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NO RELAXATION OF TWO-YEAR-OLD RULE. N. York February 9. There will be no relaxation of the r ..illation concerning the early racing of two-yen: oh! . -i far as th,- Jeefcl y Club is concerned. The ■ oinmuiiii -atiou from til ■ Horsemens a .. latloa was considered at ■ recent ateetinc, and the decision was arrived at that there was Be good reason lor changing the regulation, which had bet n adopted only after dan consideration, and which had not pel even had a trial. The deci-ioti •■; the Jockey Club has been ooru- inn. in rated to the Keataekj Bai lag Commission and f the Canadian Racing As-oci. I ion-, both of which bodies had adopted the BUM rule. The effect of tli regulatiin i- to exclude frees racing this year iu the juii-dii t.on of these bedaea all twa-peer-.11- that have started in races prior to the first of April.