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PENALTIES FOR GELDINGS PROBABLE. Loss of Crack Racers for Breeding Purposes May Cause Jockey Club to Act. N w York. February 2. — The abolition of the gelding allow:. nee of three pounds, when put into efiect on the Jockey Club tracks, was ssasserted by many persons on the assumption that it woull greatly reduce the proportion of geldings among racing thoroughbreds, it tiling conceded that as long as thoroughbred sires were desirable for the improvement of the equine stock of the country the limitation of their number by the gelding process should be reasonably restrained by racing officials. It was pointed out that in many eases — such for example as those of Boomer, Stromboli, Borrow. Boots and Baamet a score of others that might be named — the loss inflicted upon the horse breeding industry was material am! so great as to impair in a way the claim made upon it in hi half of the sport of thoroughbred racing that it was the great apbuilder of the blooded equine Stock of the nation. Hut now it would appear that the abolition of the gelding allowance has fallen far short of its purpose. The gelding of good racing material, in order to improve their racing possibilities, goes on despite the removal of the three-pound concession made to such competitors. On the Metropolitan tracks, this winter. Dr. McCully has been called Bpse an unusual number of times, and many of th young thoroughbreds which he has added to the list of geldings have been high-priced colts, pun based abroad, fashionably 1 red and of good individuality. Made More Tractable. Some of the most prominent trainers on the Metropolitan tracks appear to be the leaders in this preference for geldings for racing purposes. Possibly it is not that they really prefer geldings, but it is because they have found that the gelded racers are not so bad tempered. In some instances. Undoubtedly, the change is made because the young thoroughbred is growing too fast — is In-coming too gross to stand the ordeal of racing — but the major caaM is believed to lie to make the colt more tract-aide. To dte a few recent instances: A. J. Joyner. whose success as a trainer should cause his opinion on such matters to carry weight, will have but a few colts in his string of two year-olds Which he is training for Jeorge D. Widener. Jr., this season. lie began the training of his yearlings last autumn with seven colts, and at least six of these were seemingly of high -lass. Now all in the band are geldings save one, and they are a fine-looking band at that The latest and BMOt surprising addition to Mr. Widencrs list of two-year-old gildings was Aba-laue. Which was operatid irien by Dr. McCully onlj last week. The youngster was brought over as a yearling colt early last November along with an Unpsrtant shipment for J. L. Widener. Which in-claded a band pun based fioin Hdmond Blanc, the French turfman, who owned Flying Iox. and his great son AJax. Actfasg for tieorge D. Widener, Thomas Welsh bonght this yearling at public sale for 10,000 franca, and he was regarded as an especially good bargain. Be is a solid dark bay. of faultless balance and possessed of admirable racing outlines. He is a well-bred youngster, bang by Maboul— Alby. by Bnbt lais. Was a Real Show Animal. Another fine-looking number of this band of newly -made geldings is a large and handsome chestnut by Jaeger — Bona Donovan. This follow stands about fifteen hands high, but has unusual length for his height. One of the real show animals in this little band is a solid -colored bay. by Amadis i lack Mounts sire — Imbrosa the dam of Mr. Cois Orationl. When these youngsters came over, this was looked upon as one of the most attractive among them. He is beautifully topped and generally well balanced. Another particularly fine individual is a chestnut by Llangibby — bontheia Belle. He has fine size and substance and is rather striking in appearance, being a brilliant chestnut marked with a blaze and white hind feet. He is powerful and muscular and of a generally BMSceBne appearance. This fellow is about fifteen hands high. Last of Mr. Widencrs young gildings is a smallish bay by Carry Herrmann — Sweet Noll. This Is a useful -looking little animal, about fourteen .,n 1 a half hands high. Another young gelding in A. J. Joyners stable is a brown by Phaleroe -Last Hope, which he b night on his own account last summer. He was a splendid-looking colt vhe: la- came over and showed well in late yearling trials, but it is assumed that his owner thought he would be better behaved as a gelding, and so the change was made. Penalties Instead of Allowances. Janus Howe ]t.r- added such noteworthy young-Bters as ClapperfoUl, a colt of breeding and at one time of extraordinary promise; Brass*, which was a popular idol with tiie racing public in the autumn .! 1015; Hwfa, the fast, impressive looking and royally-bred -on of iliinburg: Tumbler and all tile other sons of All Oold which reed test year with tie- tingle exception of Hard Cash, will race as geldings this year, and it is not improbable that Itowe will ssad to the races some royally-bred geld-in-s iii the two-year-old diviion this year. Thomas Welsh had the change made in a BUmber of the costly French-bred colts which J. E. Widener brought over from France, and the work still is going on in many of the mere important Stahtes at llrlmont Park and Braveaend. Will the Jockey lab have to go still further: Will it have to penalize gel lings in the weight conditions for races-