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NEW YORK RACING GOSSIP ENTRIES OF HORSES OWNED BY CUBAN SPORTSMEN AROUSE INTEREST. Stable of Lczama and Alvarez Likely to Be Increased in Number — Dalys Engagement Wise Action — Health Sought on Race Track. By M Col.. New York. March 5.— The ft mi lb ■■ nUlei of horse* owned by Messrs. A. Lczama and E. Alvarez. two Cuban sportsmen, indicate that the seed of thoroughbred racing has been sown in Cuba. "While the stable at present consists of only four horses — Shooting Star. Demaeey, Libyan Sands and POUgh-keepsie- -it is the nucleus of what may prove a much buses stable, according to advices from the island. In procuring the services of Mr. Daly, toner illy known as "Little Mike," Messrs. I.eznma and Alvarez have not tone far astray as to picking cut a competent and painstaking trainer. Daly has been in the business a number of years and developed many good horses. lie is not what is generally termed a hotel trainer, but one who attends strictly to business and the affairs of his charges. The best horse he had last year was Flittergold. which he trained for Q. A. Muller. the Philadelphia bn wer, who bought a few horses for Daly. This recalls the fact that Mr. Muller Mid when buying the horses: "I am getting them to give "Little Mike something to do. but I am also buying so that 1 can get the atmosphere of a race course and watch the early morning proceedings for my health. My doctor advised outdoor exercise and mild recreation and proscribed horse racing as the best tonic for health. I had been in poor health for a couple of year;, bat getting up in the morning gives me an appetite and. after the days sport is over. I could sleep on a rail fence. To my mind there is nothing like owning two or three horses and fussing around a rate course for health. The late James K. Keen" told me it mt ten years oa his life and I dont knew bow mauy it has put on mine, but quite some." Racing Kept Up en the Continent. One would think that Germany had enough troubles without bothering with horse racing, but the powers la all Europe evidently recognize the value of the thoroughbred — Germany in particular. The necessity for the continuation of horse racing is attested by the string of dates allotted to the various trne ks for this year. England is to bare probably fifty days racing this year if the present allotment of dates by the Jockey Club is not made even shorter by governmental edict. The Deutsciior Snort, however, is authority for the statement which shows the Germans are "going some" with a list of fixtures Which includes 153 days of racing. In the vicinity of Berlin. Hoppegarten, Grunewahl and Karishnrst arc each allotted sixteen days and Strassburg eight. Aside from these, meetings have been arranged for Broslan. Frankfort. Hamburg Horn. Hamburg Cross, Borstal, Hanover. Ilorst Emscher. Cologne, Leipsic. Magdeburg. Duisburg. Munich. Neuss and Weis-badjea, with lacing including tests oa the flat and over tie1 jumps. Nothing should have greater weight with the powers in this country in determining the useful -lies* ,f the thoroughbred. Germany discovered years ago that thoroughbred bhMd was the foundation for the horse of quality and need. Even in these distressing nines the thoroughbred is not being neglected; on the contrary it is being encouraged. A lesson from the GeiauUH and all European countries could be well learned and digested by some folks on this side of the Atlantic.