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SECOND RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming, Jan. 29. 1915 — 1:12— 8— 10S. MICO GIRL, b. f, 3 104 Bv Handsel— Niko D. W. Scott. 31584 N.Orlna S-4 l:20-hvy 21 M4 4 2 2 l4 1" 1 Lowder 7 Peaehie, Wat. Hasty Cora 31481 N.Orlna ,V. t l:iv--,hvy 13.-510112 I z V 8" V Murphy 6 H.Cora, Bfaymer, WalterDuncan 31425 N.Orlna 61 f l:12%hvy 4 Ml 5 ;; 2 2* 2". P Lowder 8 Brian, L.Mildred, Walter Dnnean S1245 N.Orlns 3-4 l:17;5mud 8 97 4 4 5 3i a9?, L McAt e 10 Royallnterest, AlexGeta Minda J1190 N.Orlna 3-4 l:14%fast 20 Ml 7 5 8 7 72P Lowder B Langbome, F. Wuzzv Peaehie 25154 N.Orlns 1-2 47*ifast 3 116 1 5 51 5°1 W Andres* 7 Conowingo, Med.Mlaa OurNetta 24605 N.Orlns 3-8 37 fast 9-10 117 2 lJ 1* W Andress s Norumbega, WallStreet T Duke 24457 N.Orrns 3 S 37 hvy 6-5 113 1 lJ 1» W Andrews 7 Wistful, EdenPark GreteiienR 24301 N.Orlns 3-8 36y6slow 5 115 1 l1 1* W Andress ! Ging. Quill, Conowingo, Solvcig LUKEMAE, b. g, 5 117 By Luke Ward— Jessie Mae W. C. Semple. 31585 N.Orlna 3-4 l:20%hvy 21 ill •:. 1 i r Il-M Buxton .. R.Iatereat. E.Kenna Progressive 31550 N.Orlna 3-4 l:38*4nvy 31 M8 s •;, 4 ::• V V Bubson 8 Mr.Maek. B. Interest Perociao : 1484 N.Orlna 3-4 l:20%hvy 2i no 7 3 2 1 l1?. M Buxton 7 Marrery, Maynw W Jabot : 1441 N.Orlna 1 l:4S ihvy 4 10S 3 2 3 2 2- 2C M BuxtOU 0 Moss Fox, Tootsie Triste 313C8 N.Orlna 3-4 l:M%hvy 12-5:11 1 5 f. 52 4" J Hi.nover 7 AlexGeta. Souvenir. Rov. Interest 31321 N.Orlna 3-4 l:18%hvy 8 lli 7 7 6 4- ."-J J Hanover 7 Brizz, Paymaster, Rov.lnterest 81211 N.Orlna 3-4 1:15 fast 4 111 5 7 8 84 7M L Lykes 9 Souvenir. Brizz Kilkenny 80147 Latonla 3-4 l:13%f:ist 79-10 10S 7 7 6 5J 3-i P Lowder 13 M. Declare, Run. Queen Martre 2046 Latonia 3-4 l:14-Vslow 39 100 6 5 5 7.1 33 P Lowder 8 Ed Howard. Bolala Biily Joe 29M7 Latonia 3-4 l:174£nvy 22 109 4 3 3 a1 651 M Buxton 12 larkM.. C.onDelivery AlPierce 29924 Latonia 3-4 l:14ifast 33 108 8 4 3 2J 32 P Cooper 13 Clirmeuse, ClarkM., W Wondei 29775 Latonia 3-4 l:142Bfast 65 110 7 6 6 6- 5° J Kederis 9 Hwthorn. Minstrel SmeKeach 2M74 Hthorne lm70yl:47%fast 8 110 11 7 4 4 71 97 G Byrne 11 Fellowman, Wterproof Orotund 28102 Hthorne 3-4 l:16y5fast 16-5 110 8 7 « 6» 4«J W AndresslU L. Mildred. Esther L., Requiram 2S0O0 Hthorne 1 l:42»£,fast 6 107 16 10 10 8 91 9" F Murphy 15 Charles Francis, Type, Mex MARGERY, ch. f, 4 104 By King James— Marjoram J. Arthur. 31649 N.Orlna 3-4 l:22=-,hvy 13-8 98 1 S I ? 