Havana Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-02-03


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HAVANA FORM CHART. HAVANA. CUBA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1917. -Oriental Park. Im ty-lifth day. Cuba-American Jockey bib. Winter .Meeting of S3 da s. 1 7 books on. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. C. 1. Fitz Gerald. Presiding Judge. M. Mathansoa. Starter, J. F. Milton. Rae- ing Secretary. M. NathaiKon. Racing starts at 1:30 p. in. II hie age time- :i:00 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. Q1 rOO riRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Man. 24, 1917 Lor.., *— 102. Parse *6. hj O lOOO 3 -year-olds. Selling. Net value to winner S325: second. N50: third. 0, Jnd I Horses AWtSt U Vg % Str Fin Jockeys 0~wner3 Q~~c p S 31510-HELM. DAUGHTER w 1M1 1 1- 1 l» 1!- E Taplin O W J Hiss, n 4-6 4-6 1-3 out 31510 CHERRY BELLE w ion i. » |« 2* P A Collins J F Hvnes 4 4 s-5 4-6 31191 OLD MAN tRIT fflM ;! 0* §« 4J »* J Dmiiiickl S Wishard 1 1 31510 LITTLE WONDER wb Iff I 6" VI 3" «■ J Dreyer E C Goodfellow 3 1 1 1-2 S14S0*JIM HlTtH wb 10:; 7 i " . 4" 6 ■ .V L ir.iv ; i: Foley 4 4 -.". 4-5 31510 KING McGEE WB MO X 8 I 7" I* J M:Io cvX Maupin M 31 I 4 314O0*OUR NETTA WIN 2 41 6 S 7* It Wingfl.l.l Spechl 1" in 4 J 31andSS* FLORA BENDORA w : . : 31 V i1 I T Nolan H I! Rico 15 16 ii -i Time. 24V 5025, 1:0423. 1:1SH Track muddy. mutnels paid. Helmets Daughter. .s:5.70 straight. .20 place, SlMi" show; Cherrv BeUi ?C40 place. .70 show: Old Man Crit. .30 show. Equivalent booking odds— Helmets Daughter. 83 t i 100 straight HO to 100 place. 30 io KMi show; Cherry BeBe, —o to 100 place, is:, to 100 show: old Man Crit, 16S to KM show. Winner B. f. by Helmet— Lady Ornama trained by J. H. Stotler: bred by Mr. O. W. J. BtaaeB. Went to post at 8:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. IILLMKTS DACGHTEB raced to the front with a rush and. taking a big lead in the stretch, was eased up at the Inish. CHERRY BELLE raced in dosesl pursuit all the waj and was easily best of the-others. OLD MAN CRIT dropped out of contention in the early runniiig, but finished fast. LITTLE WONDER ran a good race. Scratched — 81430* Polonium, 112: 81480 Carta, 105. Overweights- Flora Bendora, -_• pounds; Helmets Darghter. : !_.. 0"| pr O rT SECOND RACE— 8 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. L4. 1 «7— 1 :«51.-.— 5— KC. I Pane S400._T,,-year- Q JL O O I c Ids and upwaid. Sidling. Net value to winner 25j second. d; third, s_.".. index Horses AWtSt Vfe ?-j Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P s" 31540 FO.NCTIONNAIRE W 4 Mt 2 :;.:;■ :;- I1 J DmiuickW Dalv pi- ; 31608 CHERRY SEED WB 8 2W| 7 •■* 3* 1 2h E Taplin A L Valentine :; 3 1 1-2 3 1323 "GRAN ADO w I 4 105 5 9 T 4- Ik L Mink M J Mundy 6-6 4-6 1-3 oat 31435 TIGER MM w 11 1U7 4 6* 6" •" 4. Q Corey T Cheek 4 4 s r. 4 ", 31505 BBSSLLEN W4M 1 1] 1 2* a* A Collins C L Mackay 4 4 s-5 4-;, 3l45«*OTERO wa 9 I 7 P VI «• M Rowan R Hanley I »; ] l 31469 SENNET ws 5 Hit I 0 7 7 7 C Watson . Meyer 10 10 4 I Time. 25, 53, 1:07%, 1:15. Track muddy. mutui Is paid. Fonctionnuire, 5.10 straight. 1917.sh.50 place, .80 show; Cherrv Seed. place .00 show; Aransas. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds — Fonctionnaire. 1155 to 100 straight, 225 to 100 place. 05 to 100 show Cherry Beed, 105 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Granado, 20 to lciei show. Winner — B. c, by Ethelbert — Fond Hopes train el by M. J. Daly; bred in France by Mr. August Rel-mont. Went to post at 3:50. