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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. From Washington a dispatch of yesterday says: In a battle in Parral lietween American troops and the civilian population last night, General Carranza telegraphed his embassy hen- today, many deaths occurred on both sides. Carranza troops aided the Americans in attempting to restore order. Ceueral Carranza has appealed to the Inited States to recognize tl.e dangers of arousing the natives. The advices say that when the American troops entered, the local commander recalled the American assurances that they would not pass through towns. The firing started by excited civilians followed. The situation quieted, but later another clash between American troops and civilians occurred in which there were more deaths among the Mexicans. The French report of yesterday say.-.: The night passed quietly in all the Verdun region. A German attack which was lining prepared yesterday evening against our positions at Hill No. 304 dirl not progress to the Battel of leaving the trenches. The curt tins of fire maintatined by our artillery and the bombardment from our batteries in a neighboring sector dirt cted against the columns of the enemy assembled in the wood of Malancourt, apparently put an end to this maneuver. The German emperor is at Potsdam recovering from nervous shock as a result of the explosion of a shell at Verdun which destroyed the imperial motor car and killed several officers, says a Koine dispatch to the London Daily Telegraph, qiioti.ig Swiss reports. Kmperor William was net hurt, the dispatch adds. The cargo of the Cerman prize ship Appim was sold at Newport News Tuesday under i rt order by federal authorities because of its perishable nature. The sale went on all day. More than 00.-000 worth of cocoa, cotton seed anil corn was sold. Three ships, two British and one Russian, were reported torpedoed yesterday in the Mediterranean. TUey were the steamers Robert Adamsou, 2,936 tons, and Angus. 3.019 tons, anil the Russian sailing vessel Imperator. The fate of the crews is not known. Yesterdays baseball results— National league: Cincinnati S. Chicago 3: New York 2, Philadelphia 0. American league: Chicago N. Detroit f ; Boston H, Philadelphia 2; St. Louis 4. Cleveland 2.