Rain Affects Belmont Park Racing.: Grumpy Takes the Feature Race of the Day--Emden Shows Great Speed but Is Beaten., Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-08


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RAIN AFFECTS BELMONT PARK RACING. Grumpy Takes the Feature Race of the Day — Em-den Shows Great Speed but Is Beaten. New York, June 7. — A steady downpour of rain, which set in early today, gave the Belmont Park track a thorough drenching and reduced the fields greatly. Favorites fared badly at the outset when Bendlot. Emden and Arnold went down to defeat. In Emdons race the horse showed a wonderful turn of s]ieed and led into the stretch by a big margin, but tired finally and was beaten home by Armament. Running Shot took the opener over Mirza and Old Drury. In the third race opinion was fairly-well divided between the four starters. Arnold being favorite. He succumlied. however, to Ballad, which easily led him home. Passing Fancy was the medium of the heaviest kind of a plunge, but. after leading for a short distance, quit badly when a quarter from home. For the fourth. Grumpy was backed heavily, as was Distant Shore, but the former made good with ease after indulging Sir William Johnson with the lead to the stretch turn. This was the best race of the day on paper, but the withdrawal of He Will :: n l Short Gras. marred it to u great extent. The rain ami heavy track was also responsible for the withdrawal of 11. P. Whitneys Tumbler, Biverdale and King Baggot from the third race. Jo. key E. .raves, who has been here with the stable of Emil Herz. will depart for Louisville to report to his contract employer. Paul J. Miles. Jockey E. Haynes who had his foot injured when crowded against the fence while astride Friar Rock yesterday, will be able to ride tomorrow. Harry Junior was extensively backed for his race today but was never a forward contender. Senor Samuel Tolon. a wealthy automobile man of Havana and owner of Imperator. the sensation of last winters Havana meeting, has arrived for an extended sojourn. Workouts today while raining and the track slow-wen- : Alvoril— Five-eighths in 1:05. Brother Jonathan Half mile in 57. Capra Half mile in tt%. Dervish — Three-quarters in 1:18%. Fair Count Three-quarters in 1:18%. Flying Fairy -Half mile in 48%. Henry Jr.-Fivo-eighths in 1:13. I. aily Hillington— Mile in 1:48. Murphy Three-quarters in 1:24. Paddy Whack — Three-quarters in 1:17. Pbaisant Dreams— Half mile ill 51. Tinkle Bell — Three-quarters in 1:17. Tragedy Half mile in 50i. Virile Half mile in 54. Vixen— Half mile in B%.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916060801/drf1916060801_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1916060801_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800