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STALLION VULCAIN LEASED TO E. C. ARNOLD. August Belmont has loused to p. . Arnold of » iminiiati, O., the Rock Sand itsltisa Yuhnin. and be has heea truasfened from the Nursery Stud to the farm of Talbot Bros., Paris. Ky.. where he will make the season. Vubain is a brown horse, foaled 1910. dam I.ady of the Vale, by Rayon dOr. and WU a high-class stake winner in Irao «e, winning among other the Pita Miss Choliatoi. rahsc ST. sso. at a mile ami three eighths; the Prix NuslUes, ralue Si:..31o. at one and one-half miles: the 1rix Beiset, value ,250, at a mile aud Seven-ligkths.