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. FONCTIONNA1RF. followed the leaders closely to the stretch turn, then slipped through next to the rail and outg.uned CHERRY SEED in the linal drive. The latter moiil up with a rush on the far turn, but tired in the last fifty yards. GRANADO raced well throughout. HKSSLIF.N showed the most early sliced, but quit ill the last quarter. Scratched 80817 Louise Green, ML Overweights — Cherry Sieel. 21.. pounds; Granado, 1: Tiger Jim. 1. Q "I PQO THIRD RACK-5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917—1:05.-, 5—102. Purse 00. 3 year- O JL *J CjQ olds and upward. Sidling. Net value to winner jgjBj sece.nd. 0; third. 5. Index Horses AWtSt U a-i ■"* Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C~ P 81S90 HAPENNY WB 101 4 2 21 2 D I, Gray H Rang | i; 4-8 31375-MONCREIF wb 1 113 1 1 1" 1*6. V E Taplin A Etchefoyhen 3-6 4-6 1-4 oat 28333 CLARIDKL w 11 109 6 3:J :,- :i : « W GarganJ Burton 81 20 I 4 81634 TINKLE LULL WB610J 2 0*6 41 4° J Dmini-kJ J Russell ]n 1- 4 ■ 29857 DIVAN w 4 Ml :: ." -U ". ] 5k R WmgflelM C Daly 15 15 1; J 31S06*REY ENNIS w 3 98 7 7 7 7 CL M Rowan W H Nevin I 7 1;-, 31405 Al.NT ELSIE «W 5 C* C- « 7 R Ball J Randolph 2 i3-6 3-5 1-4 Time. 24%, 53, 1:06. 1.13. Track muddy. mutnels paid. Ha Penny. 8.10 straight. .10 place, .80 show: Moncreif, .50 place, .40 show: Claribe . .50 show. KepiivaU-nt booking odds Hi Penny. 80S to 100 straight, 255 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show: Moncreif. 75 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Claribel. 175 to KM show. Winner — Ch. g, by Back Bead--Half Sovereign trained by L. II. Raxter; bred by Mr. Angu t P.el-niont I. Went to post at 4:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; SCCOad and third the same. HA PENNY raced in closest pursuit to the stretch, then came through on the inside when MONCRKIF came wide, took the lead and outgameel the latter in the final drive. MONCREIF sit the early pace and only gave way right at the finish. CLARIP.EL was a forward contender all the way AUNT ELSIK ran poorly in the going. Scratched— 31325 Oakhurst. 109. Overweights- Claribel. 5 pounds: Aunt Elsie. 2. 31 £*ftQ K " KTH UAK-3"4 Mile- 1,,«-- »■ 1915— 1:11 %— d— in. Parse 00. 8-year-ohta JL tlO %J and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0; third. 3. Index Horses AWtSt Vt »» % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 ~C P S? 31300 *MALABAB WB 610S : Z 2 ? D M Rowan P. Mock j •-, ,,u, 31468*QUIN wr. 3 M 2 1| 1 8«* R WinfghDV F Schulte 3-2 3-8 2-5 out 31352 AMULET wsi: 4 IN 1 4 $• :::,• A Collins T H Wilson I I r;.- ,,,,, S1541*OWANA w 4 104 4 4 4 4 L Irav W P Reed 6-6 I 3-6 oul Time. 24, h*h, 1:17%. Track muddy. mutnels paid, Malabar. .10 straight. .10 place: yuin. .80 place: no show mutuels sold Iaiuivalent booking odds — Malabar. 205 b 100 straight. 55 to 100 place; Quin. 40 to 100 place Winner — B. g. by Peter Quince — Bell J Maid trained by C. II. Rowe; bred by Mr. J. N. Camiien. Went to pest at 4:33. At post 1 minute. Start good and alow. Won driving: second and third the same. MALABAR, ia closest pursuit from the start, sained over to the inside at the eighth post but cam- again to win in the losing stride. QITN showed the most earlv speed and tired in the last six-tic nth. but finished gamely. AMULET ran well. OWANA was pulled up at the start and sprawling for the entire race-. 1 31 PJQA FIFTH RACK— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 2.s. 1915— 1 :11 V.-4-111. Purse 00. 