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HOT SPRINGS ! The ret 1 opening • the Spring racing leaaaa, the King of BporU, ia bete. Everyone feeia like BMk* las -i little extra money with ■ naall amount of capital. 1 :.iii ia a position to help you and help myxelf. We ran !» t:i make profits out or what I ki.... CN MAP.CH 14 and 1G AT HOT SPRINGS. 1 know ail about two horses, v.liieh were shipped t.. New Orleana to be printed Cor racing. They are now :.t il t s;iri:iLs. ready to win oat date* mentioned the pricea ahaold he good and the result ■ever in doabt. I am well acqnainted with the ]....jil- aad waa bald b g.» ahead. 1 will gladly m i..| the naaaea "f three horaoa FRKK to anyone tvlra will *end ue 85 on each horse AFTER THEY WOT. 11" - will be Mi:t to yoa TREE by mail, h" too «iil keep year wot I. No aaaaey hi ad-i 11 Pay after the race. No carda aaewered. JAMES BRILL EatarpriM Bldg., Clinton Ave. and Broadway, ALBANY, NEW YORK.