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WINDSORS TWO NEW RACE TRACKS. It was learned in response to inquiries at the Provincial Treasurers Department that the operations of the new Kenilworth race course near Windsor, promoted by Messrs. A. M. Orpen. Charles Miller and other Toronto associates, would be conducted under the charter of the Northern Riding and Driving Association, an organization said to be in corporate existence for several years, the charter having been held by Mr. R. R. Gamey, M. P. I., though it has never been operated to the extent of holding a race meeting. Nothing is known at the department of the alleged intention to establish a third track at AVind-sor, though Montreal papers say that this will be done by Charlie Henshall and other American promoters who already control the Mount Royal track, near Montreal. AVhat reception would be given an application for a license for a third track was not suited, it being considered time to cross the bridge when it was reached Francis Nelson iu Toronto Globe.