3 -v ear -olds J. *J til/ and upward. Selling. Net value to win ier 25; second, 0; third, 5. Index Horses AWtSt U li % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o 0 P S 315I0KD GARRISON W 3 Ml 2 IM V » L Mink W Feuchter g s 3 xX 31559INITY wS S 111 1 61 V 2- 2- li Rail HG Bedwell i , 1 31557 -* KTH AN ALLEN wu 5 IDS 7 7 Si 34 3] M Rowan H S l.ippmann ll 10 4 3 1508 -royal TEA wb 8 1M 6 I* 4- 4» 4- R Watts J B Goodman ;: ; 6-6 3-1 3 1433-ilDDI.K UP W 4 101 »i 4 5- 5- V W I.arganl W otw . II 3-2 8-6 3-6 oat S1542*JESSE JR. w E 111 4 .rM li f* 0- FJ Taplin I M Hedrick 2 8-6 7-101 i 81880* WAVERING w 7 10« I fa 7 7 7 R WinpfldH B Gorin 10 10 4 I Time. 24, 50, 1:17. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Ed Garrison, 4.40 straight. .90 pl.ue, ?ii.20 show; Fnitv. SS.80 place S4 70 • v • show: Ethan Albii. 35.70 show. Eciuivaleiit booking m11s — Ed Garrison. 1120 to 100 straight. 295 to 100 place "10 to KM show-Unity. 340 to 100 place. 135 to 100 show: Ethan AIK11. 1S5 to 100 show. Winner — R. c. by Ogden — Country Fraud trained by T. Proctor; bred bv Mr. S. C Lyne Went to post at 4:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and sl„v. Won driving: second and third the same. ED GARRISON took the lead at the start and showed the most speed in the going but fired badly 111 the last sixteenth and just lasted long enough. INITY. away slov.lv. worked his way BP on the outside and was wearing the winner down at the end. ETHAN ALLEN began slowly and finished well ClDDLE UP ran poorly. Scratched— 3137S-Frosty Face. 113. Overweights — Ed Garrison. 5 pounds; Cuddle Up. 1. 31 KQ 1 SIXTH RACK— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 2S. 1915-1:1 1 : -. 1—111. j Purse S400. 3-ve:r-olds -L *J » ./ X and upwarel. Selling. Net value to winner 26; second. 0; third, 5. Index Horses AWtSt % vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners o Q~V S 31550-NIGADOO WB G S I I M V 5 K Taplin P L Short 6 C ii-," S1407*BARETTE wb S 106 4 1» « 4- 8* L Gray H C Airhart M 10 4 2 31557 LORD WKLLS w 9 133 t 4] 7: 1 : .1 DminickP E Fit/.ge raid 6 I " 6-6 81887* •MUZANTI sit 5 10S 2 8* li 3 4 P. Kb-.-ger J .s Baldwin • 4"-. 2 i 31500 KING BOX WB 7 113 7 7»| «•* P . W Ward P .1 Miles r" r" II S 31480»MISS GENEVTBVE w 8 106 1 f,1 6 V G- R Win-rfldG Praley ? 6 I I S1400 PAULSON w 4 lliv :; »* | 71 72 c Knight R Hanley 11 u 4 1 814S1*ARCENE w 7 MS I V G 1 8 WakofI It D Carter 6 7 " 6-6 Time. 24, 51%. 1:18%. Track muddy. mutuids paid. Nigadoo. 0. SO straight, .S0 place, . ,!. 70 show: R.intte. S10 90 place S7 lo show-Lord Wedls. .s;.;iu shew. Efiuivalent hoohiag odds —Nigadoo. 440 to 100 straight. 188 to 100 place, 88 to 100 show ■ in tte- 44", to loo place. 270 to kmi show; Lord We lis. in:, to 100 she w. Winner — Ch. g. by Inile — Origin trained by W. Short: bred bv Mr. John E Madden Went to post at 5:15. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the ■tome. NIGADOO began slowly, lint moved up with a rush 011 the far turn anil, takiii" the lead in the stretch, .just lasted long enough to win. BARETTE set the early pace and fell back in the stretch but came again at the end and oiiigamed LORD WELLS for second place. LORD WEI LS wis crowded link at the three-eighths post and linished with a rush on the outside. MlZANTI tired alter raciu- into the lead. Overweights — Paulson, 31 5 pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917020301/drf1917020301_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1917020301_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800