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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. W. s. Voshurgh bus been unpointed steward to represent tin .look-y Club at the- soring meetings of the Metropolitan Jockej Club at Jamaica. Long Island. II. K. Kuapo was appoint 1 by the Jockey Club at the recent meeting to officiate in tie- capacity of steward at the siiume-r meeting of the Westell, s,---.- iiaing Association at Belmont Park. Richard Sampson, the- steeplechase rider, has just returned to New York from Fiance by way of Greece. He was on tin- steamship Armenia when it waa torpedoed. For three hours he floated around on a 1 elder, when be was picked up by an ally patrol boat. Unless he contraets to ride for a prominent stab!" which is after his services, he will ride na -c free i. .ace- this aeuann. star :-h.- t. Woolsifaorpe, Phraades, Dirk WeBee and Golden Maxim an- the only Bin represented more than once among tl.e thirtj leading winning borsea c.f the- recent Havana meeting, each having two to l.i- credit. Besides having the- leader Shooting Star to his credit. Star Shoot is represented by Alhena. ninth on the list. Woolsthorpe is rep-rese-nte-.l by Sure-get. second and Laura, fourteenth. The following Imported foals of DID! have been registered with the- Jockey ilsoof luthtii by Mr. Duncan Grant: Bay e-olt by ieriele- Purple Light: bay roll by Heliotrope Crass Duchess: chestnut by Marco Alouuln; bay colt by Heliotrope llul-tons System; bay col! by Land LeagUI Mill Bay; bay or brown colt by Heliotrope Applecross; chestnut filly b. Perielei Stray Mumeiiis; bay filly by Jieliotrom.-— St-isdou rriuceands.