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f Havana Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, January 30. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. c -— o The figures under the Leading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horsa at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. o_ 0 Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time. 2:30. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. •Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. ," year-id. Is and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05.-, — 0— 102. T.tlavs Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 313115* Old Drury 100 147% I !HX700 31455 -• Hamei-k-.p M . . .10i 1 :0s1-. 4 105..rt!:. 314S93 K.litli Ofcpi 105 1:07 -r. 4 MB X 008 31470* Coppertowu 110 1:00% 10 100X006 81435 Lewis Upper CM . .107 1:0N 4 110X090 S140S* Mis- Priority 108 1:09 0 112x000 314-!* Mazurka 110 140% 7 114X088 31»s7 Captain Elliott . . . 107 1 :07 -.-, 7 114X088 :il3J3* Narnoe J. V. Jr 107 1 : 10 109X W0 31473 Sha.lrach 112 148 «114X«S0 :;i4r.r, Bill WUey M ... 93 140% 4 110x076 H2S7 Toison dUr UO 148 11114X075 Band of poor racera. Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 24, 1917—1 40% — •" — 102. U488** fadiir lol 140% I 100X728 :;l47n;* Hapenny 100 147% 1100X720 ..1434-* Mr-. Mc !»., 1:07 8 104/717. 31 409- Montcalm 100 148% 10 114x718 81507s* Izz.t Bey lol 147% 8 100X710 3l»s7- Lucille B 10*1:10% 8 112X710 .-,140!C* Battle Hurt, a M| . s 148% 8 107x705 31100* Page White 100 147% D 100® 706 :;i i-s Lata 110 147 4 108x700 .,1432 Palm Leal 112 147% 0 112 Mi Bacere is g....d and areidm. Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-yoar-olds. Selling. Track record: Jan. 24, 1917— 145%— 8— 102. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt Bee. A.Wt.Han. 3*500* Wall Street 100 140% 107X725 31373* Lord Byron 112 141 97.. 720 31040 Ottece 104 140% 103.. 717. 31370* Plare 110 140% 100X710 31229 Magnetin.l 100 140% 103.. 707. 31430* Twinkle Toes 80 147% 92..7H 31327 Biobeck 08 140% 105. .090 Wall Street seems best. Fourth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 4 vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 21, 1917—1:44—1—97. 31457 ZODIAC 114 147% 0 104X725 31488 Lo-liiei M8 1:45% 9 105x715 31491* Luke Van Zaudt ..MB 1:48% 7 99X710 3137s Autumn 109 1:47.-. 7 112x705 31480 Ki.lie Mott US 1:48% ■ 08X700 31455 Fon tionaaire M. 00 1:40% 4 101.. 700 Zodiac has scant opposition. Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 4-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 20, 1917— 148%— 8— 108. 31471 Jerry 100 1:39% 4 104X725 313773* Sevillian 105 1:40 4 103X720 31400* Al Pierce 114 1:43% 4 105x720 31133s Ow.ina 4 103.. 715 31310* Scorpii 108 1:39% 8 102X7M Jerry is favorably placed here. Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. 8 ycar-olde and upward. Selling. Track record: Dec. 2 M18 1:11% — 4— 111. 313741 Borax M0 1:12% 8 100x723 314071 Kl.ilia Nogra »0f:12% I 05. .730 31488* Id-.... 1. field 102 1:12% 7 108X718 31 isc, J.--,,- Ir 107 1:13% 8 108X718 31133 Barer Bey 114 1:12% 6 114®710 Bank Bill 108 1:12% 1111x708 31500* BfJaabeta Lee KM 1:M% 4 9.sx700 Bora : is fasc and in good form.