Cubans Embark in Racing: Senor Lezama Seeking Horses Capable of Winning in the United States, Daily Racing Form, 1917-01-25


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CUBANS EMBARK IN RACING SENOR LEZAKA SEEKING HORSES CAPABLE OF VENNING IN THE UNITED STATES. Scnor Tolon Also Willing to Buy Good Ones — The Horse Show Eagerly Awaited — Americans Donate Many Cups As Prizes. By T. K. Lynch. Havana. Cuba. .lanuar.v 24. Cuban-owned horses have been much in the linn-light at Oriental 1ark during the past week. The stable racing in the name of Senor A. !.• BUM furnished several winners in Wciiouah. Fleeter, Nigra. Brobeck. Narcissus and Libyan Sands. Benor l.U hegoyhens Moiureif has finislied second twice and third twice. One of Unimportant Cuban st.-.bles. that of Senor Samuel Tolon. lias st.uted Imt one horse. Sir Wellons. the colt that was purchased of W. 1". Schulto. The best haras in this string. Imperator, is fast rounding to and is ready for a winning performance. S«-nor I if 111*1 bortM s have shown wonderful im-provenu nt since M. Daly took them over a week or ten days ago. and the colors of this popular turfman should be seen in front quite frequently from now on. leper Lozama is a wealthy gentleman and is anxious to have h-XSCS callable of winning at Saratoga and the ne-tropolitan tracks in the east. During the coming summer bis trainer will, no doubt, be commissioned to buy anything that looks promising. Daly, by the way. has eight fair horses wintering at Denning that he is training for different parties. Kingly, a colt that showed splendid form ou the Canadian circuit during the season of 1MB, hi among the number. Kingly started but once hist season, in the Metropolitan. He came out of that rail- witli a slightly bowed tendon and was immediately rut by fet the "rear. Kingly has never had a saddle on since then, but Daly reports his leg as good new as the day he was foaled and he expects him to be a good horse again next ssJBMker. lie alas has a maiden three year old that has never faced the barrier which is highly thought of. This colt was bred in France and is by Sun Cod. Win a h loaves here in the spring for Denning. Daly will bring the best of Senor Lezamas string with him. Senor Tolon 1 as commissioned 1 1 alia* I Eddie Rath-man to be on the lookout lor what he considers good material. Like other rich Cuban gentlemen. Senor Tolon wishes to purchase only the est and he. too, has desires of showing his colors at Saratoga. Bathman is well pleased with his new purchase. Sir Wellons. and has hopes that he may develop into a Derby colt. Hor.e Show Engrossing Attention. Just now much Interest i- fe ing taken in tie rosn-ing hoi so shew which will be given by the Cuban govi rnment the litter part of February. The show will be held it Oriental Dark and will be under tli« management of Samuel W. Taylor, the well-known expert fress tie- Halted States. There is no doubt as to the success of the show, as every mail from tile Daited States brings assurances that people of the highest social position will be represented by tie i, st Bosses in their stables. Qcacral manager Taylor and a committee of prominent citizens of the United States have been busy preparing the program, which will comprise eighty-three classes for all t.M»s of horses. This, together with the sevent ■ n Classes, which will Ik prepared by the local committee for Clban-bi-ed and owned animals, will bring the total up to MM, and the show will then compare favorab! with these In Id annually in Madison Square Garden in New York, and the Olympia. in London, England. The following will known Americans have donated cups tor special classes: Reginald c. Van-uerbilt, Pierre Lorillard, Alfred D. Maekay, John i:. Towns: nd. I. J. u. Murling, George P. Urban, O. J. Glide. L. E. Waring, .lames Cox Brady, Willi, in A. Hazard, .;. Mac? Wilhts. F. F. Field anil K. A. long. Tin- "Rider anil Driver" hr-s ,.;.,, don ited a trophy. That tiie people of Havana are not behind hand is evidenced by the f.nt that trophies will be areata ted by President Mimical, tin- Mayor of Havana, the