1" W Crump 12 Gail. Tootsie, Col. McNab 31484 N.Orlna 3-4 l:20?shvy 4 96 6 I i*i 2| W Crump 7 Lukimae, Mavm- V., Jabot 31244 N.Orlna 3-4 l:l74~mud 4 10714 9 7 V »*• W A Car U 10 El Pato. Anxiety, Tootsie 30473 Howie 3-4 1:15 fast 59 104 6 2 8 5 2J W Ward 13 Lohengrin, Meeiicka, BrmCorn 29238 Dorval 3-4 l:M%|rood 19-5 104 7 7 7 71 %*i R McDott 8 Black Frost. Harold. Be 29166 Dorval 3-4 l:20-ihvy 2 109 5 4 3 31 21 R McDott 8 Paulson. FatherKelly WillCash 29086 Dorval 3-4 1:14 fast 44 101 7 6 6 S1 87 R McDottlO T. Bvbodv. Kfhage T -a-Line 28538 Windsor bh f l:064ifast 18 105 3 7 7 71 6-J R McDottl2 Ardent, Philistine. Owana 28128 Hamton 3-4 l:l6-tslow 29-10 103 9 7 7 51 1» F Robsonll Ethan Allen. Zodiac, Zin Del 27ST2 Windsor 3-4 l:137kfast 28 100 6 8 7 6a 68i L McAtee 8 J. Straith, Peep Sight. Perugtno WAT. b. g. 3 104 By Maxta Santa — Anne Conyers P. M. Civill. 315X4 N.Orlna 2 ! i:204shvv 10 1M 3 4 3 8* 8*1 W A Carll 7 Mico Girl. Peaehie. Hasty Cora J1482 N.Orlna 5. f 1:14 hvy 7 105 4 4 I 5s S" W A Carll T Matin, Blnebannock, Peraeua 31425 N.Orlna 61 f 102%hry 8 101 7 5 7 7-° 7 " N Barrett 8 Brizz. Mieo Jirl L Alildred : 1342 N.Orlns 3-4 1:21 hvy 31 Ml 3 G 6 4h 2« W A arU G Lucile P.. CashupDan 31190 N.Orlna 8-4 4J lo7 4 7 5 5- 41 W A Carll 8 l.aiigliorne, F. Wuzzy Peaehie 31124 N.Orlna 61 f l:07%faat 5 MI 7 5 4 21 : N Barrett S The Duke. Rhymer, Ophelia W 31045 N.Orlna 3-4 l:17%mud 5 V - 11 9 6 3 l»t X Barrett 12 Gail. M. B. Thurman Ash Can 30978 N.Orlna 3-4 1 :lssf,hvy 15 95 6 7 E 5- 8* N Darren 12 MissKruter, Barlymorn, Beclnae 30241 Devahlra 8-8 l:00%fast 32 104 1 3 2i 4*1 W A Carll 8 Ciepuacale, Sybil". Kagura 8018] Devattira 5i f l:osVifast 24-5 112 6 5 62 47 J Howard 8 Crenuacule, SleepvSam Startei 30011 Kenilwh 5* f l:15hvy 57-10 103 4 4 41 3«J W A Carll 8 Swift Fox, Cherrv Belle! Mnb 29942 Kenilwh 5* f l:095good 81 109 10 7 31 2»-T MoCulhll Leonaldia. Meelogene. Sybil 29640 Ut-vshire 51 t l:07.sfaat 31-5 99 7 6 4 * 5*i N Barrett 7 M.:b. Wishaway, Sjtil PEACHIE, blk. f. 3 101 By George Kessler— Missy P. Martin. :.l."vt N.Orlna 3-4 l:20Hhvy 7 M7] 8 5 6 4 t* F Murphy 7 Mico ;iii. Wat. Hasty Cora 31424 N.Orlna 51 f l:ll-.-,hvy 8 Ml 6 6 4 41 411 F Murphy 9 Roy. Interest. H.Cora , V Jimmie 31190 N.Orlns 3-4 l:14%fast 12 .7 5 8 6 41 3*1 W Crump 8 Langhorne. Fuzzy Wuzzv Wat 31L4 N.Orlns 51 f l:07%fast 7 MB 5 6 6 64 6i F Murphy 8 The Duke. Wat. Rhvmer" |M7 Latonia 51 f 1:10 -.mud 21 110 1 5 7 61 615 AI Garner 8 Bed. Stories. Diamond Saff Girl 2334 Douglas 3-4 l:14-5fast 41-5 108 3 4 3 41 4SJ R Goose 7 Milbrey, Geo. C. Love, Matin 2927C Douglas 51 f 1 M fast 26 11111 9 7 6H 75i H Stearns 12 Rhyme, Geo. C. Love. Milbrey 29094 Lexgton 2-4 l:17r5smud 15 110 5 6 5 65 511 F Murphy 7 Opportunity, Matiu. Bessanta 29016 Lexgton 5 f ltOBttfaat 24 107 3 2 2 21 Inn F Murphy 10 Jocular, G.C.Love, Opportunity 28273 FortErie 51 f l:0Sfast 38-5 111 5 6 6 «1S 6*1 T Rice 7 El Key, Great Dolly, Fruit Cak* MM Hamton 6-8 LOlVifast 11 109 4 8 6 6* 6»| T Rice 8 Swift Fox. B. Sand, Conowingo WALTER DUNCAN, b. g, 3 101 By Transvaal— Titter W. J. Foley. ::i4M N.Orlna ■ t l:15--.hv 12 1M 3 4 2 5» 47 F Robsnn 8 Haaty Cora, llfco Girl Rhymer 31426 N.Orlns 51 f l:12"-shvy 10 101 « 7 6 a- 4° F Merin,.