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FITZSIMMONS HAS LARGE PUBLIC STABLE. Over Twenty-Five Horses in His Care, Inchidin? Many Proa.ijing Two-Year-Olus. By Ed Cole. New York. April t.- .lames Fitzsiuimons has one of tin- largest public training stable ■ in the country. He has twenty five boTSfl in training. Fitzsinimoiis is one of the ounger school of trainers rad his early ebuat imi was in the saddle at i.loueester. New Jersey, where he rode far the late Alex OgOvie. As a rider. ■•Fitz" was on" of tiie beat "f his lay and notwithstanding surroundings at race courses in those times, bore the beat of reputations. As a trainer he has folia aad the rules laid down for himself while riding, lie estates the utmost confidence of his employers, paying all attention to Ma labors, knowing little bin the habit of worklag BOd gi tting his horses in tl. •• best possible racing condition. "I turn llieni out on Cue irack as good as I can make em." says Pitaahaasaaa. "If they canl win. il is b. cause In tter horses beat them. Some folks Ciiak that, aaghl to know every time a horse can uin. I wi-li 1 did 1 wouldnt have 1.. work mere than a year or two to get money enough to aappori nay aife and seven kiddfc ~. As it is I rarely bet mere th n: or 0 on any hone. I think if I be! 5 and Ihe horse won. ! wouldnt live to «o!l. .-t it. It is a hard game lying to pick win aera and for hat reason 1 stick close to my work ami try and aria purses for those who employ me. Had Good Luck with Stable This Year. "I hare had good back with my -table this winter and iny horses are rather forward. I expect to have them ready for Havre de Grace and hare arranged to ship there on April 1 I. 1 guess we shall all have a hard game Lis year and it will take a pretty good barae to win a race. Then is a Blight] good head of horsea in this coaatry this year and racing should be good and profitable to everybody, owing to the good purses. We have had many lean aCBBOBa, but things look much brighter now than they did five years ago. Tiie following is the list oi" horses in James Iitzsim.iions public stable: Quincy Stable. Past Master, blk. c. 4. by Waterhoy— Yvonettc. Habceck. blk. c : . by Wafrboy — ihaiitasma. Three heirs, cb. e, :5. by Celt Sumptuous. Assign, b. c. 1. by Superman — Award. Chatterbox, ch. f i by McOee Koyal Daa. Dragoon, br. c. L. by nnard — Jlrs. F. !. Hogan. Editii F.. ch. f, 1. by Transvaal — Lady Aristocracy. George Waahiagtoa, ch. c. °. by Celt— Sally Washington. Polly .1.. b. f. 1*. by Waterhoy — Sister Jennie. Star Spangle, br. c, :.. by Superman -Notnsulga. Trophy, eh. c. 1!. by l.allot Miss Crittenden. Nasbau Stable. Bead, ch. c. t, by Bthehheri -Boadoir. Gtertele, ch. e, -J. by G tori tier Ni da. Go-To-It. b. C, -. by Solitaire Georgia Yl. Kokohi. ch. f. -. by Celt Baari. Poor Batterfly, ch. f. U. by Celt Amine. Yaulter, by Negofol— Lady of the Vale. H. L. Piatt. Gaarock, ch. •. ?,. by ijock laad— Gaaftre. Thornblooia. br. c. t, by Flint K«x-k White Thorn. Cnniecock, ch. c. L. by l.allot- Alniadie. Joseph E. Davis. Graad Opera, ch. c. 4. by Stmtry Light Opera. hlasterfcey, br. e, -. by Bala Miss Laetitia. J. J. Koran. Aileen O., Ch. f. 2, by Celt -Frantic. C. N. Williams Maid, u Hair. b. f. L". by Trap Bock Lady Fern. Grasvenor F?.rm Stable. Precise, b. f. :!. by Waterhoy -Irini II. Fitzsimmons will have three Jackeya at his command. Morris Uowan. who rode at Havana all winter, being under contract. Darling. line and McGraW are empioyi d by the iMiiucy Stable.