounds

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916030101/drf1916030101_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1916030101_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800