-. S Brian, Mico Girl. L. Miidred SUM N.Orlns 1 l:4SVihvy 20 96 3 1 1 2 5- 612 W Collins 8 Lucile P.. Tootsie, Med Miss 81343 N.Orlna 8 f l:U%mud 31 101 2 2 11- I3 L Lykes 8 Velvet. Dan. Patapoca 8MS3 N.Orlns 3-4 l:llr!r,tast 40 112 8 7 3 61 612 W Doyle 9 Kultur. Tioga. Grundv 81042 N.Orlns 3-4 DlV-miid 12 111 4 5 6 53 5S1 W Doyle 8 The Duke, Class A. "Monomoy 28153 Tijuana 41 f 66%faat 41 109 1 4 5 6»» 421 R Pauley 8 Alan, Hester IL, Ella B. 27716 Tijuana f-8 1:02 fast 6 112 7 7 7 7 7:i G Moles th 7 B.Donalton, Geraldame, P. Again LADY MILDRED, ch. f. 4 104 B7 Dick Welles— Incendiary H. J. Sargeant. N.Orlna 8-4 1:20 hvy 15 Ml 2 2 4 C" t. 11 Jeffcott s Souvenir. B.Greetiaas Pemrino 31426 N.Orlna 61 f l:U44hvy 8 !o7 4 2 3 2- :::J II B Brizz. Mico Girl Walter Dnnean S1187 N.Orlna 3-4 l:i4*ifast 5 1 h 6 4 I ."■ v- n leffcott B ELOakwood, 8nehenae Minstrel M147 Latonia 3-4 l:13%faat 34 1 13 11 9 10 lo1 M"l J Drown 13 M. Declare, B. Queen Lukemae 8M78 Latonia 3-4 l:17%raud 10 101 5 S3 3l 3 W Crump 7 It. Beauty, Bequiram B Mice 2yS»l Latonia 3-4 1 :13M f ast 48 104 9 11 7 61 r," W Crump 12 StephenR.. Wat. War AlexGeta M4M WdbhM 3-4 1:14 fast 3J 106 10 7 6 61 25 F BobsonlS Caaco, Lost Fortune Perpetual 29142 Dorval 3-4 l:23%hvy 13 106 6 6 6 62 2* H Jeffcott 8 Jabot, Dr. Charcot. Recluse 29050 Dorval 3-4 l:!4-sfast 63-10 108 9 10 8 61 47 L Lykes 12 Paymaster. Gordon. Colors 28953 DlueBon. T-8 1:31 hyy 35 106 3 6 6 6 6 61J A Pickens 8 S. of Pleasure. Harbard. S Beach 28866 Blue I :on. 7-8 1:31 hvy 21-10104 111 2 21 3» H Cuttriss 7 Dartv.orth, QenSabe. McLelland 28732 Connht 3-4 l:15%fast 63-10 107 1 3 3 3» ll F Kkman 0 MlasOayla, Lit.Nephew, VivianS MAY STAR, b. f, 3 99 By Duval or Marathon— Starcadia M. C. McEwon 31828 N.Orlna 61 1 1:18 hvy 10 MS 1 11 1»| 1 V A Car*lll] Dan. Cuneo. Miss Represent 30131 Latonia andif l:08%fast 13 110 1 1 3 4* 42 M Buxton 11 Bell Cow. Velvet, Immense 30073 Latonia 51fl:0S%fast fid 110 3 2 3 31 31 M Buxton 11 Taxi. Pollyanna, English Lady MM Latonia 5-8 l:06?shvy fid 109 7 2 2 41 521 G Garner 12 Alert, Quin, Velvet STAR PEARL, ch. g. 10 M 103 By Peep oDay— Long Maid C. H. Rowe. 31594 N.Orlns 2.-4 1 :20:.-hvy 20 MI I 8 7 V «*• B Kopmn 8 Rhvmer. ZinDel Thos Callaway 27295 Delmier AbCff 1 :26*sfast 20 112 11 11 11 10° 1 J Deavptll Tvro. Beach Sand Molly O * 27093 .Mneuve Ab.".-8 1 :09i5hvy 12 127 7 6 6 o13 J Daniels 7 L.desCognets. NobleGraiid Stvx 27016 Mneuve Ab5-S 1:07 slop 10 113 5 7 7 7;= T McCullh 7 Miss Krug. BaataAnna LidvD-il 26906 Mneuve AbOif l:25%good 10 115 3 8 8 8» J Daniels 8 L.Morois, Tze-Lsi IBgewater