Governor, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Mayor of Marian so, General Jose Marti. William Lawton. apt. V. P. Smith, the Polo Club and the Cuba-American Jockey Club. All of these have been promised and there are numerous others who will, no doubt, follow their example. In connection with the show then- will be a drag hunt from some region in tin- neighborhood of Oriental Dark with tin- finish in tin- show ring. Coaches will ha run from Havana to Oriental Dark and Walter II. Hanley. in addition to his celebrated harness boiaes and hunters, will bring down his mammoth nine in-hand team of Belgian horses, each of which weighs a ton. Much interest is being taken in the show by society folks who are wintering at Palm Beach, and there is talk of a special train from tiie . Florida resort direct to Havana for the show. Steward Fitz Gerald Considers Innovation. Christopher i itz Gerald, the presiding steward at Oriental Dark, is thinking seriously of not permitting apprentice riders to carry whips. He claims that many accident- come as a result of young rid" rs trying to BOS Whips. Many of tins, little fellows are not strong enough to hold a horse together and whip at the sanM time and invariably when they draw their "persuaders" their mounts swerve and either jostle other horses or. in the mixup. ere -their legs and fall. This thing happened hen- a few days ago. when jockey Rebel attempt,-, 1 to whip Dora Collins up to the leaders on the stretch turn. Tie- BSare i- a Up, he. iy - headed bene and. when Babel drew his whip, she swerved and. i rowing In-r legs, fell. Sister Uih, and Drown Baby, Which were directly behind her. also Wl nt down, and Behel snaTered painful injuries. Hohel is under contract to F. K. Dryson. Hie lad is doing well ami will be up and about in a Couple of weeks. 1ie borsesnet! ba*d a meeting here on Monday last and. among other thing... it was .hi ■ hd to ask the racing secretary to put on at least once . week a rue. the conditions of which culled for ma id, -a Jockeys. It is presumed that this request is being fathered by some owner who has a bob winning jockey in iiis stable. A lace in which all of the jo, keys are inexperienced is a dangerous sort of a thing and it has been little short of a miracle . accidents bare not occurred more often iii r.o- .•: this sort. i.. ui Domini, Vs young brother, who is employed as i.i emtlse lad here, nut with a painful accident The lao was riding a pony in the streets of Maria-uuo and. in crossing a street, the i ouy hanged and threw the boy, who lauded ou his head. Voting Doininiok suffered a fracture of the skull a- a result of his f-iU and was rushed to one of the hospitals in Havana, lie has been in pro .ing and i- said to be out of danger . y now. Fi r a time, how-ce.-. it was feared that he would not recover. Petz Giving Proved. G. P Burke, former trainer for the Alvarez-I.ezama stable, has a promising apprentice named J. Ietz. who gives --vi ry indication of developing into a good jockey. The American papers have got this lad confused with Pita, an older rider and who K not an apprentice. Burke will bring Ietz to the states with him. II, i -till training Moacreif and one or two other horses for Senor Le;.-:ma. Many proiniii-nt Americana have visited Oriental Dark during the past ten dnys. L. C. Weidrig. luaaHMi of the Cincinnati Reds, accompanied by his brother T. J. Weidrig. and his niece. Mms Backing, spent -, eiil days .- t the course and was much delighted with tin- place. Mr. Weidrig was much interested with the baseball diamond they are cm structing in the infield at Oriental Dark. Edward Wilbern was another prominent Cincinnatian who was here for a few days. Charles Iloruberb. r and Samuel Mali nth ll wrote Phariea Lansdale asking that lesai rations be male for them. Tlnv are expected here February III. Mr. and Mrs. Rob it Oxnard of California. I Mr. and Mrs. Den i.mi in Oxnard of Sivannah. were also clubhouse visiters. The Oxnards are racing enthusiasts and they pronounced the park one of the fiuest racing grouuds they hud ever seeu.

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