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Havana Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, March 15. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was i made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- | viaticns show track conditions. o o Racing starts at 3:30 p. in. Chicago time, 3:00. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud ruuuer. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track reeord: Jan. 1, 1910— .- 9 5— .- — 114. Todavs Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Hnn. :ti.is2: Miss Ban Parker .112 1:03.-, 8 107X700 ol!»:»7- Beartlia 107 1:01--, 4 188X88B 818SP* Marigold 1111:81% 4 88X888 83858 Mrs. Me 110 1:01% !112X»;» SSiaS Mazurka 107 1:01 7 112X888 321499 Teeto 188 1:88% 7112..888 82172 Palm Leaf IOSImhi- 8 112X888 Miss Bam Harber is Inst here. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-vear-o!ds and upwaril. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 28, 1815— 1:11%— 4— 111. 82888s* Capita ii P.ravo 1111:18% 8 88X788 .•2172-* l.oia 188 1:18 4 88X886 32173 Sherwood 112 1:11% 10 104x09.", 82128* Zodiac 110 1 :18% 8 KKt X 888 3L17.".* Brown Prince 188 1:14% .", 88X888 3217.;* Nino htaehaehe ...115 1:18% 8 99x090 32172 N.iruoc J. V. Jr. . .101 1:14% 18 104X091 82172** Parole and Gold M 188 1:14% 4 184..888 83126 Btellata 187 1:18% 8 182x888 3210» Ilameikop M ...118 1:18% 4 188..888 82188 Doppertewa 188 1:12% 18 114X885 32172 Bray Mi 86 1:17% 8 88. .880 :Kil Protagoras 109 1:13 7 112X0S0 Nothing outstanding here. Third Race — 3-4 Mile. I voar-olils and upward. Claiming. Track reeord: Dec 28, 1915— 1:11%— 4—111. 3217.". .dors 86 1:18% 0 107x725 83188 Jim Batch 1011:14-. 8 88x720 32103* Water Lee 1011:14::5 4 90x715 Todavs Tnd. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wl.ilan. 32124 Castara 166 1:14% 0 109X715 92644* Gano 118 1:18% 5 107.. 710 32177* Hedge Bone 112 1:18% 10 1040705 32120 Paulson 86 1:18% 4 104X700 32123 Captain Elliott ...103 1:14 7 109X700 Colors is due and racing well. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 28, 1915— 1 :11 ■".-,— 4— 111. 32135-* Doctor Zab 105 1:15% 4 101X725 32125* Lucille B 1111:14 5 107X720 32124 Unity 106 1:1311 5 104X715 32107= Wavering 11041:18% 7 168X715 321N9 Brookfield 102 1:12!.-, 7 109X715 32107 Bthaa Allen 168 1:18% 8 168X716 821*2 Kleanor 109 1:13 4 109x705 82146* Regular 116 1:14% 5 112X715 82162* Mac 112 1:12 0 117X705 Doctor Zab should score here. Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 24, 1917— 1:05-, — 5— 180. 3_ lt;i SABLE 168 1:67% 8 88X756 321021 Little Nephew 126 1:66% 0 112x740 82162* Itefngee 109 1:07/-. 4 111.. 735 32139* Fleeha Negri 92 1:07% 3 93X730 83176* Bird Man 102 1:I5;-. 0 117X731 32170 Zali 166 1:68 0 110X730 SSITO* Immense 165 147% 3 88. .728 81861 TWO Koyals 10S l:07i 5 112X725 32170* P.ulg.r 117 1 :S 5 100X710 Sable is a fine filly and in light. Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 4-ye.n old-- and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 23, 1917—1:40—4—99. 32141 Tinkle Bell 168 1:46a 5 109X725 32175 * Hapenny 10S 1:40 0 109X721 32105* Res. -ue 105 1:43.-, 5 104. .715 82188 Beg 111 1:43V;; 5 104X710 82165 Akrardl 108 1:48% 4 110x710 32074* After Night ; 94 1:48% 4 97X705 32188* Tatiaaa 1861:48% 4 188X765 32177 Insurance Man ...107 1:42% 7 102X700 Tinkle BeUl laet race woahl win here.