Douglas Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-08

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DOUGLAS PARK ENTRIES. Probabilitie •: Weather cloudy: track good. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30. X Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Sidling. Fillies and Celdi.igs. Track record: N.22 — 5*=r.— 2— 115.1 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. MSB** imioeeiit Inez MB I:*!* BM..71I SBBB* Peichic 109 1:02 MB..TM 20515 Hester Smith 180 1:02% 101X705 MOOS* Trustv ltrtt 1:01% 108x705 BBMJ Ginger Quill 112 1 Mtt1., 181X780 2W00* Colza HI*; 1 :04 .-. IBJ . o mi 28080 Alcina IBlMf BM..BM 20828 Bonnie Lissie 10V. .088 20590* Dominion Park . . .107 1 Al"j 102. .0*0 Goldfcathir. ch. f. by QsMcjUt -- Ethel McCaffrey. 107 Katahdin. b. e, by Alvescot — Ameer- M 109 Snowdrift. ch. f. bv The Commoner—Rose of Pink. 109 Innocent Inez is clearly best of those that raced. Second Rate — 1 Mile. 3-vear-olds. Colts and Geldings. Selling. Track record: 11884 1 37 % 8— MA. 20032 Tli. iik-giving MM 1:41 109. .725 20072- Jerry 107 1:41% 109x720 20591* Ralph S 112 1:43 104. .710 20820 Higtodo 100X70.-. 28872 Cid. Mi Nab 110 1:44% 112X7IMI 20589 Norvic M 108. .878 Thanksgivings last race was good enough if repeated. Third Race — 1 Mile and 100 Yards. 3-y«ar "Ids. Allowances. Track record: 7479K - I :46 . 3 1 10. Ind. U"isc. Yt. lice. A.Wt.IIan. 38701 3 Kllison 115 X 735 20701 Hig Smoke USX780 38883 Hrooks 100 X 72.". 38838* Dr. Moore 107 ; .718 20070 Polroma 103X"10 20702 Jack ODowtl 108X710 28535* "apt. Rees M ... 103.. 705 Ellison has only Rig Smoke to lieat. Fourth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Lagrange Handicap. 8 year-aids and upward. Track record: 143S7— 1 :5l— 4 —180.1 20031 Hodge 122 1 :53 -. B 12." X 740 20081* Water Witch 103 1:52% 4 10!»x73."i BM70* Donerail 109 lzSllfe 0 107X730 20070 Hanovia 104 1:88*8 4 104X725 20070 Embroidery 87 1:52% 4 104X725 BMM Rryiilimah 108 1:51 % 0 100X720 Hodge carries weight well. Fifth Race— 5-8 Mile. 2-yeur-olds. Fillies. Selling. Track record: 8822— 58%— 2—115. 20590 Fan G 112 1:01% 112X"25 26587** Little Spider 104 1:81% 107.. 720 B8M8 Sweet Helen 109 1:02 112X720 26515* Milbrev 109 1:01% 107X715 28408 Feint 105 1:01% 112X700 20590* Outfit M 110 1:03 107X090 25497 May Hock 112 . . BM 28518 Fashion Cirl M. 109 1:02% 112.. 090 20590 Sophia Catewood M 112 1:03% 112. .080 20131 Pearl L. M 112. .080 -0405 Carrie Ionise M .100 1:02% 111. .080 Fan G. is improving. Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3 -vear-olds ami upward. Selling. Track record: 11707— 1:42%— 1—110. 2SSS8* Flv Home 104 1:44% 4 107. .725 28305* Flitaway 109 1:45 5 109X720 20704* York Lad 114 1:40% 7 100 g 715 20703 Crosvenor Ill 1:43% 0 108x715 BMM* Charles Francis ..107 1:40% 4 104.. 710 20029 Louise Paul 113 1:40% 0 100X710 28882 Worlds Wonder ..MS 1:88% 0 111X710 20305* Hean Spiller 4 99X705 20521 Dartworth 100 1 :44% 8 108X705 20703* Virgiedot 104 1:47% 4 97..7H BMM Marjorie 1 4 102X090 20704 Waterproof 98 1:45% 4 107 g 090 20738 Lady Worthington. 3 87X085 20535* Hobs Olga M ..102 1:40% 3 94.. 0S0 20490 Olive McGee M.. 3 99.. 080 Fly Home has less to beat than recently. Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Truck record: 20777— 1:43%— 3— 95. 26670* KLKISl RNE 108 1:45% 0 119X735 20541 Samuel R .Meyer. .107 1:44% 7 111x725 20818* Coldcrest Bay 102 1:45% 4 109X720 20088* Cuidc Post 101 1:40 0 109.. 720 20521 Rell Hoy 97 1:45% 4 113.. 720 20800** Transit 107 1:40 5 HISX715 20099- King Corin 3 90X710 20O993* Bonanza 10811:45% 7 1030710 20501* Noureddin 110 1:47% 4 107®710 28808 Fels 95 1 :45% 4 107 X 710 Kleburue outclasses his opposition and should be able to concetie the weight.

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