Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, January 25, Daily Racing Form, 1917-01-25


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Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, January 25. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK HEAVY. I Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 4:00. Xltuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runuer. M maidens. •Appientice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and ujmard. Maidens. Selling. Truck record: June M, 19Hi— 1 :ori— 3— 118. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.Han. Uflffp Mivsomi Pride ...112 1:0S% 3 105. .700 3119S" Rov 102 1:07-, i 115. .195 81340 Bias W MM 1:8814 4 113..»,90 31417 Argeato 107 1:12% IMT..W 88677 MeegOM 110 1:09 IM1..M UJM Valli V 101 l:20/osy 3 105..C80 Almino, b. c, by Dr. L e g g o — Norinne 4 115 Missouri Pride lias raced fairly well. Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: June 28, 191t — 1:86ft— •— 118. 31337 SHABAN 97 1:07: -, 4 107X725 313SS Palma 1111:07% 10 112X715 31402 Kittv Stanfield ...102 1:07% « 110X710 31273 In.inieta 112 1:07% 7 105® 705 31403 Azurea 110 1:00 7 110X705 31304 Zinkand 112 1:08% 10 112x700 31402» Beaumont 110 1:07% 11112X700 Shaban should win here. Third Race — 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track "record: Jan. S, 1910— 59%— 3— 97. 31399 Round 1p 112 1:00% 0 112X700 314172 Dr. S. P. Tate ...111 1:01% 7 112X880 3141S St.iianise 110 1:00% 4 107. .090 31400 John Walters IM l:0Ssy 5 112X880 31399 Rapid May 102 1:01% 4 102.. 05 31386 Norford Rose 105 1:01% 7 110X08.-, 31399 Miss Knight M . .101 1 :13%h 3 86. .888 31418 Lucklita M 3 86X888 31399 Forge 107 1:01% 7 112X668 31301 Eugene Sues M..112 1:01% 4 110. .075 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 28154 Solable M 113 1:02% 6 112. .075 Race of doubtful outcome. Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 8. 1910— 59%— 3— 97. 31401 Mercurium 117 1:01 7 1120725 31401- Parcel Post 90 1:00% J 105x720 31000 Muriels Pet 110 1:02%h 4 107 715 31419 Phvllis Antoinette.. 105 :.-,U-- 7 110X715 81661 Alice Teresa 107 1:02 7 110X710 31400" Ruth Bather 166 1:01% 8 110X711 S14001 Right Smart M. 100 1:00% 9 110X710 31339 Camia 107 1:01% 7 110X705 31401 Cordova 108 1:01 % 11110x705 31213 Miss Folly 105 1:01 6 110X768 26268 Kimroc M 109 1:02 S 112. .700 31080 Ilynilla M 97 1:01% 0 110X090 Mercurium appears best here. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Dec. 20. 1910 — 1:11%— 3— 110. 30708 Concha 105 1:14 5 108x725 314192 Hazel C 105 1:12% 8 100/720 31304 Friar Nought 100 1:14-, 4 104x715 31399 Hoisington 103 1:14 i 7 108x715 31401 In Dutch 114 1:14% 0 111X710 31305 Prince Conrad 114 1:13% 8 115/705 31252 Last Spark 107 1:14% 6 166X168 The going suits Concha. Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 4-year-olds aid upward. Selling. Track record: June 17, 1910—1:38—3-95. 31121 Landslide 108 1:42% 4 107X725 31404 Duke of Shelby ...113 1:41 i 112X720 31404 L W. Kisker 104 1:41% 5 103x715 314042 Wasatch 108 1:42% 0 107X710 31417 Prospero Son 113 1:40% 0 103X700 313373 Sam Beckham 5 108x700 The distance suits Landslide.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917012501/drf1917012501_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1917012501_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800