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HORSES FOR NEW ORLEANS RACING. Montreal. Que.. September 15. Joseph A. Murphy, manager of the racing department of the Xew Orleans Business Mens Racing Association, and his otlicials. have been busy the past week booking horsemen for the winter meeting, which will open in the Crescent City early in December. With Joseph McLennan at practically all of the fall meetings iu Maryland and Canada, and Jack Campbell as racing secretary of the Kentucky tracks, he will have competent men in close touch with all the better class of horsemen. The first person to apply for stalls was Capt. W. F. Presgravc. manager of the breeding and racing interests of Thomas Clyde. Captain Pres-grave will go to the Crescent City this winter himself and take a pretentious string. He also will take several of Lieut. J. K. L. Ross horses. Lieut. Ross is one of the richest meu in Canada. He has already given over ,000,000 to the war fund, including a patrol ship for the harbor of Quebec, which he commands himself. Thomas Healey also has notified Joseph McLennan that lie will have something to race in New Orleans in the colors of It. T. Wilson. W. II. Midgley also will send some of Gilford A. Cochrans horses south. U. L. Baker, who rarely races in the winter, was so enamored of the racing at New Orleans last winter that he will ship twelve of his horses south again. In this lot will bo MeAdoo and other useful racers. J. II. Baker will take his string. Will Perkins will have Marion Goosby, the se.nsational Jane Straith. Gipsey George and other liorses. Hart Newman will be there with the peerless Pan Zaretu and other fresh horses. Albert Simons has notified Mr. Murphy that James Howe, manager of the Harry Payne Whitney stable, will send some horses if he can get tin? proper man to take them. Simons would like to go himself, hut. Mr. Whitney breeds so extensively that. it. will be necessary for him to help develop some youngsters. John Wlialen is another recruit to winter racing. In his stable is the sensational Boots, with which he won the Donniinion H-uidienp at Fort Erie, one mile and a quarter in 2:02. J. E. Lumsden, millionaire lumberman of Ottawa, will have a big string in the hands of Jack Richardson. Mr. Lumsden is expanding his activities on the turf. He has Candle, Between Us and other useful horses. John W. Schorr. P. M. Civill, Jake Marklein. Dr. J. S. Tyree, J. B. Respess, J. A. Strode. W. R. Mizelf and manv others already have asked for reservations. There are 002 stalls at the Fair Grounds and from present indications these will be inadequate to take care of the horses.