Lexington Stable News: S. D. Lee to Enter Racing with a Promising String of Six, Daily Racing Form, 1917-02-12


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LEXINGTON STABLE NEWS S. D. LEE TO ENTER RACING WITH A PROMISING STRING OF SIX. T. P. Hayes Has Twelve Hcrses for the Spring Campaign — Chinn Horses Go to Louisville Next Week. l XlagtOU, Ky., February 10. — S. II. Leo, :i local druggist, is the mer of :i new racing stable. It ; t present comprise! sjx horses tine.- tlireo-ycar- olda -i ml three twa-year-oMa — in tr. lining at tli K utu.ky Aaeociatloa track. June Collins is tka traiaer and it is known :is the "Taeketl Stable." 1 Ui hett is 1 1 1« ■ rate of :i creek in West Virginia, along the banks of which Mr. Lee and several of his friends spent som - nteaaaat days. The thm -year olds are Pi Ism, Feint and Du Floss. The firat-named two were bred in the Nursery stud of August Belmont and the latter liy Callaher Brothers. Prism aad Da Floss liave not raced. Feint won note rare km! rear. Prism is a bay filly bjr Trap :• ! -Pecadillo sister to Stromboli Bad Feint is a brown nil.. U Hating — Felicity, daughter of Bark Sand Pidea dam of Amtritia, Fire Barer, In. A.t and Flight by Tin- I.l-Is, d. The dams of Priaai ami Peint ere batb young and theae are their • -. ■oitd foals. Their first foals were by the diminutive thoroughbred stallion Factor, by Fame Fairy, which the chairman of the Jockey "lull nam as ,i mp for pole ponies. Iu Floss is a black colt by Duval- Pleas S.. a winner and a daughter of Haodspriag and the good mare Mary Agnes, by I.iwliattan. The two year-olde. are Baadyaaa, Bath L. and Joli Thayer. Bundjaaa is a bay filly by Inele — Felicity, therefore a half-sister to Keint. The I ..me comes frees a childs attempt to say grandma. Until 1... nam. d for Mrs. s. I. Lee. is a bay filly bf Durante Columella, by The Commoner. She was bled by 1-red A. Forsythe. Job Thayer is a bay rait by Hastings — Chinkara, by Calopiu. and was li.d at the Nursery Stud. He was named Cata-le i.m.i. but ba concluded that ha would iirefer him t.. carry the agnomen of one of his friends i Charleston, w. Va.. and accordingly paid the Jockey cluli 9 to make the chance. Bandymo has been eat. red in the Uiaat* and Belial ■ ale Stakes ami .lob Thayer is in the Idle Hour and Bashford Manor Stakes, while Until L. is in the Debutante. The T. P. Hayes Horses. T. I. Hayea has up twelve horses at the Kentucky A-filiation track. The veteran of the string i- Kinney winner of the Breeders Futurity in 1915. The three year-oasa are Banard, Auriga. Irregular, Toes Jr. and Jessie c. Uuford is owned by Hal I. Headley and will be a candidate for the Kentucky Derby. His ankles were in bad condition after his race at Saratoga last summer, bat be is all right again. Aariga is owned by Fred Hchaller ml N a York, and won over ,088 in her ; ; st year on tl.e turf. Irregular and Tom Jr. are the property of OoL Milton Young, and Jessie . i owaed by John s. Barbae, she is a daughter of Peep o*Day and lias never started. The two-year-elds ia the string are: Che taut filly, by Dacse—Ahrie M. dam of the winner. Paach Howl, sir Cateahy, Biaoado, Btar- . ..:■ a:,.! Don, rail, winner of the Kentucky Derby. Chestnut f.ll.v. by Ryebrew— Miss Mae Dav. Day filly. by UcOee Ullie Tararr. Bay filly, by Peep oDay — liy Qypa dam of John Ound. winner of the Latonia Derby. Bay filly, by Peep oDay — Ten Im sister to T.-n Point l. Duke of Savoy, eh. c. by Inrli — Lady Savoy. Mr. Hayea ha* declined good offers for the daughters of Utile Turner and Ahrie II., and they are c t. d by good judges hero as being excellent prospects for racing. 1hil i. Chinn is making preparations to ship the Keataehy Stable to Louisville February Ill. It U i - !i ■ intention at the beginning of the year to race at Hot Springs, us it also was the intention of Gailaher Brothers, J. S. Hawkins and T. L. Pierce, but tbey were aaahle to g.t stable aceoaa- inodations at Oaklaun in time to prepare their h arses far ras bag begiaaiat Uarcb 7. On ace unit of vvoath. r COaditiOBS, il was not possible that the horses could be trained in Kentucky for such early lacing. As the borseaaCB here, and probably the Hot Springs Business men too. regard the situation. Hie closed gat- policy of the Oaklawn BUUageaaeat kept caaaiderahle Hoaey out of the Vapor City, tor then- area id bare beea appraxfaaateiy aereuty-five horses, their triiners and attendants there for a couple of months before racing time. 0akla*a Nearly Ready xor Horses. laarph Hawkfan, Mia. returned from Hot Springs this week received a dispatch on Thursday to the effect thai Oaklawa Park would be opened for - February IS, hut the time now is too short to iio aha any good and lie will remain here. The seven year . Id reldiug Night Stick is Hie d lest member of the Kentucky Stable string. Bel 8 juare, a ftre-year-oad, is next. Baakuis, Becna and Jui Vive are four-year-olds. Starkey. Coart- ship, sw i, QoMea Pas and lueehaaaret are three- .M-ar-olds. The two year olds are: Brawn gelding b Pita Herbert — Marise. Brawl colt by Fitz Herbert .Mrs. Ma la prop. chestnut gelding by Peter Quince Pamela. Bay call by sir Joha Johaaoa Uelee. Bj v filly by M.irta Baata — Miss lresent. I.rown colt by Traaavaal Qaeea of the Bayaii There will l«- three or four additions of F.nglish horses, brought aver a short while ago. Superintendent James J*. ltos -aid yesterday that there are now in the barns at the Kentucky Aso m ciatiea course Ml horses and that the general health tier.- is good. Dr. Harry Chain H.issler, who arrived from India luring the week, is looking over the horses at the local track with a view to the purchase of three or lour suitable lor lacing in the far east if he am bides to go hack, all of which depends Upaa the duration of the war and the situation as regards the Inited States. .lelf. rson Livingstons Ashland Oaks winner, Mandy Hamilton, is at Military Stock Farm to be mated with Jiin linfTney. Star Jasmine will not be trained this year. She baa beea retired to the stud at Ashland by T. c. McDoweJL Willbaa Ierkins has twentj horses here in charge of Henry Boberta. The chestnut dam Iink lb. ■ dam of Magazine is said to have been the highest-tried eat ling here last fall.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917021201/drf1917021201_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1917021201_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800