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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Sir Martins first foal has arrived at Louis Win-ans larilship Stud, being a beautiful chestnut tillv from Foots Dream by Chaucer and her first produce. The tillv is the- property of Joseph Cannon. At the same stud the mare Beguileinent has foaled a chestnut colt to Adam Beds. The Mobile Carnival Association has decided to hold a tea days meeting at the Gulf Coast Fair Grounds track beginning March 4. with March 1", as the closing date. Barney fjhirldan, Jr.. sporting editor of the Mobile Begister, will he the manager of the races for the Carnival Association. It lias been decided to run Ire races daih. The money for lite purses has been guaranteed. There is no question of the war variety of racing having "made Med." Fields and attendances have alike been excellent, and there has been a healthy keennesa about the proceedings which has not been always evident in ordinary seasons. As the form or the horses competing becomes more familiar with each meeting so will the interest beeaaae greater. London Bxpreea. Nothitnr definite has come from Tijuana relative 10 the opening date. It is likely that Frcsideut James W. Ooffrotfa of the Jockey Club has not determined as yet when the damage to the track will be repaired. At San Francisco it is reported that the railroad Is in operation again and that Ho- rating BMJ he WSianl at Us early a date as HatUI day. March In. People who could for a consideration— pat yea in the way of making moaej with practically B0 risk were abroad half a century back and operated with more assurance than presnt day operators. Nowadays no reputable paper would accept this adver Uaemeat from The foaslon S|»orting Life of flftv years ago: --Three winners for Thirty Stamps.— The wife of a jockey will send the names of win tiers for the Northamptonshire Stakes. Chester Cap and City and Suburban for thirty stamps single, thirteen stamps. Enclose directed envelope. — Address, etc.