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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Germany has small chance to starve England into submission bv ruthless submarine warfare, according to Rowland E. Prothero, minister of agriculture, who savs England has never before possessed so manv bead of live stock as now. and that there are sufficient stocks of different food provided for any eventuality. Construction of a heavy wire net to be lowered after nightfall, when submarines cannot be detected by special methods of observation, is one of the measures being taken to protect New-York harbor from submarine attacks. According to reliable information nearly 100.000 tons of foodstuffs ami war munitions have been lost to the entente allies, principally Great Britain, through German submarine activities since February 1. Cuba has arranged for large shipments of munitions and coal as protective measures in case of a possible rupture of relations with Germany. The war department has ordered 9.2-inch gins. which, it is said, will prove far more efficient than the German 42 centimeters.